You know you're Australian when...


Well-Known Member
You know you're Australian when...

1. You're familiar with Neighbours, Home and Away, Playschool, A Country Practice, Norman Gunston, Barry Humphries, Blue Heelers, Ray Martin, Bert Newton, Lisa McCune, Jon Burgess, Number 96, Molly Meldrum, Kerry O'Brien, and of course, Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch.

2. You know that Burger King doesn't exist. It's Hungry Jacks.

3. You know that snow is a memorable and freakish occurrence. Sometimes it's even fake.

4. You know the difference between thongs and a G-banger

5. You know that "stubbies" are either short shorts or small beer bottles, a "gimp", "bogan" or "geezer" is a random idiot, someone in trouble is in "strife" and you're liable to burst out laughing whenever you hear of Americans "rooting" for something.

4. You know how to abbreviate every word, all of which usually end in -o: arvo, combo, garbo, kero, lezzo, metho, milko, muso, rego, servo, smoko, speedo, righto etc.

5. You know that some ppl pronounce "Australia" like "Strayla" and that's ok.

6. You know that there is a universal place called "woop woop" located in the middle of nowhere... no matter where you actually are.

7. You know that while we call our friends 'mates', we don't use terms like 'Sheila' and 'shrimp on the Barbie', contrary to popular belief.

8. You know that none of us actually drink Fosters beer because it tastes like shit. But we let the world think we do. Because we can.

9. You know that if a man has sex with another man, he's a homosexual, and (until recently), a criminal in Tasmania

10. You resent people who succeed over others- everyone should do the same thing, so we all get a "fair go"; a kind of 'American-dream' in reverse. This is why we actively like not liking Americans.

11. You've seen Gallipoli, Crocodile Dundee, Young Einstein, Muriel's Wedding, The Castle, Beneath Clouds, Strictly Ballroom, 40,000 Horsemen, and maybe even Wolf Creek.

12. It makes you happy when someone in Hollywood is actually Australian... Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Baz Luhrman, Elle MacPherson, Olivia Newton-John, Midnight Oil, ACDC, INXS, Greg Norman, Cathy Freeman, Dawn Fraser, Pat Rafter, Ian Thorpe...

13. One word: Skippy.

14. You know that Sydney 2000 was one of our proudest moments in history. We just fucking rock.

15. You know that you are not going to die of cholera or other Third World diseases (remote Aboriginal communities are a different matter)

16. You know our country has never been conquered by a foreign nation (you don't count 1788).

17. We know that the Metric system will always be better than anything inches, feet, pounds and Fahrenheit will ever offer

18. You drive on the left-hand side of the road.

19. If you're a pedestrian and cars are stopped at a red light, you will fearlessly cross the street in front of them. 'Hit and runs' just aren't cricket. Because Aussies stick together.

20. You think of Australia as being somewhat out of place within the Asia-Pacific region; surrounded by unstable ex-colonial nations who regard you as racist, imperialist, and unfairly wealthy.

21. You know that New Zealanders are basically our naive country cousins, who have a weird fush-and-chups accent, and for some bizzare reason, think that they invented Pavlova. Bastards. They are to be pitied and laughed at. They have no hope of gaining the upper hand in the endless sporting rivalry between our two nations.

22. You know that you can't eat Fantales alone... Otherwise who will you play the 'Who am I...' game with when you're reading the wrapper?

23. You know that Sydney should be the capital because Canberra is a hole.

24. You know that Americans think we're all Steve Irwin clones. And crickey, they couldn't be more wrong.

25. You know that Lawyers wear wigs and gowns. And we make it look good.

26. You have some time in your life slept with Aeroguard on in the summer. Maybe even as perfume.

27. You feel obliged to spread salty black stuff that looks like congealed motor oil on bread... and actually grow to like it. You've also squeeze Vegemite through Vita Wheats to make little Vegemite worms.

