XPdite Sponsor
Anyone in Australia (including a lawyer) who uses knowledge of migration procedures to offer advice or assistance to a person wishing to obtain a visa to enter or remain in Australia must be registered.
Certain people such as ... close family members (i.a. only your spouse, child, adopted child, parent, brother or sister) sponsors and nominators are able to provide you with immigration assistance only as long as they do not ask for or receie a fee or a reward.
There are serious criminal penalties for breaching the law (including imprisonment if the unregistred person asks for a fee or receives an award for his services).
(excerpt of section 280 - Migration Act 1958)
For the record:
Everything I write and have written on this forum is my personal opinion and should not be construed as advice, assistance or information in relation to immigration procedures in general or directed at any other member or visitor of this forum that is actually involved in such a procedure, even if accidentally information is provided about ones own or others experiences in the past that may be helpful to others.
Misschien voor alle zekerheid - je weet nooit wie er een keer over valt of een probleem van maakt - een sticky maken met dit soort tekst zodat dit voor alle actieve forum leden van toepassing is. Gezond verstand zegt: "t zou niet nodig hoeven zijn", maar als jurist zeg ik "beter mee verlegen dan om verlegen..." :smile: