For everyone who feels like speaking English....

[quote author=Rene-L link=topic=2886.msg39810#msg39810 date=1134080489]
Behind every succesfull man, is a succesful woman. (At least that's what we like to tell them!!)


(because they're usually not standing behind but right in front of them)  :evil:
It's a simple question about who is wearing the pants at home.MMMHHHHH I do wear trousers, so does this say I'm considered to be in domineering  :whip:, meaning me being dominant over my husband (don't confuse this with some other domineering issues  :wink:). But then again I'm not the only family member who wears trousers, so does my husband and my son. So, therefore we are all dominant in our household..................and we are all in charge.

But for real, I'm still the dominant one in the kitchen  :Cooking: :wink: :wink: and my hubbie does all the electric work, lawn mowing and....most importantly is in charge of the remote control(s).

Thus were does this all lead to???? Yes, you're right nowhere. Just me being reflective about some things and being stupid  :lol:.

See ya

Miranda  :)
As you know alot of women always seem to think that they wear the so called "pants" in the house.
Thank god Katrina and I have reached a agreement about this, she is wearing the pants but I make the decissions. :evil:

Further we are equal, she does the washing I do the repairing, she does the faulting and I do the putting away.
She does the saving and I do the spending. She decides that we are going to do the wedding invitations and I decide when we are going to do that.... :-D

In our case it works because we have been doing it for 5 years. :up:

And as Miranda said... it doesn't lead to anything, we are all just being silly.....what a way to be... :-D

@jassian, you are right most of the time they are standing infront of us, but we don't always see that because the women are so short....  :lol:

See ya
In our case it works because we have been doing it for 5 years. :up:
I agree, we've been doing it practically the same way for 17 years

most of the time they are standing infront of us, but we don't always see that because the women are so short....  :lol:
:lmao: :lmao:
[quote author=jassian link=topic=2886.msg37673#msg37673 date=1132748335]
:-D Not bad.

And let me be the first.
"You can correct my spelling mistakes anytime."

Otherwise you're asking people to help you make better mistakes.
Like "I want to make a funnier mistake" or so.

or if you wanna be really clear:
"Feel free to correct my spelling mistakes any time"


' You can correct my spelling mistakes anytime' is a perfect sentence, meaning 'feel free to....'. Just checked with my husband to be sure!
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg39992#msg39992 date=1134205488]

' You can correct my spelling mistakes anytime' is a perfect sentence, meaning 'feel free to....'. Just checked with my husband to be sure!

:) I know. I tend to only give the positive examples. And not to repeat the mistakes,
if I can avoid it, so that they don't stick to the mind. Sorry, if that caused any confusion.  :-D

So "You can correct my spelling mistakes anytime." Is correct


"Feel free to correct my spelling mistakes any time"
was another alternative I offered.

Koen has originally said something else.

In any case thanks for paying attention!   :up:

I am lucky; I have to speak English all day because I have an Australian husband, but also we run a NZ office...  And - I'm sure I don't need to tell anybody-, in a bi-lingual marriage it's bloody intensive communication!  Not only word- or grammatical wise, but also expression wise.
There's not a day that I don't have anything to check words and expressions, but I also have to check if my message comes across -  or his, for that matter.

At the moment I'm in New Zealand - finally having internet connection after a whole week on a kettle station, and boy, let me tell you, I realize I don't know f*ck all about life here. It's totally different and totally mesmeresing. We watched the docking of the bulls, the picking of the lambs....

.......... Meaning........ you might be able to speak English,  but hell, there is a lot more to it....
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg40001#msg40001 date=1134207597]
on a kettle station, and boy, let me tell you, [/quote]

I'm a little confused about the "kettle farm". Either you mean "cattle farm" or the farm produces (grows) kettles (like in tea or water kettle). :rotflmao:

And if you want to use swear words properly (AND I KNOW HOW TO SWEAR FLUENTLY IN DUTCH AND ENGLISH) instead of using
I realize I don't know f*ck all about life here.
you could use; "I know f*ck about life here." Or "I know f*ck at all about life here".  :up:

I think there are others that might use different words to same extend, but it gets the message home.

Alright, man this is going well... I guess I'll leave it up to Trina to go further on this one... :-D

@Rene... please be gentle with her, she is the only one I have found so far..... :rotflmao:
well one thing i can say here....... Men are men  and Females are Females, you can say more then that  and plus we are who we are ...  :-D
silly ,stupid and all
but this is a good topic and it's going well

oops ,
silly me , i meant Come on Ladys not CAME  :up:

seeya later, til i hear from someone else
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg40001#msg40001 date=1134207597]

.......... Meaning........ you might be able to speak English,  but hell, there is a lot more to it....


I think I know what you mean. Today (in Rotterdam) I saw a sign saying : 'uitverkoop'.
And as I also speak english with my boyfriend I said:
"Hey look they've got a 'sell out'".
Much to his amusement. The reply was:
"selling out means to betray someone"  :lol1:
"Like in: 'you sold me out, you son of a b****'!"
"So you're saying these people are selling out and even advertising for it!!"

Yep, you never stop learning. But at least everybody has a good laugh. :-D

So it is (looked it up  :))  Sale of Clearance Sale, and Solden?? or is this the Belgian way of saying this? You know for us girls this is a really important word, it probably fills half of our brain!!!! :lol: :lol:  Did you ever see the sale of bridalgowns in I think it was..America on tv? All screaming, yelling, crazy women going for the clothing racks, grabbing as many dresses as they can. Who would want to marry after that  :lol: :lol:.

Miranda  :)
Clearance sale looks like a word I'd like to use.
"We've got clearance, Clarence"

:-D I'm still laughing when I think of a shop with a sign saying:
"We're selling out"  :-D :-D :-D

:blush: Actually I tend to miss most sales... :whistle:

Just packed 5 boxes of clothes too, and you know what?
I don't even miss them!!

[quote author=Rene-L link=topic=2886.msg40015#msg40015 date=1134214682]

I'm a little confused about the "kettle farm". Either you mean "cattle farm" or the farm produces (grows) kettles (like in tea or water kettle). :rotflmao:

And if you want to use swear words properly (AND I KNOW HOW TO SWEAR FLUENTLY IN DUTCH AND ENGLISH) instead of using
I realize I don't know f*ck all about life here.
you could use; "I know f*ck about life here." Or "I know f*ck at all about life here".  :up:

I think there are others that might use different words to same extend, but it gets the message home.



René, we're talking about Kiwi's here, and they breed bloody Kettles!.... LOL...

And I should have said, and meant, "I know f*ck all about their life".

Mistakes made under the influence of a good night of wine tasting don't count, do they?
Hell yes, there are no exucess accept mine ofcourse.... haha.... :-D

Just kidding, we're here to learn and practice, make as many mistakes as you want..... just don't be affraid that the will be pointed out to you.... :up:
@ Eerainuh,

Yes, you are allowed to make spelling or grammatical mistakes while under the influence of wine, beer, spirits or any other type of booze, as wel as (if you are so inclined) being high on weed, grass, shit or whatever.
And typo's are also allowed.

And as Koen said, we're here to learn and practice. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, we all can learn from them. The only thing that would be bad is if we DON'T learn from them.

Mmm well I think this topic is getting better by the day, I could not have thought this when I said to Katrina, why don't you open a English topic so that you can understand what the people are saying.... :up:

I'd like to thank everybody who is practising their english in this topic, I think it is good fun myself as well, even though I have to speak english every single day at work and at home. :-D

Now what I'm wondering is: do you have the feeling that this topic is helping you prepare for your move to Oz??
Do you you feel more convident speaking or writing english?

Please answer these questions, so we get a feeling what is going on....  :up:
