For everyone who feels like speaking English....

I don't know why they went quiet but.... don't worry Sheila  ... Jassian & myself are still here .

I guess jassian that when you try to be normal you will be as long as you think that it is normal...heheh  :evil:

Well, but what happens if we try to be normal in another country............mmmhhhhh??????? Do we try to act normal and then think we are, but our fellow countrypersons (countrypeople??) don't think we are as they have other standards due to another way of living/culture? Wait, I can't really follow this anymore, ......ok.....found my brain again.......or....maybe not......... :doofywave:

Miranda  :lol:
I think it's still called countrymen, even though it's not politically correct *G*.

:thinking: I think...
Houston, we got a problem. ... We've ventured into the realm of
Objective and subjective reality!  :lol: :?

Subjectively we might find ourselves 'normal' or at least acting 'normally'
but objectivley oh, and objectively is never objectively, because it's
just a group subjectivity...
*runs out of breath*...

*faints*  :stretcher:
i'm noraml like i said be for   :-D :-D
even worse since i met Koen
lol :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:
:doofywave: :lol1: :doofywave:

Allthough some people might disagree, I looooooooovvvve this, babbling about really NOTHING at all  :up: :up:

Yes, please explain, so Koen is an unique and utterly normal person and that rubbed off (double F?) so you are now a classbook example of normality?
Yes Katrina please explain.....  :evil: ... thank got it is not to cold on the balcony..... :evil:

I guess I have to disagree with you tum, The thing is you see that I am perfectly Unique but not normal at all... just for you to understand :

I am Dutch, am living with a Ozzie and speak english at home, now I guess normal dutchies would live with dutch girlfriends and speak dutch at home, unless you are born in an other country.... :)

So even though Katrina thinks she is normal, it doesn't mean she is.... she can't prove it either.

So there you go... back to being unique.... :-D
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg43064#msg43064 date=1137072234]
:doofywave: :lol1: :doofywave:

Allthough some people might disagree, I looooooooovvvve this, babbling about really NOTHING at all  :up: :up:

I absolutely concur. I LOVE IT!!!!!
:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D
well explain what is Normal to you

and what is unique to you

as ppl have different opoions  :up: :up:

everyone is unique  , i don't think there are that many Normal ppl out there . I think it better to be unique anyway  :wink: :wink:
[quote author=Sheila link=topic=2886.msg43070#msg43070 date=1137075406]
well explain what is Normal to you

and what is unique to you


ooops!  :-D OK, Sheila you got me, I'll try. And I'll try to make it an
honest answer this time without fooling around*G*.
This is more or less what I think:

OK. Uhm unique. Is being yourself and truely being yourself.
Because, I also think everyone is unique to start with. So
if you don't hide it and allow it to shine through with all your little
personal peculiarituies then everybody else will be able to see it too.
And you can see it yourself.

Normal is a tough one.
It depends on if you mean normal as in "People can understand
what you're doing and why you are doing it" or if you mean
normal as in "You're not mentally ill" and to be honest no one is 100%
mentally "sane" eaither, 'sane' is just as tough as 'normal'.
i think I will stick with :

"People can understand what you're doing and why you are
doing it. It is behaviour which most people would believe they
would show as well in similiar circumstances."

"understandable to most others, most of the time"

"acceptable to most others, most of the time"

Yep, that's my best attempt at normal at the moment.
What do you guys think? Sounds a lot like what Tum was saying  :-D :-D
1) All those who have replied, are not normal! I don't know of anyone who can talk so long about being normal or not. That makes you all abnormal (including myself), therefore unique.

Unfortunately I can not support this statement, in my opinion "abnormal" does not exist as long as you haven't astablished what normal is.

2) Let's be honest. Anyone who's that fixed on Australia has to be abnormal. At least not normal. Weird! Strange! Stark raving bonkers!! Gone of the wood! Loose screw in the top paddock! Etc.

Again disagreement here, may the people who are not this fixated on Australia are abnormal. But again you then first have to astablish what is normal and what is not?

So Now I will try to tell you what I think is the meaning of normal:
  • Is everything I do. (normal to me.)
  • is also everything somebody else does the same as me.  :-D
  • Think in a certain way about for instance Australia and act on that

Abnormal : All the oppisite of the above.

Unique: Everybody, because no one person is alike, no one does things in the same way or thinks in the same way and act on that thought in the same way.

Therefore I state that everybody is Unique... :up: (and normal according to that person)

establish  :wink: (the pronunciation makes it tempting to spell it with an a I know  :-D)

Uhm has anybody read my post at all or was it too long?
Here I am, sorry for the long wait  :-D :-D but I think in both Jassian's and Koen's opinion, and having reflected your statements about unique and normal, I can only conclude that......tatatatatatattaraaaataarrrrrrrr

I'm an unique person who can act if needed or required within accepted standards of normality, meaning in a way that people in general can understand and relate to.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Lots of cheers for all of us being - like Rene - said absolutely stark raving bonkers  :doofywave: :doofywave:
:congrats:  :dance: we are absolutely stark raving bonkers  :congrats:  :dance:

Yippie    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :w00t: :w00t: :prop: :happy: :doofywave: :doofywave: :donttell: