Zeg het voort. Zegt het voort. Kent U iemand die in Sydney woont? :lol:


Zaterdag 15 juli, a.s., in de Neerlandia Club, Frenchs Forest.

Informatie voor oud-Nederlanders, hier in Sydney. We noemen het: DISCOVERY WORKSHOP!
En het wordt een volle dag! Lees maar:

The lunch and seminar in the Neerlandia clubhouse, cnr Grattan Crescent and Bantry Bay Road in Frenchs Forest, on July 15 promises to be a full day.

In the morning, representatives of the National Archives and State Records will explain how to trace immigration from the country of origin to Australia. After lunch Felicia Gerritsen will talk about genealogy. Felicia has recently paid a visit to Utah, where the Mormons apparently have details of most of the world’s population. Our member, Pieter Eveleens, will conclude the day with a lecture on: “Paper and Electronica”. A focus for many, interested in preservation of written and archival material.
Become a member on that day and admittance will be charged as “member’. Membership fees are: P.A.:family $ 40; conc. $ 30; single $ 30;conc.:$ 20.
Payment at the door, but, for catering purposes, please email: workshop@dacc.com.au (Please include your name and number of people attending.)

Joop Mul (Lid van het bestuur van de D.a.C.C.) en beheerder van: http://dacc.com.au