Meest recente updates NL pop-upconsulaten voor NL paspoortvernieuwing

@afterbang: antwoorden ingevuld in jouw quotes hieronder:

Extra aanleveren voor Nataschja (de partner van @afterbang) zodra ze AU citizen is geworden en haar NL-schap wil behouden door aanvraag NL paspoort:

- bewijs dat @afterbang Australier was op het moment dat Nataschja Australier werd (@afterbang's geldig AU paspoort en citizenship certificate)

- bewijs dat @afterbang en Nataschja in een officieel in NL erkende relatie waren op het moment dat Nataschja Australier werd (AU huwelijksakte)

- bewijs dat @afterbang en Nataschja niet gescheiden waren op het moment dat Nataschja Australier werd (ZIE POST HIERBOVEN)

- bewijs dat Nataschja Australier is geworden (Nataschja's AU citizenship certificate)

- bewijs dat Nataschja OP HET MOMENT VAN NL PASPOORTAANVRAAG Australier is (d.m.v. een GELDIG AU paspoort e/o AU rijbewijs)
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Hmmm, die speciale Schiphol balie is wellicht een idee aangezien Miss Bang nog naar NL vliegt dit jaar. Is even in verdiepen.

Edit: Linkje
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Ik hoor de PVV en BBB stemmers al afgaan. Waarom geld investeren om ‘buitenlanders’ makkelijker aan een paspoort te laten komen. Het aantal keren dat ik nu al in mijn omgeving hoor dat het idioot is dat mijn kinderen een dubbele nationaliteit hebben…
Pop-up Passport Desk Brisbane

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to announce that the consular team of the Netherlands consulate-general in Sydney will be visiting Brisbane on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of March 2025. You can now book appointments for this session.

The link to our appointment system can be found at step 2 of our website:

In English:
In Dutch:

Please choose category - “Passport-ID Card in Brisbane”.

If the appointment calendar gives a database error, please click on the upper right arrow to proceed to the next month and/or click on the upper left arrow to return to the applicable month.

If you do not succeed in making an online appointment, please email by stating your full contact details and name. If the appointment system is fully booked, your name will be placed on a waitlist in case we receive cancellations. We will contact you if an appointment becomes available for you.

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,

Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Level 23, Tower 2 / 101 Grafton Street (cnr Grosvenor Street)
Bondi Junction NSW 2022 (Sydney) │ Australia
P.O. Box 261 │ Bondi Junction NSW 1355 │ Sydney – Australia
T +61 (0)2 8305 6800
Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to announce that the consular team of the Netherlands consulate-general in Sydney will visit Hobart on the 28th of March.

Appointments are now open. The link to our appointment system can be found under step 2 on our website:
In English:
In Dutch:

Make sure you choose the category ‘Passport-ID Card in Hobart / Paspoort- ID kaart in Hobart’

If the appointment calendar gives a database error, please click on the upper right arrow to proceed to the following month and click on the upper left arrow to return to the previous month.

If you do not succeed in making an online appointment, please email by stating your full contact details and name. If the appointment system is fully booked, your name will be placed on a waitlist. We will only contact you if an appointment becomes available for you.

Kind regards,

Consular team

Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Level 23, Tower 2 / 101 Grafton Street (cnr Grosvenor Street)
Bondi Junction NSW 2022 (Sydney) │ Australia
P.O. Box 261 │ Bondi Junction NSW 1355 │ Sydney – Australia
T +61 (0)2 8305 6800

Download de reisapp van Buitenlandse Zaken en Douane:​


Informatieservice Buitenlandse Zaken​

We are pleased to announce that the consular team of the Netherlands consulate-general in Sydney will visit Adelaide on Wednesday the 2nd, Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th of April 2025.

Appointments are now open. The link to our appointment system can be found under step 2 on our website:
In English:
In Dutch:

Make sure you choose the category “Passport-ID Card in ADELAIDE”.
If the appointment calendar gives a database error, please click on the upper right arrow to proceed to the next month and click on the upper left arrow to return to the previous month.

If you do not succeed in making an online appointment, please immediately email by stating your full contact details and name.
If the appointment system is fully booked, your name will be placed on a waitlist in case we receive cancellations. We only reply to your e-mail if an appointment becomes available for you.

Kind regards,

Consular team of the consulate-general of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sydney

Download de reisapp van Buitenlandse Zaken en Douane:​