28. You believe that democracy means the freedom to draw caricatures of good ol' Johnny Howard

29. You think footballers dressing up in drag on TV is funny (but your son being gay isn't).

30. You have the ability to compress several words into one - ie 'g'day' and 'd'reckn?'. This allows more space for profanities.

31. You've ever used the words - tops, ripper, sick, mad, rad, sweet - to mean good. And then you place 'bloody' in front of it when you REALLY mean it.

32. You know that the barbeque is a political arena; the person holding the tongs is always the boss and usually a man. And the women make the salad.

33. The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.

34. You say 'no worries' quite often, whether you realise it or not.

35. You know what fairy bread tastes like, and you can't imagine your childhood without it.

36. You know the first verse to the national anthem, but still don't know what "girt" means. And you're ok with that.

37. You've drank your tea/coffee/milo through a tim tam.

38. You know that backyard cricket is a nice way to bond with family and the rubbish bin. And the 'one bounce, one hand' rule always applies.

39. You know that we are home to the just about all of the world's deadliest of animals. That's why if anybody messes with us we'll get some funnel webs on their arses.

40. You see people walking bare-foot on the footpath and don't scorn.... because you're doing it too.

41. You know what trop-fest is and it makes you happy.

42. Sausage rolls and meat pies. End of story.

43. You firmly believe that in the end, everything will be ok and have offered advice that included the words, "she'll be right, mate".

44. You have a story that somehow involves an excessive consumption of goon... but you can't remember.

45. You own a Bond's chesty. In several different colours.

46. You've ordered a steak the size as your head and only paid $5 at your local RSL

47. You know that Italy should never have been granted that fateful kick in the 2006 Football World Cup.

48. You know how to slip, slop, slap like it's nobody's business.

49. You've heard the Prime Minister dismiss anyone who disagrees with him simply as 'un-Australian', and that's enough to make us sit down and shut up.

50. You know that the value of a public holiday is measured in terms of alcohol. God bless the queen and her 4-day birthday.

51.When you get invited to a BBQ and its not BYO meat

52.You still think of Kylie as 'that girl off Neighbours

53.You believe that stubbies can either be worn or drunk

54.You believe all famous Kiwis are actually Australian, until they stuff up, at which point they again become Kiwis

And right now you feel bloody awesome.
Ik begon met het lezen braaf bij de eerste en dacht.... Ik heb nog een lange weg te gaan..... Maar het viel allemaal nog mee. Maar zal mij toch nu echt moeten gaan verdiepen in Cricket en wat doorlezen over sommige namen.... Wil tenslotte wel inburgeren  :lol1:
Er ging een email rond een paar maanden terug, errug grappig maar wat grof, daarom toendertijd niet hier geplaatst.
De jouwe is leuk Alie  :smile:

How about: what does it mean to be an Australian?...

'My Country' says it all really doesn't it? Wij zingen tegenwoordig als we een beetje ruzie hebben 'Give me a home amongst de gumtrees' en vrolijken allebei meteen op!

Een student:
It's not about sun and surf for me.. being Australian is the street where I live, where my neighbours say "G'day" in ten different accents. It's the sound of rain on a tin roof and the freshness of laundry just unpegged from the clothes line in the back yard.

That unmistakeable, irresistable smell of next door's barbecue in the air, and the overpowering perfume from the lillypilly tree as a spring breeze tickles it's petals to the ground.

Possums thundering across the rooftops in the middle of the night and waking far too early to the musical call of a family of magpies looking for food. The sad brownness of a region in drought and the wonder in the eyes of a desert-bred 5 year old when she feels rain on her face for the first time.

Being Australian is not having to worry about going broke if you get sick. It's about knowing someone will always give a mate a hand. Roast lamb on Sundays and complaining there's nothing on TV except football in winter and cricket in summer.

