in name of Liam; thanks! It was very hard for him to find out how to work this forum since he is in ireland at the moment and I was trying to show him while we were on the msn in holland... this thursday i will be flying over to ireland and show him exactly how everything works. I told Liam that he probably really likes this forum and that there are loads of people out there that like to practise their english. He would also like to learn more dutch as well. Fortunately he already knows a bit, like:
-hoe gaat het?
-goed, en met jou?
-lekker weertje he?
-nee, koud (haha, we zijn in nederland natuurlijk)
-welterusten, slaap lekker tot morgen
-klootzak, trut, eikel
-en natuurlijk allemaal lieve woordjes maar die hou ik wel voor mezelf
Cu later! Grts, Mariekske