Sponsoring-aanvraag SA zonder IELTS-uitslag

Rob Breumelhof

Active Member
Hallo allemaal,

Zoals jullie weten dien je een positief IELTS-resultaat te hebben voordat je bij de 'State Government' van SA een sponsoringaanvraag kunt indienen voor een STNI- of SIR-visum.

Vandaag heb ik echter van Ann Johnson (Manager Skilled Migration) bericht ontvangen dat men in urgente gevallen bereid is in plaats hiervan het bewijs te accepteren dat een IELTS-test is geboekt.

Voor de volledigheid heb ik haar tekst onderstaand toegevoegd.

"You can appreciate that in order for the sponsorship to complement the visa process and to enhance a positive decision, Immigration SA requires that all applicants provide evidence of positive skills assessment and English Language result at the time of application for sponsorship.

However, we are aware that DIAC requires the IELTS result at time of decision and not
time of visa lodgement. I am also aware that applicants may not be able to book in for the
IELTS test prior to sponsorship application and may lose points or become unlawful if
they were to wait for this result in order to lodge a visa application.

Where such and similar circumstances occur and there is a genuine urgency in
submitting the sponsorship application before IELTS results is known, Immigration SA is
prepared to accept evidence of having booked in for the IELTS test (i.e. receipt of
booking) as part of the supporting documentation.

However, the sponsorship will only be valid if the applicant achieves the required level of

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Rob Breumelhof