News about skilled migration program.


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Onderstaand bericht uit de ochtendkrant The Australian, zoals ik het begrijp dus vandaag meer nieuws!!!

Hairdressers out as migrant skills list gets a trim
• Paul Maley
• From:The Australian
• May 17, 2010 12:00AM
THE Rudd government has cut by more than half the number of prized occupations and professions listed in the skilled migration program.
In a major rationalisation, Immigration Minister Chris Evans will today unveil a new list of just 181 skills, professions and occupations - down from the 400 cited in the old list.
Butter makers, journalists, script editors, fashion designers, intelligence officers, cooks and hairdressers are among those culled. But other, more specialised, professions - such as pharmacists - have also been dumped.
Senator Evans said the new list was part of an ongoing attempt by the government to decouple the link between education and immigration.
"Australia's migration program cannot be determined by the courses studied by international students," he said in a media release yesterday.
Senator Evans said that of the 41,000 general skilled visas granted in 2007-08, more than 5000 went to cooks and hairdressers, three-quarters of whom had studied in Australia.
The new list was developed by Skills Australia, an independent body, and will be updated annually.
Senator Evans said the new list was developed in consultation with industry groups and was focused on those skills required in the medium to long term.
He said the onus remained on training Australian workers to fill skills gaps.
The new leaner skills list is likely to draw a fiery response from the parts of the education sector specialising in offering cheap vocational courses to foreign students whose principal goal is the acquiring of Australian residency.
Yesterday, Senator Evans acknowledged the new list may dash the hopes of some foreign students. "The government recognises the proposed changes would affect some overseas students currently in Australia intending to apply for permanent residence," he said.
In February, he announced that 20,000 prospective migrants who applied before a tightening of the rules in September would have their applications rejected and their fees refunded.
Mindful of the impact on what has become a highly lucrative industry, Senator Evans said international students with much-needed skills would still be welcome.
"But we . . . will no longer accept the thousands of cooks and hairdressers who applied under the guidelines established by the Howard government."

Groetjes, Mien
Hee Steef,

Betekent: "The new skilled occupation list is due to come online on July 1" niet dat we dan weer visa kunnen aanvragen( mits je dus op de nieuwe SOL staat)?

Trouwens...leuk toch..die Australische kranten lezen op een zondagavondje...

Greetz, Mien
Hoi Mien,

Ik zag net dat de lijst er was en geldig wordt op 1 juli,
dus je heb gelijk.

En zondags een krantje lezen is idd leuk

Gr Steef
suc-6 allemaal

Mien: bedankt voor je berichtje, helaas kan ik je niet terug antwoorden omdat xpdite aangeeft dat jij geen berichten kunt ontvangen.... :huh:

Mien heeft waarschijnlijk PMs uitgeschakeld in haar profiel en kan daardoor geen PMs ontvangen.
The new list was developed by Skills Australia, an independent body, and will be updated annually.
Dit klinkt fijn voor diegene die NU niet op de lijst staan... lijkt me?

Senator Evans said the new list was developed in consultation with industry groups and was focused on those skills required in the medium to long term.
Maar deze zin spreekt het bovenstaande weer wat tegen. Al weet je niet hoelang medium term is...
Het kan zijn dat ze vaker aan de beroepen lijst gaan sleutelen, als je zit hoe vaak het de laatste tijd is veranderd. ( misschien nog een soort CSL ? )
Ik kan me ook voorstellen dat er meerdere of andere beroepen komen in de State Sponsored Lijsten, daar zou ik mijn hoop op vestigen als ik nu niet op deze lijst stond.