I am lucky; I have to speak English all day because I have an Australian husband, but also we run a NZ office... And - I'm sure I don't need to tell anybody-, in a bi-lingual marriage it's bloody intensive communication! Not only word- or grammatical wise, but also expression wise.
There's not a day that I don't have anything to check words and expressions, but I also have to check if my message comes across - or his, for that matter.
At the moment I'm in New Zealand - finally having internet connection after a whole week on a kettle station, and boy, let me tell you, I realize I don't know f*ck all about life here. It's totally different and totally mesmeresing. We watched the docking of the bulls, the picking of the lambs....
.......... Meaning........ you might be able to speak English, but hell, there is a lot more to it....