For everyone who feels like speaking English....

I don't think so since EVERYBODY IS UNIQUE  and nobody is normal, because normal is relative and Unique is Specific...  :thinking:  :? :up:

  :gossip: ... and because everything is relative, and even the , what was it
the relativity theory has to be adjusted at speeds over 10% of lightspeed??
or so... :w00t:

So can you be uniquely normal or normally unique ?  :thinking:
This is getting complicated...
Well Maybe.... :thinking: .... it comes down to the question:

[move].......... TO BE UNIQUE OR NOT TO BE UNIQUE ..........[/move]

That guy... whats his name again..... Shakespear..... might have been right afterall.... :lol1:

(close one, Shakespeare)  :wink:

I knew we had to call in the experts sooner or later.

Which does still not answer whether and how either of them would make us normal?
It looks like that is the [true] question.
Not really Rene  :-D

Because if I compare someone to my standards they can never be as normal and unique, DROMEDARISlike  :lol: as me, me, me, me, me, me

Don't you think so if you your read this like you've said it yourself???

Take care,

Miranda  :)
Rene, to be honest ... No I don't think I ever have... allthough I have met plenty of UNIQUE people.  :up:

Just look at you.... (don't mean this nasty or anything)... but you look like you are reasenable "normal" = you act like a dutchie you talk like a dutchie person,  but as soon anyone mentions anything that might slightly be relatated to Oz..... you go :w00t: wake up out of your dazing moment and don't know when to stop  :blahblah: .. of course we all :applaus: you for making such an effort ......  crossing the :sword: with people to eduacate them about the lovely country of Oz.... :rotflmao:  

But again I think we first need to establish what normal is (like what Tum wrote before) and then apply that to ourselves before we can pass a judgement about any body else.

So tell me... have any of you ever met a normal person???


So what should we do now....???

So far nobody has met a "normal" person yet....  so do we declare someone to be normal so that we can actually meet a normal person or what? what is the procedure for something like this???

Has anyone any suggestions... again we are open for suggestions... :-D

I have just struggled through 2 pages of replies, all in made on ONE day. All about being normal or unique.

Wel, letting everything pass the revue, I can come to a couple of conclusions.

1) All those who have replied, are not normal! I don't know of anyone who can talk so long about being normal or not. That makes you all abnormal (including myself), therefore unique.

2) Let's be honest. Anyone who's that fixed on Australia has to be abnormal. At least not normal. Weird! Strange! Stark raving bonkers!! Gone of the wood! Loose screw in the top paddock! Etc.

It's fun though, being abnormal. I've been that for years.

I'm Normal  :-D :-D :-D :-D :p
Really am I , please someone beleive me  :happysun: :angeldevil: :humble: :applaus: :applaus: :peace: :cheer: :cheer: :donttell: :happy: :happy: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lmao: :lmao:
He Sheila..... How can you be normal when you are going out with me????

Unique.... yes you are that but normal..... don't know about that.... :lol1:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Everyone has gone quite ........  :cry: :cry: :cry:

why  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
What did we do?   :blink: :unsure:

Don't worry you'll be fine :rose:

We're just all a little : :prop:
But we're harmless. Mostly Harmless (any Douglas Adams fans?)

:-D  :-D  :-D