IMMIGRATION SA – Application Fees per 15 maart 2015

Rob Breumelhof

Active Member
To help ensure continued improvement in the assessment of applications, Immigration SA will introduce application fees later this year for both skilled and business State nomination applications. We believe the introduction of fees will reduce the number of non-genuine applications, including duplications which slow processing times.

Immigration SA encourages prospective migrants to submit applications before application fees are introduced. Fees will come into effect after 15 March 2015. The actual implementation date will be confirmed as soon as possible.

The proposed fee structure is as follows:

Skilled migrants

State nominated skilled – 190 permanent: $200
State nominated skilled – 489 regional provisional: $200

Business migrants

Business - 188 provisional: $500
Business - 888/892/893 permanent: $750
Business - 132 permanent: $750
Business - 405 retiree: $500

SA Employers

Employer Nominated – RCB advice by State Government agency $0

The fees listed are GST exclusive, whether GST applies will be confirmed before fee introduction.
The introduction of fees will enable Immigration SA to continue to provide services for applicants who are looking to settle in South Australia.
No fee will be charged for local South Australian employer sponsored applications.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Rob Breumelhof
Voor niks gaat alleen de zon op.
Zo ook in het zonnige Zuidland.
Straks ook nog de 21% BTW?

Bedankt voor het delen Rob, dat scheelt weer een verrassing!