For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Pretty cool quote indeed!  I may be a native English speaker but I could certainly never be able write stuff like that!

"Crivens" is used as a sort of swear word, but probably the most polite one the Scots would ever use!  :-D

Thanks for the tip about Pratchett, sounds like a good book to take on the long journey to Oz (hopefully sometime in 2007...)

What are you going to be reading on the plane?  :plane:

PS.  Anyone wanting to know more about English origins have a look here:    (on BBC2 on Monday night)

One of the phrases listed is 'pop one's clogs' which is a favourite of mine, meaning someone dies. 
But where did it come from?  The program tries to find earlier definitions for the dictionary.
Could it have originated in Holland?  Aunybody have an idea?
[quote author=Scutch link=topic=2886.msg44752#msg44752 date=1138094597]
One of the phrases listed is 'pop one's clogs' which is a favourite of mine, meaning someone dies. 

What about "Kicking the bucket"?

Pretty cool quote indeed!  I may be a native English speaker but I could certainly never be able write stuff like that!

That strikes me as a strange thing to say actually. I mean, how do you know?
There are some great writers out there, but I believe if your heart's really
in it you can do it too. :)
Funny thing about me is I have a much easier time writing in English than in
German (which is my native language). English always was my "creative language".
Do you have something like that as well?

"Crivens" is used as a sort of swear word, but probably the most polite one the Scots would ever use!  :-D

I see.  :lol1: polite swearing. Why not.

Thanks for the tip about Pratchett, sounds like a good book to take on the long journey to Oz (hopefully sometime in 2007...)

He wrote a lot of books actually (and he's still at it!), so you can easily have a suply
for a lifetime of flying. No worries.  :-D

What are you going to be reading on the plane?  :plane:

That is actually a very good question  :read: I totally didn't think about that.
Most of my books are packed now. so I'll probably be re-reading
"Stitch in Time" (again). Singapore airlines has a lot of good inflight
movies, but I've sat in a seat without a working screen before  :oops:
So I'll better come prepared. Plus, it's nice to have a book with you
so you can stop staring at the screen once in a while.  :-D

'pop one's clogs' ?
No clue. I'm curious too!

I was never much good at English (I'm more mathematical), but I loved German at school, I was pretty good at it, it suited my Scottish gutteral tongue much better than French!  It was a big help to me when I came to the Netherlands, there are some similarities with Dutch, it certainly helped me to learn faster.  Unfortunately my German has all but disappeared now as I never use it.   

I'm much better at talking than writing, I do however write a Diary every day, I have done since I was 6 years old.  And I still have them all, it's funny to look back at the first one, some classic lines like:
"I was good today"
"I was bad today"
I've progressed a bit since then!  :-D


Yeah "Pop one's clogs" means the same as 'kick the bucket', but the origins aren't really known, who first said it?  Would be funny if it was linked to the Netherlands.

The Oxford English Dictionary is looking for printed evidence before 1977. "Did anyone you know 'pop their clogs' before 1977? Why didn't they just kick the bucket? This is another in a line of euphemisms for dying which stretches back many years."
They're preparing a new entry in the OED for this phrase so if anyone out there has information let the OED know.

They're also looking for an earlier definition of nerd:
"Wanted: printed evidence before 1951; information of the word's origin
The first nerd was tracked down to 1951. The previous year Dr Seuss's story If I ran the zoo included a picture of a 'nerd'. Just chance? There are other explanations circulating. Earlier evidence would scotch the Seuss theory — or maybe it's true?"

I loved Dr Seuss when I was little, especially the Cat in the Hat stories, so would be funny to think he invited the 'nerd'!
Hey Beauty Sara,

Tell us here how your holiday was and do you have any pictures by any chance. :-D

Koen  :up:
i was never any good at german. Foreign languages went quite well though.
My forte was also the sciences.. and arts. I never managed to keep up a diary.
Must be cool to have one, which goes a long way back. :)

Gotta keep it short, there's still loads of packing to do!
Have fun packing, do you have any idea when you are going to be back online again as soon as you are in Oz?

so i see Koen
that you didn't last that long with the Visa pic!!!!

