Hi all people of Australia
both my wife and me has the intention to move or to Australia [I have family near Sidney]
or New Zealand [ also family overthere] or the USA
yes family as well
Holland is getting to crowdy and to many rules
and there is NO space around the cities anymore
Ook de aanslagen in Holland maken ons bang
de in-tolerantie en agressief weggedrag
de moord op Theo van Gogh opende onze ogen maar besluiten deden we al ver daar voor
Ik neem aan dat als je een grote familie hebt dat dit wel meehelpt
en tja we bezitten finacien en ik heb gehoord dat dat ook meeteld
en mijn hobby classic race and works scramble bikes give me more joy in a country where I can ride and not bothered by traffic jam`s
oh we have day`s in Holland where we have 400 kilometer of jams
my uncle came with the british soldiers to set Holland free of the Germans at D-day
no reason to explain why we are so proud of him
but if I ever could tell him that what our political party`s did to our small post-stamp country ,I think he would be upset
en over het klimaat in Australie : ohhhh wonderful
I like Perth
now my struggling....I can make a choice between 3 countries
USA is a big question and they seems to be in a hurry as we are in the netherlands
is there jobs in welding and nursing ?? and my sister went for vacation to Australia 2 times and oud and new is very strange on a beach with a glass of wine and say cheers under a sunny blue sky
any comments ??
Cheers Frank
ps we are not leave because we are not satified
but we are scared in Holland..........
both my wife and me has the intention to move or to Australia [I have family near Sidney]
or New Zealand [ also family overthere] or the USA
yes family as well
Holland is getting to crowdy and to many rules
and there is NO space around the cities anymore
Ook de aanslagen in Holland maken ons bang
de in-tolerantie en agressief weggedrag
de moord op Theo van Gogh opende onze ogen maar besluiten deden we al ver daar voor
Ik neem aan dat als je een grote familie hebt dat dit wel meehelpt
en tja we bezitten finacien en ik heb gehoord dat dat ook meeteld
en mijn hobby classic race and works scramble bikes give me more joy in a country where I can ride and not bothered by traffic jam`s
oh we have day`s in Holland where we have 400 kilometer of jams
my uncle came with the british soldiers to set Holland free of the Germans at D-day
no reason to explain why we are so proud of him
but if I ever could tell him that what our political party`s did to our small post-stamp country ,I think he would be upset
en over het klimaat in Australie : ohhhh wonderful
I like Perth
now my struggling....I can make a choice between 3 countries
USA is a big question and they seems to be in a hurry as we are in the netherlands
is there jobs in welding and nursing ?? and my sister went for vacation to Australia 2 times and oud and new is very strange on a beach with a glass of wine and say cheers under a sunny blue sky
any comments ??
Cheers Frank
ps we are not leave because we are not satified
but we are scared in Holland..........