Good link, Scotch. Yep, that's them, alright. They're so funny.
The way they use "crivens" it always seems like it's some sort of swear word. *L*
I would never have guessed 'gosh' :evil:
Pratchett is wonderful. A very good observer, you can choose to read his books
for the laugh (and laugh you will, even in in public!) or you can choose to look a little
deeper. I really recommend his books.
Alice Sebold - The Lovely Bones (written from the perspective of a murdered girl)
Would be too scary for little me :speechless: :-D
@ Shan Da:
I'll keep my eyes open, If I find a good book which takes place in Australia I'll let you know.
Pratchett wrote a book about a fantastic version of Australia (called XXXX or fourecks or the
last continent :-D) It's very funny, but a little larger than life.
It says in a footnote : "*Not Australia. Honest." .. hmm. I have my doubts.
Book is called : "The Last Continent"
Another discovery is a really great actor who apparently can write very well, as well.
(a lot of well's :-D )
He wrote a book about the past (and future) of a character he played on Star Trek.
The book's a treat (also for non actors and non sf fans) : "A Stitch in Time" by Andrew J. Robinson.
It's cool! Bloody honest , very human (even though it's about Cardassians :-D )
[size=10pt]I was learning something new about myself - an emerging desire for power,
but a power that had less to do with mastery over others than it did with connecting to them.[/size]
Is this cool or what?