For everyone who feels like speaking English....

:congrats: :dance: :applaus: :blahblah: :cheer: :balloons: :cake2: :clap2: :dancing: :drink: :drinking: :flying: :happy: :happy: :lol1: :rotflmao: :w00t: :w00t: :wow3:

Way to go girl, now you can plan and get the visun ready :applaus:
The little earthquake I didn't feel but hey, I'm a few miles away... :up:

I'll take a rain check for the hug, we'll have to do that some other time    :up:
There are so many smileys to be used. But I guess I'll keep it with a very simple

About that hug, If you want my home address, let me know, I'll send you a PM. :rotflmao:

:-D Koen & Rene

I guess you guys will have to do with a virtual one for now.

*gives each of you a big hug, from the heart*  :up:

I'll wait till end of the week, there should
be two more replies coming in and then I can take my pick. YES!  :cool:

This is so phantastic!
Ah, well, if that's all we'll get, we'll have to take that for what it's worth.

Happy virtual hug back then.

I agree with Rene..... Here is virtual hug back.  :)

Keep us posted about the progress and when you have the pictures... we wanna see them...(wanna = want to)  :up:
I meant 'my pick' as in 'my choice'  :wink:

I'll keep you guys posted!!

*collects some virtual hugs*

I understood you the first time... so I'm not sure why you are explainig again...I am refering to " I can take my pick"  :)

We'll be waiting for some more info on this subject...  :up:

:thinking: Picture visa passport AAHHH   :lol:  :roll:  :-D !! Got it.

My brain was a little too slow for this one.  :blush: :up:
Exactly, I'm proud to be a man ... who can do only one thing at the time.... :-D
pretty darn handy.... at least we have an excuse.... :lol1:
That's one thing about a woman I have always admired!!
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg39664#msg39664 date=1133966692]
Sure no worries, I mean you're a woman you can only do 5 things at the same time.... no biggie. :up:[/quote]

Paula can do so many things at the same time, that I get confused!! Like Koen said;
"We can only do one thing at the time"

But then we also have one thing on our minds; "The remote control of the TV". :rotflmao:

So, ladies, you've got a task ahead of you; teach us poor men how to do more than one thing at the time!!

No, no, no wrong Rene  :wink: :wink: we won't teach you men how to do more than one thing at a time. Why do you think we haven't done that for the past zillion years..... :) :) :). We won't give you a chance to discover that we women - in fact - really - positively - truly rule the world (yeah worldpower  :evil: :evil:). We women will stay in the background, doing our underground thing and look as supportive and innocent to you men as we possibly can, the meantime............... :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Miranda  :)
Well Rene there you go, they finaly came out whith the truth.... Women only need men to reproduce and thats about it.... in the mean time you can also turn it arround of course... we men let them women think we can only do one thing at the time....  :evil:

Anyway I think I smell a nice disscussion comming up  :up: :-D :lol:

Lets go Girls and Boys lets see how long this will last.... :up:

See ya
Well, you see, men are so lovely and sweet and nice that we're
really trying to be kind to them.  :wink:
But then people think that we're so warm and friendly, because
it's our nature, and that's where they go wrong.  :evil:

There's exceptions to this rule, of course.

On the slightly more serious side: you guys can learn to multitask, too
(a few of you already can, but they don't always admit it) we
just have more of a talent for it.  :wink: :up:


Don't leason to these men
i seen Koen do more then one thing at a time

well at least women when they do more things then one get the man to be there for them when they had enough
if guys did more then one thing at a time ... it would be amazing to watch  :-D

come on girls  tell them ,give them a mouth full

come sarah i know you can ( how are the Balls  :lol:) lol
Behind every succesfull man, is a succesful woman. (At least that's what we like to tell them!!)

Yeah Rene, short and sweet....  :up: :rotflmao: :nana:

These kind of things (sayings) are music ( :music: ) to my ears... :-D