Belangrijke wijziging voor Accountants

Rob Breumelhof

Active Member
Hallo allemaal,

Zojuist is er een belangrijke wijziging bekend geworden voor de 'skills assessment' voor accountants.

De tekst van de aankondiging staat hieronder.

Applicants and agents are advised that the following change to assessment arrangements and guidelines is to take immediate effect, ie. from 6 September 2007:

Applicants have normally been required to provide evidence in relation to the satisfactory completion of 9 of 12 core study areas. Two of these study areas have been Australian Company Law and Australian Taxation Law.

Effective immediately, applicants may now choose to provide evidence in relation to the satisfactory completion of Company Law and Taxation Law completed in their degree program in the home country (ie. non Australian Company Law and non Australian Taxation Law).

This change in assessment arrangements will apply to assessment applications already lodged and currently in process with the National Institute of Accountants.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Rob Breumelhof