Migrant publication a big hit


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Migrant publication a big hit
24 February 2010

It may not be as famous as Twilight or the latest Dan Brown thriller, but a Department of Immigration and Citizenship publication has itself proven a smash hit, according to the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson.

'The Beginning a Life in Australia booklets, which are published on the department's website in English and 37 community languages, had some 840 000 hits in 2009,' Mr Ferguson said.

'As a government, we do the best we can to provide new arrivals with the information they need to participate in the community and this publication helps new migrants with practical information as they settle in Australia.'

The booklets give people a grounding in what they can expect, and provides information on things as crucial as employment, housing and education.

This is particularly useful for refugees, so it is translated into languages such as Burmese, Nepali and Arabic as well as some less common languages such as Swahili, Karen and Kirundi.

'The feedback we received indicates that this is well appreciated by newcomers,' Mr Ferguson said.

The booklets complement a comprehensive range of settlement services provided by the Australian Government. This includes intensive settlement assistance, English language training, translating and interpreting services and community grants programs.

'The Australian Government takes seriously its responsibility to offer effective settlement support to the people who come to live in this country,' Mr Ferguson said.

The booklets also complement the 75–minute settlement information DVDs for newly arrived refugees from African and Asian countries developed by the department, Australia – a new home.

The Beginning a Life in Australia booklets are revised and published annually on the department's website.
See: Beginning a Life in Australia

The next edition is expected to be released in April 2010.


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URL: http://www.minister.immi.gov.au /parlsec/media/media-releases/2010/lf10011.htm
Last update: 24 February 2010 at 10:23 AEST