For everyone who feels like speaking English....

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg41833#msg41833 date=1135841455]

Further I'd like to add that some chores are better favoured in the household then others, I'd rather cook than do the cleaning in the house.


Yeah me too, although I like doing the thinking but leave the chores themselves to someone else...  :evil:

Just kidding, at our place, the chores are divided: I do the cooking, Hans does the dishes....  I do the laundry, he does the ironing,.... That way, everyone is happy!  :-D

Well the same goes for us, although at this moment I do most of the chores, because of Katrina's hand... :cry:

But normally I do the cooking she does the washing, dishes, cleaning of the bathroom, toilet, and again I do the working outside and the motorbikes and stuff... This way I am happy and Katrina will be happy as soon as she will find a fulltime job and when her finger is healed, so that we can do everything the way it should.

As you can see We don't do the thinking, we let the thinking over to people who are better at that and are afraid to get dirty hands or getting tired.... :evil: :cool:

cos i do't want to
plus you know i do , so i don't have tp say it

getting good typing with one hand
Hey Beauty,

Yes you are getting better at it, you only made a few mistakes.... :up: :-D

As you could read boefje, that is exactly what I ment to say... :wink:

yeah yeah

How is very one going ??

to anyone that is new to this site , i hope you enoy everything that we say , and feel free to butt in anytime ....
Well, it seems like an addiction allright. The first reply at 7:16 am!! and then 7 more shortly after. Jeez!!

As for our division of work around the house;
Any chore I've got goes into a "chores drawer". After a while, the chores atre divided into 2 lists.
Then I prioritize the lists. That I do with my computor with Excel.
That way we get a short and a long list. The long list is for later, the short list is for now. By the time I've got things sorted out for the long and the short list, it's too late to do anything. So the lists are put away.
The next day I upgrade the lists. That takes a while. In the meantime there is that program I wanted to look at, and a game I wanted to try. Don't forget, all the bugs have to be found in that game and sorted out.
Well, after a while, it's too late to do anything, so we postpone it until tomorrow.
But as you know, tomorrow never comes, so the chores are being put off until the next time.

A bit around about, but it keeps me busy doing all those chore lists.

As far as the thinking part. Good thinking Koen and Sara!!

Well, for as far as I know (and that isn't much) you put a dubbel LL in there when you are going to use is as: "beautifully"  & "usefully", but I might be wrof ofcourse...!  KOEN

don't you mean Double ( not dubbel ) lol :-D :-D :-D
Hi Rene,

You forgot to put in that you have to talk this over with us in an integral discussion where everyone's opinion is accordingly valued.  :group:

A bit more and I will start v*m*ting  :-D :-D :-D.


[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg41982#msg41982 date=1136017667]
You forgot to put in that you have to talk this over with us in an integral discussion where everyone's opinion is accordingly valued.  :group:

Wow, Miranda! That's what I call beautiful English!! Have you been studying?? :evil: :evil:
I am impressed!

Thanks  :wink:

If I put my mind to it, I can achieve anything (mmmhhh maybe a bit over the top  :roll: :roll:)

No this is the kind of language I have to use at work so it is nothing more than translating it into English  :-D :-D

Have a great evening  :up:
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg42001#msg42001 date=1136041255]

If I put my mind to it, I can achieve anything (mmmhhh maybe a bit over the top  :roll: :roll:)[/quote]

Someone has been watching too much "Back to the Future"  :-D :tvhappy:
Sounds a bit familiar...... sounds a bit like my saying.... :?

But who cares as long as it is true... :up:

I like the peolpe who like myself think positive and act on their believes.

Like my signature;

Optimists think this is a beautiful world, pessimists are afraid that they are right!

I think it's a great world!!

Like my signature;

Optimists think this is a beautiful world, pessimists are afraid that they are right!

I think it's a great world!!


I totally agree with you Rene, how ever I think you are getting a bit..... :gramps:.... older.... you start repeating yourself.... :lol1:  :loldevil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I hope this new year will be gentle on you and that the ageing process will not proceed with high speed.

Hey Sara, thanks, how was your weekend in Sweden, did the two of you enjoy your stay there?

So what have you done, did you  find any swedish klootjes in the snow, or wasn't there any snow???

Hi buddy! Yep, Sweden was great! There was about 30 cm of pure, white snow and the landscapes/sceneries were beautiful! To be honest, it reminded me of Holland a lot, especially with all those tall, blond people!  :wink:
There was a lot of fireworks on New Year's Eve... I don't think that it is restricted though, here in Belgium there are strict regulations about which sorts you can buy, but there, they almost  lit everything! Huge arrows, huge bangs, lots of firecrackers,...  beautiful sight, a bit dangerous if you ask me!
I was very glad I didn't take Marcel with me, because his klootjes would have been in the snow al the time, and that would not have been so good for him!  :-D

I hear ya beauty, freezing klootjes is not a good thing.

We're happy you have enjoyed everything, so from us to you a happy New Year, that all your wishes may come true in this magical year. :up:

Alright, mates, friends, compadres, amigos:

:unsure:  :w00t:  :win1: :lol1: :happy:
I got it:
[size=10pt]Applicant approved - you may now travel to Australia. [/size] 

I was just checking the status of my application.

You can imagine my surprise!
All I did for proof of relationship so was to let a nice lady from the
travel agency declare how often we've been on vacation together.
And that was enough!! I was ready for a lot more red-tape!!

[move] :plane: here we come!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            :plane: here we come!    [/move]

:bis: :dancing: :flying: :happy: :happy: :happy: