Closure of ACT nomination program to overseas applicants for 2013/14

Rob Breumelhof

Active Member
Beste forumleden,

Wij hebben vandaag de volgende informatie van de ACT ontvangen.

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is pleased to announce that program targets for the Skilled- Nominated (subclass 190) visa have been met for the 2013/14 financial year.

Effective close of business today (25 March 2014), applications for ACT nomination from overseas residents will not be accepted. If your clients are living overseas, they will not be able to apply for ACT nomination of a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa until the program reopens in July 2014.

Applications for ACT nomination already submitted before COB today will still be processed in queue order.

Please note, the processing time for applications lodged in late February onwards is likely to be 4 to 6 months, due to the large number of applications received prior to the publication of the 2014 Occupation List

If your clients are living in Canberra and working in a skilled occupation, they are still able to apply for ACT nomination of the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa providing they meet the current nomination criteria.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Rob Breumelhof
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