What is the new topic about  or isn't it that interesting ?????
About a lot of thing beauty, just have a read and then you'll know what it's about.  :up:

Yeah I know about the pick, I was sick of looking at my own head all the time ( ok people have a shot at it... :-D... I can take it)

So I thought why don't I put a picture of us on there... :) ( I can always scan one of the new oictures and put it up here..  :evil: :cool: :up:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg45111#msg45111 date=1138273751]
About a lot of things beauty, just have a read and then you'll know what it's about.  :up:

Yeah I know about the pick, I was sick of looking at my own head all the time ( ok people have a shot at it... :-D... I can take it)

So I thought why don't I put a picture of us on there... :) ( I can always scan one of the new pictures and put it up here..  :evil: :cool: :up:


just fixed 2 small spelling mistakes
@Annemarie : Have fun packing, talk 2 u soon from down under!   :computer:

@Koen : Nice new pic (pick is short for pickaxe  :) )

@Sheila : Last topic:  Annemarie asked who peoples favourite authors were, then I asked if anyone knew where the phrase "pop one's clogs" came from.

But feel free to start something new! 
check you personals KOEN

ok we are off to Utrecht

see you tonight
hey i didn't take any meat out of freezer did you?? if you didn't sms me and i will get some for teriaki ( let me know what kind of meat it is though
i hate reading and it i start to read a book , i will always find something most interesting and better to do

sorry i don't know where pop ones dogs came from

good luck finding out  :up: :up: :-D :-D
@Koen & Katrina, sorry for popping up in the middle of your conversation!   :oops:  Enjoy your meal tonight.

By the way it's "pop one's Clogs" not Dogs, that's why I asked here, I thought maybe some of you Dutchies out there might have an idea  :-D
@Scutch, no need to say sorry, and we shouldn't do this in this topic anyway.. sorry.

Thanks, We'll do the best we can... I have to cook again.... :Cooking:

I don't know were the saying comes from though, but it sounds good.
Do you know this one? Clogwalks...  :|

See ya
Clogwalks?  No never heard of it. 
Sounds like something they might do up here in Friesland, still a lot of clog wearers here  :-D. 
Where did you hear/see it?

I'm lucky at the moment, Mees cooks almost every night as he is unemployed at the moment.  Still he gets his revenge by leaving the pile of dirty dishes (no dishwasher) for me, which I then do my best to wiggle out of by swapping for another household chore which I like better :up:!
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg45100#msg45100 date=1138271621]
Have fun packing, do you have any idea when you are going to be back online again as soon as you are in Oz?


No idea yet. In the worst case scenario we'll have to wait until the container
with the computers arrives. But knowing myself I'll probably get hold of
a computer somewhere in the meantime. There's still internet cafes so
I'll at least drop a note saying I'm still around  :-D

.... I never knew I had so much stuff... and that I'd need so many trash bags.
They'll pick up our stuff tomorrow so internet access will be pretty
limited after today. (There's still my inlaws of course  :roll: )
Clogwalks?  No never heard of it. 
Sounds like something they might do up here in Friesland, still a lot of clog wearers here  . 
Where did you hear/see it?

Sorry I stand correct, I wrote walks, but it should have been wogs. I've heard it in Oz for the first time, apperantly it is name calling (schelden) specificly to Dutch people. :up:

Funny you guys live in Frieslân, I'm one from birth...  :up:, been born in Weststellingwerf near Wolfega.

Clogwogs, that's a good one, probably comes from 'wog', offensive English slang for a coloured person, shortened from Golliwog (a coloured doll, it used to appear on Robertson jam jars, but was removed due to political correctness).

Maybe the Australians aren't been really offensively  :-D?  Sounds good since 'clog' rhymes with 'wog'!  Us Brits use Cloggies, not exactly polite, but not that offensive right?  :|

Groetjes uit Ljouwert,
Right, but even if you were.... I couldn't care less.

I don't get offended easily  :up:

As a person from Frieslân I'm used to be called names and herrased because I'm still proud of the fact I am from Frieslân.
My mom use to say, People that are being nasty to you or judge you without taking the time to get to know you are affraid of you, or they just don't know better.  :-D

I think she is right, and I can live with the fact that some people don't know any better.
