Creation (joke)


New Member
Creation - The Australian version.
In the beginning God created day and night.
He created day for footy matches, going to the beach and BBQ's
He created night for going prawning,sleeping and BBQ's, and God saw that it was good.

On theSecond Day, God created water - for surfing, swimming and BBQ's on the beach and God saw that it was good.

On the Third Day God created the Earth to bring forth plants - to provide malt and yeast for beer and wood for BBQs, and God saw that it was good.

On the Fourth Day God created animals and crustaceans for chops, sausages, steak and prawns for BBQ's, and God saw that it was good.

On the Fifth day God created a Bloke - to go to the footy, enjoy the beach, drink the beer and eat the meat and prawns at BBQ's, and God saw that it was good.

On the Sixth Day God saw that the Bloke was lonely and needed someone to go to the footy, surf, drink beer, eat and stand around the barbie with. So God created Mates, and God saw that they were good Blokes, and God saw that it was good.

On the Seventh Day God looked around at the twinkling barbie fires, heard the hiss of opening beer cans and the raucous laughter of all the Blokes. He smelled the aroma of grilled chops and sizzling prawns and God Saw that it was good ... ...
Well . Almost good.

He saw that the Blokes were too tired to clean up and needed a rest.
So God created Sheilas - to clean the house, to bear children, to wash, to cook and to clean the Barbie, and then God saw that it was not just good.
It was better than that, it was [glow=red,2,300]Bloody Awesome[/glow]!

Ja, hij is grappig!
En het klopt ook echt, wat ik hier om me heen zie in elk geval. Mannen doen weinig in huis en met de kinderen. Ik las laatst ergens in een wachtkamer een ingezonden brief in een blad van zo'n Sheila die moest lachen omdat haar man voor de tv in laap was gevallen en zij maakte hem wakker door te stofzuigen, waarop hij kwaad werd. En zij zette de stofzuiger uit en vond dit dus zo'n grappig voorval dat ze er dus een brief over stuurde. Echt ongelooflijk.
en ik maar steeds zelf de barbie schoonmaken...tsjjjj  :-D daar gaat dus nu verandering in komen!