Australians don't think much of their politicians. We are a cynical race. You won't find too many of us with our hats off and hands on our hearts at a sporting event when they play the National Anthem. Matter of fact, you won't find too many of us that even know the words... but we can all sing Waltzing Matilda :)

You won't hear us brag too much about being Australian... but we are quietly proud of our special corner of the world. And when we're away from home... and someone asks us where we're from (or worse - asks if we're BRITISH) there's a feisty spark of pure patriotism in our eyes as we answer

[quote author=Fae link=topic=10320.msg145385#msg145385 date=1250674242]
Er ging een email rond een paar maanden terug, errug grappig maar wat grof, daarom toendertijd niet hier geplaatst.
De jouwe is leuk Alie  :smile:

Die van jou is ook erg leuk! Maare.. nu ben ik wel benieuwd naar die email  :lol:  :grin:
Ik heb er ook nog 1 over Nederlanders (geschreven door een buitenlander...) hij is wel grappig, maar ik weet niet of iedereen 'm kan waarderen.. (dus wees gewaarschuwd!!!)


(1)Many foreigners call everything Dutch! Well Dutch. Don’t! The word Dutch reminds Dutch people of the word ‘Duits’ which is used for Germans and other things they dislike. A Dutch person is Hollander or a Nederlander.

(2) As a foreigner, don’t ever try to speak Dutch. Not only will you get an enormous headache but the Hollanders will not understand what you mean. Foreigners are supposed to speak English or Gibberish. In the latter case they will be an easy target for pickpockets since the will not be able to talk to the police.

(3) Don’t ever try to eat ‘drop’. Drop is a sort of candy that can only be eaten by Hollanders. It can be recognized by the color black. The taste is a blend between earwax and paint (black). Hollanders absolutely adore the stuff and eat many pounds of it. There is a nationwide conspiracy to look at the faces of foreigners that were made to believe the stuff is actually edible.

4) Don’t buy wooden shoes. The so-called ‘klompen’ will look completely ridiculous. Which is the reason they will try to sell them to you. A Hollander himself would not want to be found dead wearing them. (Preferably a Hollander doesn’t want to be found dead at all).

(5) Don’t make holes in the dikes. Such behavior is commonly disapproved and in extreme cases it can get you stoned by wooden shoes. But feel free to put your finger in the dike if you feel the urge. It will at least get you a few laughs from the natives.

(6) A Hollander is always right and he knows it. With this in mind it is very easy to cope with most Hollanders. If you ever get in an argument with a Hollander, tell him he was absolutely right and that you now realize how wrong you were. Now he will go crazy: Since you’re a foreigner, you can never be right. You agree with him, therefore he couldn’t be right. Impossible. He’s a Hollander. But then he. Now is the time to take a step back and observe how the Hollander will try to strangle himself with a tulip.

(7) Mills are inevitable.

(8) It is not necessary to fake interest for tulips, mills, wooden shoes or cheese. Every Hollander knows you came for the soft drugs ;and the Amsterdam red-light district. Both are widely spread and easy to find. Just ask any Hollander over the age of 6 or a French tourist. (See points 19 and 20)

(9) Avoid soccer fans at all times. Soccer in Holland is just an excuse to crush the skulls of practically everybody else, including yours. This mainly takes place when the game is lost or tied or won. It is extremely foolish to stand next to a cop during these festivities (see point 10) Also remember never to mention the 1974cup finals near a Hollander. He will instantly pull you into a long-lasting litany about how good orange played then and how good blablablabla

(10)Cops in Holland are mainly used to throw stuff at. If you get the uncontrollable desire to hit someone, take on a cop. No Hollander will pay any attention if you hit a cop, put a knife in his cranium or firmly kick him in the butt. Cops represent authority and not one single Hollander recognizes a higher authority then himself. You will notice the fact that most cops are actually foreigners that were lured into this job.

(11)Hollanders do not like spending money. They would rather cut off an ear. A Hollander will be your friend for life if you give him something for free. This might explain the great success of McDonalds in Holland. The story that copper wire is an invention of two Hollanders fighting over a found cent is absolutely true.

