VOG translated or not?


New Member
Hi everyone again.

Well we finally got a case officer for our application this morning however he has requested that we send a translated version of the VOG dutch certificate of character. It is in english at the bottom so does it really need to be translated.
A few people on britishexpats have said that the english paragraph on the bottom will be fine but have you had any experience of this.
Did you all get your VOG's with the english bit at the bottom aswell or was it just like that for foreigners.
There has been instances of inexperienced case officers missing the english paragraph so maybe if I point this out it will be fine??? I hope

Thanks Eamon
Dear Eamon,

Everyone gets the English paragraph at the bottom of the VOG. I got my CO April 14th and was not asked to provide a translation. To me it seems that the CO's do not all know the rules exactly, whatever the rules may be. You should consider contacting your CO and refer him/her to the piece at the bottom, maybe your CO had not seen it, tell them that many others are not asked for a translation and that you find that inconsistent.

Hi Eamon,

Same here, when we provided the VOG (in 2005) the Ducth one with the translated lines at the bottom were all we needed ...
SO sounds like the CO may need to get a few tips ..