For everyone who feels like speaking English....

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg41395#msg41395 date=1135260258]

Rene, mmm what can I say you are talking about nice and warm.... this was the perfect uppertunity for you to get nice and warm... and then you refuse to talk about it... it's a bit of a shame mate... :-(

Indeed Koen, you are right....he doesn't realise what he could be missing out on!!

i know this word is spelt with a O ,  uppertunity    

but only because you still need to wait to moe( isn't that move and or something else to Oz till your retirement...
Oh, sh*t, I give up on you two. Pick on some-one your own age and size!!


Stelletje guppen!! (how's that for unadulterated English?)

Ok Rene way to go..... hahaha...Just bare in mind that we will still have to go through the stage you are going through now... so what comes arround ,goes arround  :wink:..... !

And we never said anything that doesn't show lack respect to a SENILE AND INFIRM member of the forum.....  :lol1:

It's good to know that you still appricate us... and yes we love/like you too.... :up:

@Katrina- Yes babe you are so right... thank you for bettering my mistakes.... :up: :-D

@Sara..... what do you think, shall we give him a bit of slack???? a bit of inner peace???  :-D

Hey Guys

sorry i don't know hwat to write and or say ..... if there comes a oppuinity then i will say something , but otherwise to me there no point ......

Well Katrina, that is fair enough, just keep checking this topic, and respond when ever you feel like.. :)

you the only one the replys
is very one else a sleep  WAKE UP Please...

shit i just realise something and that is I speak and write english , but hey i can't spell ( see it's not just you dutch's it's me too ...... :-D
*woken up by Katrina*

What ? What? What's going on?

I also don't really have anything to say right now.
Except, that I finally got my confirmation of enrolment, apparently
they accidentally cancelled one before that, And I thought
:humble: yes, there is justice in the world and I finally go
to fill out the whole student visa form down to the credit card form and:

:wow3: "Payment Rejected: Insufficient funds "
What the f***! I'm thinking. I know how much I have on my account.
It's enough! I've checked!

So this is me standing in the:  :depressed:
being seriously:  :fight: :shutup: :shocking: :bangingdoor:

Maybe the program will be smart enought to accept my boyfriend's card... but this is [size=20pt]Ridiculous![/size]

yeah... so much from me  :|
Hey Jassian, I've had that same problem once, I was in Cairns and had planned my whole trip down to Sydney, when I tried to get out some money out of my account.... and it said incufficient funds...... :cry:
I was certain that I had plenty of money..... what happened was that the bank had a problem with it computers and that it would take a couple of days before it was foxed again... :x

I had to cancel all my bookings and from that money I could just buy a plane ticket back to Melbourne where I had to stay with Katrina's fam. 2 days after I was back in Melbourne the problem was fixed and I could get my money out again.... :-D

Anyway, I think your payment will be done and I'm sure that you will be going to Oz pretty soon... :up:

Keep your chin up..

:blink: thanks. In case of doubt my boyfriend can pay it.
So I hope it'll work.
Next week I'll be in germany visiting my parents and they don't have internet...
you get the picture. I'd really like to get this arranged ASAP.

It might sound odd but it's a bit of a relief that I'm not the only one
who's bank messes up sometimes. At least you had two nice days in mebourne (I think :wink:)
My boyfriend thinks that maybe I'm above my monthly spendig limit. I guess that's possible too.

Yeah. I'll keep you guys updated.  :)
Where would we be without computers??

But you know the saying:
"People make mistakes, but to make a mess of it, you need a computer."

I love this kind of discussion, big grin on my beautiful face  :wink: while I'm reading the posts of the last two or three days.

Have a nice X-mas.

Miranda  :)
Visa application's out. Yeah!
Now only medical and all kinds of proof that we're living together. We're getting there *G*

I'm a little late with Merry Christmas,

here's my Happy New Year already  :evil:

G'day all

hope everyones Xmas was a blast , and i hope your News eve party and or what ever you will do with be great :up: :up:

Koen and i had a goodish Xmas i guess :wink:, apart from racing me down to the hospital  :oops:
I cut myself in the kitchen , well my hand instead of the bread and yeah very painful I tell you  :-(
i had four stitches and four needle to put my finger to sleep . so yeah what a great xmas day for me hey ...NOT  :loudcry:

so i am only writing this message to you all with 1 less finger.. :lol1:

Don't tell me; you ran out of fresh meat!

Tell you what though, you're in trouble with you fingerpainting classes!!
:lol1: :loldevil: :rotflmao:
O Sheila, that's not good at all. I hope you're not in too much pain at the moment. You'll always see that those things happen on the most akward and unwanted moments.

Bonny and Joe (4 years)went to the woods yesterday with his bike and when they got back Joe had his hand between the doorpost and the door. Luckily it wasn't too bad, just a black nail and dented finger, no broken bones or so. But those things always seem to happen during holidays, weekends, nighttime. Why not during office hours  :-D :-D :-D.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

Miranda  :)