(12)Holland is small. It is sometimes rumored that Holland is so small they take it inside when it’s raining. This is not true because it rains 365 days a year. This also explains the wooden shoes: they float. Yes, Holland is small and Hollanders are very proud of it. They will use any opportunity to say that Holland accomplished such great things for such a small country. A fitting answer would be to refer to it’s colonial past. Which brings us to point 13.

(13)If you want to insult a Hollander - and sooner or later you will want to - tell him you don’t think he’s a pacifist. Now start running for your life. He will not stop trying to prove he’s the most peace-loving person in the world until your intestines are on the street. As mentioned earlier, mentioning the so-called colonial past in Suriname or Indonesia, will instantly reduce the Hollander to a sniffling child, begging for forgiveness.

(14)Hollanders are supposed to be tolerant. Nonsense. They just make to much money selling drugs and Malaysian women, to miss the opportunity to make so much profit.

15)The most important way of public transport in Holland is the bicycle. Feel free to take any bike of which you can pick the lock. Just don’t expect your own bike to be in the same spot where you parked it 3 minutes earlier. Hunting season for bikes is open 365 days a year. Good luck!

(16)At almost every bread meal in Holland you will find a mean looking big knife with a sharp slide in it. It is called a ‘kaasschaaf’ and is used to cut very thin slices of cheese. Never cut cheese with a regular knife, you will make yourself completely ridiculous. Another typical eating tool is the so-called bottle scraper. Beware, don’t use it for that annoying itch on your back. It’s designed to scrape the last bits of yoghurt or ;mayonnaise out of the bottle. A Hollander will use every milligram ;of the product he bought. He paid for it, he’ll eat it, no matter what.

(17)At the time this was written, the Dutch economy was doing ;pretty good. Hollanders maintain the idea that this is the result of intensive negotiations between different parties like unions, employers and politicians. They even have a name for it: the poldermodel. One likes to convince foreigners this poldermodel is the key to a successful economy and if those same foreigners would be smart enough to follow their example, their economy would be flourishing as well. This is a load of crap. Hollanders just like to talk, talk, talk. By calling all this chattering negotiating they give themselves the impression they’re doing something useful. Talk is never cheap in Holland.

(18)Hollanders drown fried potato-sticks in lots of mayonnaise and put it in a pointed paper bag. This is called: ‘patatje met’. One such bag is able to keep you alive for an unlimited period of time. It is only uncertain this is a life worth living. But there have been sightings of tourists actually enjoying a patatje met.

19)Holland has a unique service for -mainly- French tourists. At ;the moment they pass the border, they are enthusiastically welcomed by youngsters in fast cars. These youngsters have the explicit wish to show these tourists the way to the many interesting tourist-attractions Holland has to offer. Strangely, they always end up in a coffee-shop or drug house though. (see point 20) Weird people, the French.

(20)There is a fast and foolproof way of embarrassing yourself in Holland. Enter a coffeeshop and ask for a cappuccino with a biscuit. Coffeeshops -remember this- do NOT sell coffee. They do however have a large variety of stimulating products at reasonable prices. For unknown reasons, coffee shops are very popular amongst young French tourists.

(21)A ‘Fries’ is a sort of spare-Hollander who lives in the north of the country, in a province all for themselves. They love frozen water, Beerenburg (a form of euthanasia with alcohol) and endlessly pointing out that other Hollanders are not Fries. The rest of Holland looks at this behavior the same way parents will look at an obstinate child.

(22)When it comes to which books to take with you to Holland, I would advise the following: The complete works of William Shakespeare or a leather-bound part of the Encyclopedia Britannica (part Fr to He of the 1913 edition). Both books have about the proper weight to keep a pushy pimp or dealer away from you with a well aimed swing. After this I would advice you to drop the book since this greatly improves your speed during your getaway. Make sure you bring enough books.

(23)Don’t bother renting a car. Not only will you be able to steal more bikes then you can use but car traffic in Holland is not something to enjoy. Where the rest of the world uses kilometers or miles to express the lengths of traffic jams, In Holland these are measured in weeks. To be honest, the most steadfast ones are worth a visit. The sight of starving people in an expensive Mercedes can greatly improve your mood if your somewhat philosophical. Bring some pieces of bread to throw through the open windows. The fights over them are often very spectacular.

