Volgens mijn bureau TIG is dit wat momenteel speelt:
Please note that these changes have not been officially confirmed by DIMA. If the changes do come in, we don't know yet whether they will apply to applications already lodged, or exactly what the changes will be (although these kinds of changes often don't apply to applications that have been lodged, so you may not be affected). It is also not known if the requirements will also change for secondary applicants (ie applicants 18 years of age or over who need to demonstrate they have functional English to avoid paying a second application fee to cover English language tuition. Currently functional English is demonstrated by a score of 4.5 out of 9 on each of the 4 components of the IELTS).
dus minimaal 4,5 van de negen maar het probleem zat in de schrijftest, de essay hadden we niks aan geoefend, bij mij na oefening 2 punten omhoog, de volgorde en indeling wisten we niks van.