For everyone who feels like speaking English....

On Behalve of the injured Katrina the following :

@Rene.... you might be right, we did run out of fresh meat, and I guess so have you.... :gramps:.... if you catch my drift... :loldevil: :lol1: :rotflmao:

Finger painting I have never liked, however I do like an occational ceremic paint job.... :wink: :-D

@Tum... what can I say... you are right. But I was happy that it was a holliday so Koen could take me to hospital. If I would have done a thing like this during office hours I wouldn't have known what to do.... since I don't know how to get to the hospital. I hope your son is ok and his fiinger will get back to his old shape.

See Ya,
Katrina (writen by Koen)
Hi Katrina.

Hope your finger feels a bit better,one good thing Koen can do the housework for you.
Take it easy and look after your self.

Gr Ineke   :later:
Thanks Ineke.... the comming week will look like this for me ... :drive:... work... :drive:... :Cooking:.... :eatdrink:... :dishes:... then I get to relax for a bit before checking the visa application for the last time.... :-D.... and then back to bed to repeat this the next day....

The things we do for :serenade: (love)......

Now of course it won't supprise me when people (women mostly) respond on this like... we always clean and care for you.... :wink:

Koen  is doing a great job. His very caring , and of cos loving ....

:) :) :) :)

when the males are sick , the females are always there to help out , and then when the females are sick  or can't do most things for awhile then  it's the males turn to help out , showning they care etc......

@Ineke. how is the weather and all back home ( mum called me this morining telling me it was 40 degrees  :cry: :cry:)
How was your Chrissy ..
How is Ton liking it , can he handle the heat  and all
:surfer: :surfer: :beach: :beach: :happysun: :happysun: :happysun:


Hi all, mind if I join you  in this topci? I haven't read all 25 pages yet, but probably will do so tomorrow. For now, I just wanna wish you all a good night and a good day ofcourse.

@ilsepils, Sure you are very welcome, just to explain quickly : you can talk about anything and everything in this topic as long as it is in ENGLISH. :-D
This is a good way to practise you english writing skills and just let us know whether you mind being corrected at spelling mistakes or not so that we do not anoy the hell out of you. :| :-D

@Katrina, Why don't you ever say that to me when you make me do things for ya??? lol ... :rotflmao:

Goodmorning all

@Koen, tnx for the welcome and the explanation. Ofcourse I don't mind being corrected, one can only learn from his mistakes if he knows what they are, right?

It is so funny, I only registered yesterday and I am already hooked! As soon as I turn on my pc I need to check this forum, how bad is that? Well, I need to get dressed now, we're going shopping for a bit, in Utrecht.

Have a nice day!
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg41694#msg41694 date=1135758866]
I hope you will have fun browsing through all the b.llsh.t that we write along here.... :up:

Enjoy,  :-D


Hey you, speak for yourself! I don't think of my topics/replies as b.llsh.t! I only talk of intelligent and useful things (e.g. the klootjes?  :wink: )!

By the way, I have been wondering: when do you write "useful", "beautiful" with one 'l' and when with 2 'l's? I have always been under the impression that both are used....or is it only the one 'l'-version that is correct?

Well, for as far as I know (and that isn't much) you put a dubbel LL in there when you are going to use is as: "beautifully"  & "usefully", but I might be wrof ofcourse...!

I guess the best person to ask is our friend (  :gramps: ) Rene, he probably has the right answer to this question.. :up:

By the way, you are so right, you don't write B.llsh.t, you write "kl..tjes" but what I meant was, that we write about a lot of things that not always, or better yet most of the time, make any sence.... :lol1:

I hope I did not insult you in any way.... and if I did I apologize for that. :oops:  :-D

[quote author=sarabaes link=topic=2886.msg41696#msg41696 date=1135759128]

By the way, I have been wondering: when do you write "useful", "beautiful" with one 'l' and when with 2 'l's? I have always been under the impression that both are used....or is it only the one 'l'-version that is correct?


As far as I know, words like beautiful and useful are always with just one L. The word itself has nothing to do with the word full, with 2 L's. And like Koen says, it does get an extra L when you talk about beautifully and usefully.

I hope this is helpful.

Ilse (yes yes, all dressed by now ;))
Glad to see someone else awake to the spelling of the beautiful English language. Good on yer Ilse!! :up:

I have to agree with Sara that she doesn't write b*llsh*t! She only knows how to reply with intelligent and wise answers. She's the most likely one to succeed! Quite often I am amazed with the wit and humour she displays when she replies. She never makes mistakes and her topics and ideas are incredible!
(Talk about b*llsh*t!!)

As an afterthought; Ilse welcome to this topic. You'll have your share of laughs here. I do! If any-one corrects you on an error made here, PLEASE do not be offended, it's meant to help us all!
And you are right, as is Koen, for the correct spelling of ******ful.

Hi again

Tnx for the compliment Rene and ofcourse I won't be offended. Usually, most of my errors are simply in typing the wrong letters eventhough I know the correct spelling. Or mixing Dutch and English, both ways around. I lived in the USA for a year, did my senior highschool year there. When I got home, I even spoke English to my parents. Quite funny, because my mom doesn't speak English *rofl*

Well, I need to start thinking about dinner. Yeah I know, we're terribly always. So I think we'll just grab a sandwich or something.

Enjoy your evening!
@ Rene, I thought I had seen it all..... but yet again you manage to suprise me with another story, this time I really needed a towl to cleen up the drewl..... :lol: ... I reckon that we all know what kind of answers we get from eachother... :-D... wheter it is ment seriously or not.  :up:

@Ilse,  I always enjoy women that START thinking about dinner... that usually means I have to get my *ss into the kitchen and start cooking, otherewise I won't have dinner at all that night, because Katrina is still thinking about it..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :loldevil: :lol1:

I'm just wondering, is this:
Well, I need to start thinking about dinner.
a figure of speach or does the humen brain actually work this way??? First we start thinking.... but when do you stop thinking then??  :?
Ok... we have started thinking... now what are we thinking about... dinner.. how to dress.... how cold it is inside or just outside... and then do you act on it or do you just keep thinking???

Please be straight forward in your answer... I wouldn't like it any other way... :whip: (Sara)  :lol1: :loldevil:

Goodmorning guys! My last day at the office today HOURAY ! Looking at the replies here, I missed something...Rene, thanks for sticking up for me, you're a true buddy!  :up:  :wink:
I'm just wondering of the dread for my whip had anything to do with it!  :evil:  :wink:

Hey Koen, where would you be without your thinking woman/women!? At least we think about WHAT to cook, so you KNOW what to cook!  :evil:

Sara, I'm affraid you have misunderstood what I ment. I ment to say while the woman/women are thinking I will go into the kitchen and make something for myself, because if I have to wait for them to make up their minds, I might starve.....!!!! :-D :?

In other words I don't need a woman to think about dinner... I'll fix something myself....!  :up: :-D

But zoeteke, have you ever stopped and considered that the whole PLAN was to get YOU to make dinner?  :evil:

Women work in mysterious ways....

:lol1: :lol1: Well schoonheid... you are saying a true word... However this is starting to look like a battle of the sexes  :naughty2: :rotflmao:  ......apperantly you haven't stopped to consider that it was my intention to cook in the first place, there was no plan to get me there.... Besides the fact that the woman is still thinking about what she wants to make for dinner...  :nana:

Further I'd like to add that some chores are better favoured in the household then others, I'd rather cook than do the cleaning in the house.