
Ik snap er geen bal van. Die wetten om een terrorist met dubbele nationaliteit uit te zetten bestaan al lang. In AU, in NL en in de meeste andere landen. Waarom is Dutton daar nou ineens mee bezig? Afleidingsmanoeuvre van de kosten van levensonderhoud waar hij geen oplossing voor heeft?
Volgens mij gaat het om het ontnemen van het AU citizenship door de minister ipv de court.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has floated the idea of amending the Australian Constitution to allow government ministers to strip dual citizens of their Australian citizenship if they commit serious crimes related to terrorism

Under the Australian Citizenship Act, there are three main ways an Australian citizen can cease their Australian citizenship.
Third, and most seriously, a court can strip a dual citizen of their Australian citizenship as part of the sentencing process for serious crimes such as terrorism and foreign incursions.

In deciding whether to impose this punishment, the court must be satisfied the person’s crime was “so serious and significant that it demonstrates that the person has repudiated their allegiance to Australia”


Wat Dutton dus wil is de scheiding van Juridisch (Judges/Courts) en Wetgevend (Parliament) vervagen op dit specifieke vlak. Je zou uitgezet kunnen worden zonder rechtszaak(!) en per discretie van de zittende Home Affair minister(!)

Call me old fashioned, maar ik prefereer de Judiciary over MP's (van welke kleur of partij dan ook) voor moeilijke beslissingen inzake law.

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Zoals ik het begrijp bestaan die wetten idd al maar mr D wil die macht ook geven aan de politici.
Voor 450milj/referendum money well spend……
Cost of living….
Een extra reden om binnenkort citizen te worden:
‘Overseas citizens will be banned from buying existing houses in Australia for two years from next month.’
Het ABC artikel riep wat vraagtekens bij mij op (wat is een overseas citizen? Is tie overseas en Australisch? Is tie Chinees en in Australia?)
Even verder gezocht, korte versie: PR's kunnen gewoon bestaande en nieuwe huizen kopen.

Hier een ander stukje tekst wat ook nog niet 200% duidelijk is voor me:

Foreign residents will be banned from buying established housing for two years, starting on 1 April, with temporary residents and overseas-owned companies among those barred.

Overseas investors will also be hit with stronger audits as the government targets efforts to buy up space or “land bank”.

The government says the ban will push foreign residents to invest in new housing instead while keeping existing housing stock for Australians...”

Source: The Guardian

In beide verhalen lijkt(!) het dat we het niet over PR's hebben?

ATO brengt duidelijkheid:

"...On 16 February 2025, the Government announced that it will impose a temporary ban on foreign purchases of established dwellings for at least 2 years and crack down on land banking.

From 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2027, foreign persons, including temporary residents and foreign-owned companies, cannot apply to buy an established dwelling in Australia unless an exception applies. These limited exceptions will include investments that significantly increase housing supply or support the availability of housing supply, and for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.

Other existing exceptions remain in place, such as for purchases by:

  • permanent residents
  • New Zealand citizens
  • spouses of Australian citizens, permanent residents or New Zealand citizens (when purchased as joint tenants).
A review will be undertaken to determine if the ban should be extended beyond 31 March 2027.

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