(24)In contradiction of many rumors, it is not legal to bring your mother in law to Holland for do-it-yourself euthanasia. Tourists are warned not to take matters into their own hands.

(25)Whether you’re catholic, Muslim or worshipper of Urrrgl the god of all Honest politicians, in Holland it will be easy to find a church, temple or oak tree of your liking. Hollanders are supposed to be very tolerant to other religions and believes. This is not true. The only reason Holland has so much churches, sects or cults is the fact they have a difference in opinion about everything. Hollander is always right (see point 6) and everyone that does not agree can beat it and start his own church.

(26)Holland is a kingdom. It just doesn’t have a king but a queen ;and her husband is not a king but a prince. The queen does not rule ;-much- but she’s very capable in cutting ribbons and visiting other countries. She is also very decorative at state banquettes. Her son, the crown prince, will take over if she stops queening. His ;wife in turn will be queen so that Holland will finally have a king and queen again. April 30th is Queen’s Day but it is not the birthday of the queen but princes Juliana’s, who used to be queen. With things like this it’s only logical that more and more people want Holland to be a republic. Queen’s Day, by the way, is just an excuse to drink lots of beer and sell all their old junk on the streets.

(27)It would be wise to learn how to swim before you travel to Holland. No, the dikes will hold, that’s not the problem, but the ;large amount of lakes, streams, rivers canals and creaks could lead ;to painful mistakes. That shiny new strip of asphalt you're turning ;on to with your car during rain might not be an asphalt road at all.

(28)Dutch painting. Dutch painters get famous after they die. This is a very sensible rule from the buyer’s point of view. Not only will the artist have to make a lot of paintings to earn a living, it also produces some very nice investments. The painters however ;do not share this opinion and in at least 1 case this lead to self-mutilation of an ear.

(29)If one of your Dutch friends invites you for a birthday, prepare for a unique experience. Unique in the way that you can only compare it to taking place in a wooden chair with a sharp nai driven trough the seat and afterwards not being able to move for a month. More then 1 foreigner has been driven to the brink of madness by attending a Dutch birthday. The regular Dutch birthday party consists mainly of sitting still and talking to others about your job, your car, politics and foreigners. You are expected to leave somewhere about 23:00 and you will be grateful you can.

(30)Holland has more cities then Amsterdam. There is eh and Well, there are more cities.

(31)Dutch beer has built up quite reputation for itself. Some people even drink it! Brewing is on of the things Hollanders are traditionally very good at. Holland has never been a country where anything was more interesting then drinking yourself half blind or< painting landscapes. This made the beer industry very popular rapidly. Expert say that ones you’ve tasted Dutch beer like ;Heineken, Grolsch or Amstel, all other kinds of beer taste like tap water in a lousy hotel.

(32)Dutch tap water is safe to drink. This is remarkable if you realize most of it comes from polluted rivers like the Rhine and Meuse. Plans to improve the water quality in the Rhine so that fish ;like the salmon can return there to mate, invokes a lot of protests ;from the Dutch. The idea of fish having sex in their drinking water ;arouses them.

(33)There are more pigs than people in Holland. This is amazing if you realize there are 16 million people there and that the pigs meant here are the animal kind. Take one pig, go ahead. Feed it. Wait a moment. Wait another moment. If you observe closely, you’ll see two things happen. The pig gets a bit fatter. This is good. And there is some waste coming from the behind of the pig. This is bad. It stinks, it stinks a lot. Now multiply that stench 16 million times. It doesn’t seem to bother Hollanders. This does not only prove that ‘pecunia non olet’ (money doesn’t stink) but it is also good for covering up a terrible stench. And eh you get used to the stench. After a couple of weeks.

