Does anyone have experience flying light aircraft/general aviation aircraft?


New Member

One of the first things i want to do when i'm down under is to get a pilots license. I've had some lessons here in Holland already, but i've never had enought time to gain enough experience to actually be able to obtain a PPL license. Does Australia also use the RPL/PPL system and is it expensive to obtain one? I've heard that it's much cheaper then in Holland, even for a multi-engine ATPL license!! (Not that i want to fly a 747, but a Cessna citation mustang would be nice :-D ) Also Australia is probally much better to see from the sky then Holland.
PPL is goed te doen hier (heb hem niet, maar heb wel geinformeerd); kost ongeveer $13,000.

Daarna is het dak uiteraard los met alle twin engine, night flight, all weather, en alle andere "add-ons" tot en met commercial licence.

Doe maar eens een "google" op "PPL" of "flight training" en de staat waar je wilt wonen; komt meer dan voldoende info uit!
