Kangaroo Island Lovers?

Pffff.... Nou, voor de mensen met de lange adem en hun hart op de juiste plaats. Dhr Tony Burke is ondertussen vervangen door een ander paasei en wel Greg Hunt.....


*** Please email the Australian Environment Minister Greg Hunt. Urge him to reject this proposal (Referral 2013/6770) under Australia’s Federal environment laws - Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au ***

While it has been awhile since my last contact, work has been continuing to try and stave off the threat of oil and gas to the special region called the Kangaroo Island Pool and Canyons that is of such huge importance to wildlife and the Kangaroo Island's fishing communities and ecotourism industry.

We have recently had a change of Government, and now have a new Environment Minister, Greg Hunt.

On the 17th January, the oil and gas proposal (Referral 2013/6770) went into it final stage and now sits with the Minister for a decision. The company’s environmental impact assessment is still flawed:
1) They misrepresent the work of scientists and technical experts.
2) Their proposal could impact the Island's fisheries, tourism industry and wildlife including sea lions, blue, sperm and southern right whales, rare beaked whales, significant numbers of dolphin species, sharks and southern bluefin tuna.
3) They have not genuinely consulted with the Kangaroo Island community.
4) They have not given the Island’s fishing and ecotourism industries a real say in this process.

So, one last time we ask you all to please urge the Australian Environment Minister Greg Hunt, to reject this proposal (Referral 2013/6770) under Australia’s Federal environment laws - Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au

- Let him know the community is watching

Help us prevent this precious area becoming a new frontier for oil and gas, threatening marine species and the marine environment.

Fingers-crossed everyone as we launch into the final phase!
