Hierbij het lijstje wat bij een pakketje met chocoladeletters zat die mijn ouders mij stuurden voor Sinterklaas... (de chocoladeletters en marsepein en pepernoten hadden ze er gewoon bij in laten zitten...
Items that will be removed from international mail:
Meat and meat products:
- All uncanned meat - fresh, dried, frozen, cooked, smoked, salted or preserved meat, including salami and sausages
- packaged meals (including noodles) containing meat
- mooncakes containing meat
- Remedies and medicines containing animal material
- pet food including canned and dried food and supplements
Dairy, eggs and egg products
- Cheese, milk, butter and other dairy products*
- Packaged meals and other foods containing more than 10% dairy or egg (whole, dried and powdered, for example cake mix, salad dressing)
- Mayonnaise or mooncakes containing egg
- Souvenirs, artefacts and goods made of unprocessed animal products such as rawhide, feathers, teeth and bones
-Dried flower arrangements and pot pourri
- Handicrafts made from or containing seed, pine cones, bark, moss and straw
Fruit and vegetables
- All fresh fruit and vegetables
- Dried fruit and vegetables containing seeds or fruit skin
Plants, Seeds and soil
- Plant material including plants, cuttings, roots and bulbs
- Seeds including commercially packaged seeds*
- Soil including small souvenir or sentimental samples
- Footwear and equipment contaminated with soil, manure or plant material
- Gifts and toys filled with seeds, sand, soil or straw
Dried plant material
- Tea containing items such as seeds or fruit skin (for example citrus and apple peel)
- Remedies and medicines containing herbs, seeds, bark, fungi and dried plant material
- Popping corn and raw nuts
Laboratory material
- Medical and animal samples
-- Diagnostic kits and micro-organisms
This is not a complete list of prohibited or restricted items. Any items found to contain insects or larvae will be withheld and must be treated.
*Some special conditions apply - please check with AQIS
Voor meer informatie kun je kijken op de website: www.aqis.gov.au