nieuwe priority indeling per 1 juli


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Als ik het goed begrijp hebben ze de oude cat1 opgesplitst in een nieuw cat1 en cat2, wat betekent dat de oude cat 2 (bv 176 SS) nu cat 3 is geworden, en wij met 175 cat 4.... maar volgens mij maakt het verder niet uit?

zie hieronder: ze zijn in 'onze' categorie de afgelopen 24 dagen maar 10 dagen van de rij opgeschoven lijkt wel :-( , daarvoor was het 3 maanden in twee weken.
zo zie je maar weer, DIAC is onvoorspelbaar.

Updated 1 July 2011.

Please do not send enquiries or reply to this email address as this mailbox is not monitored.

Important - GSM processing priorities have changed in line with Ministerial Direction No. 50. For details please see here -

Processing Dates
Applicants who lodged a GSM application before the following dates have been contacted by a case officer:
Priority Group 1
Skilled – Regional subclass 887
VB 887 (e-lodged) 15 May 2011
VB 887 (paper): 15 May 2011

Priority Group 2
There are no GSM visa classes in priority group 2

Priority Group 3
*Priority 3 applications are currently being allocated within two weeks of DIAC receiving confirmation of a valid nomination from the relevant State/ Territory Government. Applicants in priority group 3 are therefore encouraged, where possible, to provide decision ready applications to enable efficient processing and finalisation of their applications.

Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) subclass 176
VE 176 (e-lodged): 20 June 2011
VE 176 (paper): 20 June 2011

Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) subclass 886:
VB 886 (e-lodged) 20 June 2011
VB 886 (paper): 20 June 2011

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 475
VF 475 (e-lodged): 20 June 2011
VF 475 (paper): 20 June 2011

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 487
VC 487 (e-lodged) 20 June 2011
VC 487 (paper): 20 June 2011

Priority Group 4

Skilled – Independent (Migrant) subclass 175
VE 175 (e-lodged):10 July 2010
VE 175 (paper): 10 July 2010

Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) subclass 176
VE 176 (e-lodged): 10 July 2010
VE 176 (paper): 10 July 2010

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 475
VF 475 (e-lodged): 10 July 2010
VF 475 (paper): 10 July 2010

Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) subclass 495 and
Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored subclass 496
UX 495 and UZ 496 (e-lodged and paper): All applicants who have an occupation on the new Skilled Occupation List (SOL) – Schedule 3 have been allocated.

Skilled – Independent (Residence) subclass 885
VB 885 (e-lodged) 1 April 2011
VB 885 (paper): 1 March 2011

Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) subclass 886:
VB 886 (e-lodged) 1 April 2011
VB 886 (paper): 1 March 2011

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 487
VC 487 (e-lodged) 1 April 2011
VC 487 (paper): 1 March 2011
Priority Group 5Processing of priority group 5 applications can only commence once all applications from higher priority groups have been allocated for assessment.

Priority Exempt Applications

Visa Subclasses 476, 485 and 887 are exempt from the current priority processing direction. Applications under these subclasses will be processed in the order in which they were received by the department.

Skilled - Graduate subclass 485
VC 485 (e-lodged) - 22 December 2009
VC 485 (paper) - 22 December 2009

Skilled – Recognised Graduate subclass 476
VF 476 (e-lodged): 28 February 2011
VF 476 (paper): 28 February 2011
De vraag is hoeveel het in de praktijk gaat schelen. Nu gingen maar 10 dagen vooruit in 24 dagen. Maar dat kom twellicht door de enorme stroom aanvragen die nog onder.het oude puntenstelsel vielen?

Ik dacht ergens te lezen dat ze veel plaatsen vrij hadden tov het aantal aanvragen uit de eerste 3 (nu dus 4) categorien.

Misschien splitsen ze gewoon twee groepen op, zodat in die ene groep nu een voorrangsregel ontstaat. Voor de groepen erna wijzigt er niks.