Australia Quiz 3


XPdite Hero
Jullie hebben aardig wat tijd om deze quiz te doen aangezien ik 4 dagen naar Longreach ga voor het Easter weekend. Veel succes.

1. Australia is home to people originally from more than
140 Countries
80 Countries
190 Countries
120 Countries

2. Where abouts is Shark Bay
North of Perth

3. What is also known as the 'coat hanger'?
Sydney Harbour Bridge
A Bottle Brush tree
A really drunk person
A mating platypus

4. What does 'Hard Yakka' mean?
Tough chewing. E.g. chewie meat.
Long Travel
Hard Work
Serious discussion

5. What is 'Akubra'?
A popular Australian brand of hats
A star constellation only seen in the Southern Hemisphere
Aboriginal word for the mythological rainbow serpent
A deadly snake

6. What is the 'Black Stump'?
An aboriginal road sign
The baby of a sewage crocodile
An imaginated place far away
James Cooks mummified body

7. Where is the Great Victoria Desert?
In South Australia
In North-West Victoria
East of Sydney
In the Tasman sea

8. What is Australia's nickname?
The lucky country
The green valley
The magic land
The lost territory

9. The total area of Australia is?
7,686,850km (Squared)
15,590,580km (Squared)
25,436,500km (Squared)
6,542,860km (Squared)

10. Do you like to play Australia Quiz 4?
No I don’t want to play any more quizzes
Silvia said:
Jullie hebben aardig wat tijd om deze quiz te doen aangezien ik 4 dagen naar Longreach ga voor het Easter weekend. Veel succes.
Veel plezier!!

1. Australia is home to people originally from more than
140 Countries ?? gokje

2. Where abouts is Shark Bay
North of Perth

3. What is also known as the 'coat hanger'?
Sydney Harbour Bridge

4. What does 'Hard Yakka' mean?
Hard Work

5. What is 'Akubra'?
A popular Australian brand of hats

6. What is the 'Black Stump'?
An imaginated place far away

7. Where is the Great Victoria Desert?
In South Australia

8. What is Australia's nickname?
The lucky country

9. The total area of Australia is?
25,436,500km (Squared) gokje!!! ????

10. Do you like to play Australia Quiz 4?
Altijd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

En dankje voor alle quizjes, erg leuk!! :)
Niet gek. Je hebt maar 1 fout antwoord. Lost and Aussielover willen jullie deze nog doen? Dan wachten we nog even.
Silvia said:
Jullie hebben aardig wat tijd om deze quiz te doen aangezien ik 4 dagen naar Longreach ga voor het Easter weekend. Veel succes.

1. Australia is home to people originally from more than
120 Countries ?

2. Where abouts is Shark Bay
North of Perth

3. What is also known as the 'coat hanger'?
A Bottle Brush tree

4. What does 'Hard Yakka' mean?
Hard Work

5. What is 'Akubra'?
A popular Australian brand of hats

6. What is the 'Black Stump'?
An imaginated place far away

7. Where is the Great Victoria Desert?
In South Australia

8. What is Australia's nickname?
The lucky country

9. The total area of Australia is?
7,686,850km (Squared)

10. Do you like to play Australia Quiz 4?
No, I want to play more quizzes but are very busy with the migration process !