(34)Dutch political debates are as boring as a 3-day lecture on famous Swedish sport heroes between 1762 and 1809. No shouting like ‘Hear hear!!’, no fistfights in front of a camera, not even politicians calling each other incompetent once in a while. (And there really are some amongst Dutch politicians). No, telling your opponent you have doubts about his policy is about the worst thing you can say. The result is that the interest for elections dropped drastically amongst Dutch voters. At the last voting only two elects showed up. The first one got lost on his way to the toilet and the second one was an illegal refugee who thought he came to the right place to get a visa.
Gee, wat een stuk, wat een moeite! Wel raar dat de schrijver niet weet dat we 'Nederlander' zijn en niet 'Hollander', maar enfin.

Ben op dit moment 'Dutch women don't get depressed' van Ellen de Bruin aan het lezen. Best geinig/interessant.

[quote author=alieNL link=topic=10320.msg145392#msg145392 date=1250676072]
(1)Many foreigners call everything Dutch! Well Dutch. Don’t! The word Dutch reminds Dutch people of the word ‘Duits’ which is used for Germans and other things they dislike. A Dutch person is Hollander or a Nederlander.

Hup Nederland Hup, laat de leeuw niet in zijn hemdje staan? Klinkt toch ook niet...(klinkt zowieso al niet, dit maakt het alleen erger)...

Zomaar een resultaat van zoeken op: "Holland vs Nederland":

While the word Holland is often used to refer to the country known as the Netherlands, that use is not accurate.
Holland is the name of a region within the Netherlands (comprised of the provinces of North Holland and South Holland), which is the core area of the country.

Thus, using the term "Holland" for "the Netherlands" is comparable to using "England" for "United Kingdom." In fact, some Dutch object to the use of the term Holland to refer to the whole country (as the Scottish and Welsh night if you used England to refer to the United Kingdom.) Historically, however, Holland was a former county of the Holy Roman Empire.

Ik stoor me er persoonlijk niet aan om Hollander genoemd te worden, terwijl ik dat officieel niet ben.

Leuk artikel....
[quote author=alieNL link=topic=10320.msg145392#msg145392 date=1250676072]
..... A fitting answer would be to refer to it’s colonial past. Which brings us to point 13.
(13).... mentioning the so-called colonial past in Suriname or Indonesia, will instantly reduce the Hollander to a sniffling child, begging for forgiveness.

leuk lijstje AlieNL, alleen begrijp ik puntje 13 niet. Dit wordt wel vaker door 'buitenlanders' aangehaald over nederlanders, maar na bijna 40 jaar NL kan ik me niet herinneren dat het OOIT een issue was of dat wij ons hiermee bezig hielden. Laat staan dat wij ons daarvoor zouden schamen. Zelfs van geschiedenislessen kan ik het me niet herinneren. Of het waar is of niet waar is, het is naar mijn mening meer iets wat speelt bij buitenlandse journalisten die over NL willen pennen en niet bij nederlanders. (wellicht nog wel bij een handvol surinaamse groeperingen die, zwaar gesubsidieerd, ons slavernij-verleden weer eens willen aanhalen).
DAT is nederland: alles kan!
ik zou graag horen van andere nederlanders of zij zich OOIT hebben geschaamd voor ons koloniale verleden...
@ Maluka; tja! 'Hup Nederland hup' rolt er zeker niet zo lekker uit, en we zeggen ook 'Hollandse pot', maar dat maakt mij geen Hollander. Ik vind het zelf niets, jij vindt het prima, ook mooi. :) Of had ik iets anders uit je post moeten begrijpen?
Oh nee hoor...haal eruit wat je eruit wilt halen...

Je gaf alleen aan dat je het raar vond dat de schrijver niet weet dat we 'Nederlander' zijn en niet 'Hollander'.

In principe is elke Hollander een Nederlander, maar niet elke Nederlander een Hollander. Net als dat alle tulpen bloemen zijn, maar niet alle bloemen tulpen.

Ik zie overigens wel vaker dingen door schrijvers geschreven worden die niet kloppen. Goed voorbeeld is het door elkaar halen van bepaalde streken in Nederland (Twente, Achterhoek bijv.) of aangeven dat het levenloze lichaam van iemand is gevonden. Dat klopt nl. ook niet :D
[quote author=brissiegirl link=topic=10320.msg145430#msg145430 date=1250724767]
ik zou graag horen van andere nederlanders of zij zich OOIT hebben geschaamd voor ons koloniale verleden...

Schamen is misschien een groot woord. Ben er zelf niet persoonlijk bij betrokken geweest. Maar om nou te zeggen dat wij, als volk, ons altijd netjes gedragen hebben..... Nee.

Politionele acties
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
De politionele acties (ook wel politiële acties genoemd) zijn de militaire operaties die Nederland op Java en Sumatra tegen de uitgeroepen Republiek Indonesië ondernam in de periode 21 juli tot 5 augustus 1947 (eerste actie) en 19 december 1948 tot 5 januari 1949 (tweede actie). Deze acties vonden plaats tijdens de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog (1945-1949).

Aanvankelijk kwam het tot een gewapende confrontatie tussen de Indonesische nationalisten en de Britse troepen die het land hadden bezet na de Japanse capitulatie in augustus 1945. In oktober 1945 ontbrandde de strijd om Soerabaja, welke stad de nationalisten na bloedige gevechten moesten prijsgeven.

In maart 1946 kwamen de eerste Nederlandse troepen in Indonesië aan land om de Britse posities over te nemen. Afgezien van de politionele acties (kortdurende Nederlandse offensieven) had deze oorlog meestentijds het karakter van een guerrilla van de Indonesische nationalisten tegen de Nederlandse troepen. De vijandelijkheden duurden tot het staakt-het-vuren in augustus 1949

Na 1949 flakkerde de strijd (afgezien van de coup van ex-kapitein Westerling in 1950) nog éénmaal op. Dat was tijdens de vijandelijkheden die voorafgingen aan de overdracht van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea in 1962.

Nederland erkende de Republiek niet als een onafhankelijke staat, maar beschouwde haar als een opstandige beweging in de kolonie Nederlands-Indië. Daarom bezigde men de term 'politionele actie', mede in de hoop hiermee buitenlandse kritiek op het militaire optreden af te zwakken. In meer recente literatuur wordt om deze reden ook wel gesproken van de Nederlands-Indonesische Oorlogen, zoals door Van den Doel in zijn boek Afscheid van Indië: de val van het Nederlandse imperium in Azië (2000).

Tijdens beide politionele acties telde de Nederlandse troepenmacht in Indonesië, met inbegrip van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger (KNIL), meer dan 100.000 man. Het grootste deel hiervan werd bij de acties ingezet. Deze omvang maakte duidelijk dat van een beperkte ‘politieactie’, zoals de Nederlandse regering het probeerde voor te stellen, geen sprake was. In totaal lieten bijna 5000 Nederlandse militairen het leven, waarvan ongeveer de helft door gevechtshandelingen en de overigen ten gevolge van ziekten en ongevallen. Aan Indonesische zijde viel een veelvoud daarvan: naar schatting 150.000.

Over Suriname kunnen we kort zijn. Ja, wij hebben de slavernij uitgevonden en hebben daar mee huisgehouden in Suriname, ook geen actie die schoonheidspunten verdiende.

Dit zijn de feiten. Of je je daar voor moet schamen, dat moet ieder voor zich weten. Maar misschien willen wij Hollanders gewoon liever gelijk hebben.....:)
(6) A Hollander is always right and he knows it. With this in mind it is very easy to cope with most Hollanders. If you ever get in an argument with a Hollander, tell him he was absolutely right.....
[quote author=Maluka link=topic=10320.msg145434#msg145434 date=1250736015]
Oh nee hoor...haal eruit wat je eruit wilt halen...

Je gaf alleen aan dat je het raar vond dat de schrijver niet weet dat we 'Nederlander' zijn en niet 'Hollander'.

