GSM update


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GSM Processing Update - 14 February 2011

15 February 2011
The Department of Immigration has issued an advice that certain GSM (General Skilled Migration) applicants should initiate health and police checks for their applications. This is a sign that processing is moving forward on the backlog of GSM applications in the system - currently there are some 130,000 applicants in the GSM pipeline.

The Minister for Immigration announced processing priority levels applying to GSM applications from August 2010. Under this system, all applicants in priority group 2 and some applicants in priority group 3 are advised to undertake health and character checks.

Applications Where Health and Character Should be Obtained
Only certain applicants should commence health and character checks. These are as follows:
  • Applicants nominated under a State Migration Plan (Priority Group 2 - both onshore and offshore subclasses)
  • Offshore applicants with an occupation on the new SOL who have lodged prior to 30 June 2010 (Priority Group 3 - subclasses 175, 176 and 475)
  • Onshore applicants with an occupation on the new SOL who have lodged prior to 30 September 2010 (Priority Group 3 - subclasses 885, 886 and 487)
Applicants from high risk countries where security clearances are known to be slow (eg Pakistan, Iran) may be best to delay obtaining clearances until requested, as the security clearances can take 6 months or more.

amaai, het moet echt vooruit gaan!! het zal zo nog druk worden op de vluchten, en in de havens (containers.. MET BANANAS!!)
En dan dit bericht ;

Latest processing information - 16/Feb/2011


Applications lodged before the following dates are currently being
considered by a case officer:

Priority 2 State Migration Plan*:
(* State migration Plan currently available for VIC, ACT, NT, QLD, Tas, WA
& SA)

Please see the attached document for important information relevant to
those with a current application in Priority Group 2.

(See attached file: Important Information for Priority 2 applicants.pdf)

Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) subclass 176
VE 176 (e-lodged): 15 February 2011
VE 176 (paper): 15 February 2011

Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) subclass 886:
VB 886 (e-lodged) 4 February 2011
VB 886 (paper): 4 February 2011

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 475
VF 475 (e-lodged): 15 February 2011
VF 475 (paper): 15 February 2011

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 487
VB 886 (e-lodged) 4 February 2011
VB 886 (paper): 4 February 2011

Priority group 3
Please see the attached document for important information relevant to
those with a current application in Priority Group 3.

(See attached file: Important Information for Priority 3 applicants.pdf)

Allocation of Priority Group 3 applications will recommence once all
onhand Priority Group 2 applications have been allocated.
Any application that was previously Priority Group 4 that is now
eligible for Priority Group 3 processing which was lodged before the
dates listed below will be allocated first once Priority Group 3
allocations resume.

Skilled – Independent (Migrant) subclass 175
VE 175 (e-lodged): 14 January 2009
VE 175 (paper): 14 January 2009

Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) subclass 176
VE 176 (e-lodged):14 January 2009
VE 176 (paper): 14 January 2009

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 475
VF 475 (e-lodged): 14 January 2009
VF 475 (paper): 14 January 2009

Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) subclass 495 and
Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored subclass 496
UX 495 and UZ 496 (e-lodged and paper): All applicants who have an
occupation on the new Skilled Occupation List (SOL) – Schedule 3 have been

Skilled – Independent (Residence) subclass 885
VB 885 (e-lodged) 30 March 2010
VB 885 (paper): 15 January 2010

Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) subclass 886:
VB 886 (e-lodged) 7 March 2010
VB 886 (paper): 15 January 2010

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 487
VC 487 (e-lodged) 30 March 2010
VC 487 (paper): 6 November 2009

Priority Exempt Applications
Visa Subclasses 476, 485 and 887 are exempt from the current priority
processing direction. Applications under these subclasses will be
processed in the order in which they were received by the department.

Applications lodged before the following dates are currently being
considered by a case officer:

Skilled – Recognised Graduate subclass 476
VF 476 (e-lodged): 2 December 2010
VF 476 (paper): 2 December 2010

Skilled – Graduate subclass 485
VC 485 (e-lodged) 16 December 2009
VC 485 (paper): 14 November 2009

Skilled – Regional subclass 887
VB 887 (e-lodged) 9 February 2011
VB 887 (paper): 20 November 2010

Subsequent Entrant Applications
All subsequent entrant applications for subclasses 485, 487 and 475: 28
January 2011

Looks like all CAT 2 apps have got CO.
CAT 3 is also slowly moving on.

Super nieuws voor cat2-mensen, balen voor die arme stakkers die wachten op de NSW SMP :oops:

groetjes Chantal1