In principe is elke Hollander een Nederlander, maar niet elke Nederlander een Hollander. Net als dat alle tulpen bloemen zijn, maar niet alle bloemen tulpen.

Ik zie overigens wel vaker dingen door schrijvers geschreven worden die niet kloppen. Goed voorbeeld is het door elkaar halen van bepaalde streken in Nederland (Twente, Achterhoek bijv.) of aangeven dat het levenloze lichaam van iemand is gevonden. Dat klopt nl. ook niet :D

Ha ja, en 'dodelijke slachtoffers' is er ook zo eentje.

Ja, ik had wel gelezen dat hij 'Hollander of Nederlander' schreef, maar hij hanteert verder de term 'Hollanders' voor alle Nederlanders. Ach ja, ik ben nou eenmaal een Truus de Mier wanneer het taal betreft en ik val graag over dat soort dingen ;-).
[quote author=Sacha link=topic=10320.msg145436#msg145436 date=1250736739]
Over Suriname kunnen we kort zijn. Ja, wij hebben de slavernij uitgevonden en hebben daar mee huisgehouden in Suriname, ook geen actie die schoonheidspunten verdiende.

ik denk dat je deze laatste zinnen niet uit wikipedia hebt (een vrije encyclopedie die door velen als 'waarheidsgetrouw' wordt gezien) want wij nederlanders zijn ZEKER niet de uitvinders van slavernij. . .
omdat wij net als de britten, portugezen, spanjaarden een zeevarend en ondernemend volk waren kwamen wij in alle uithoeken van de wereld. daar aangekomen werden handelsposten/strategische posities ingenomen/opgezet. dat gebeurde nu eenmaal in die (koloniale) tijd, net als landje-pik. om me daar nu, eeuwen later voor te schamen, nee.
ons gedrag in indonesie is zeker niet fraai geweest, maar om daar nu, 3 generaties later nog over te blijven mekkeren daar heeft niemand iets aan. vergeten moeten we het zeker niet, maar een schuldgevoel hoef je mij niet aan te praten.
australiers schamen zich trouwens over het algemeen ook niet over hoe ze de oorspronkelijke bewoners hebben behandeld. die 'sorry-vertoning' was dan ook een wassen neus, net als Balkenende die het VOC gedrag verontschuldigde. de australier is praktisch en kijkt vooral VOORUIT.
Suriname, hebben we dat prachtige oerwoud niet ooit met Engelsen geruild voor het huidige New York, onze grootste blunder ooit...
[quote author=The Jolly Jumbucks link=topic=10320.msg145423#msg145423 date=1250718053]
Echt humor zeg! Maar ik mis nog 1 belangrijk aspect van onze cultuur: het KLAGEN!
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Nederlanders zijn ook allemaal vrijgesteld van de snelheidslimiet, heb ik afgelopen trip gemerkt. Heel speciaal!
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=10320.msg145448#msg145448 date=1250755937]

Nederlanders zijn ook allemaal vrijgesteld van de snelheidslimiet, heb ik afgelopen trip gemerkt. Heel speciaal!


Dacht de politie er in Nederland ook maar zo over, toen ik vorige week weer is aan de kant gehaald werd op de snelweg  :grin:

Ow en tis trouwens wel weer: Nederland oh nederland, jij bent mijn kampioen.
Hup holland hup is zeker weten gekozen vanwege de alliteratie, dat bekt lekker. Net als Heerlijk Helder Heineken.
(21)A ‘Fries’ is a sort of spare-Hollander who lives in the north of the country, in a province all for themselves. They love frozen water, Beerenburg (a form of euthanasia with alcohol) and endlessly pointing out that other Hollanders are not Fries. The rest of Holland looks at this behavior the same way parents will look at an obstinate child.

Tsja... wat heb ik hier als Groninger nou aan toe te voegen?  :wink:

Just kidding. Heb helemaal niks tegen onze buren. :up:

Twee superleuke lijstjes.  :grin: