For everyone who feels like speaking English....

You have to admit landmiles, there not many people who can do a thing like that.

Lets just say I'm UNIQUE.... :rotflmao:  :up:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg47927#msg47927 date=1139903086]Lets just say I'm UNIQUE.... :rotflmao:   :up: [/quote]

Yeah right. You're unique, just like anyone else. Been there, done that, got the lousy T-shirt. This one already brought up some five pages of discussion about the uniqueness of being... to be or not to be...
Well Koen... I have the same :) My grandmother is Belgian, so I can speak it pretty good... I lived in Tilburg for 2 years, so I can do a bit of Brabants too ;) Still not managing to speak proper Twents, but I can understand it though... Sometimes that's tough enough ;)
That's brings me to another difficulty... though and tough. It's written almost the same, but you say a completely different word...  Always have to watch that carefully before I write it down :)
Okay... back to accents and languages ;) We have some English friends and in August 2005 a Welsh friend of ours married an English girl. I tried to say Llangollen (a Welsh place near Chester) and Amanda (the english girl) said I could do it better than she does.

This summer Maluka and I (with my mother and father in law) are going on our holliday to Scotland, so I can practice my Scotsh ;) :p
@Koen  :  no worries, you still write/spell a lot better than some Brits I know  :)    Looking forward to hearing your accent in Antwerp.  I'm a bit the same, I have a Welsh friend and after I've been round her for a while I sound Welsh too.........mind you that's usually after a few glasses  :drink:

@Annemiek :  With your pronounciation you should do fine in Scotland, we can practise some Scotch in Antwerp  :)
@Landmiles : Pronunciation, easily, interested, Yugoslavia .... whats in the word... You knew what I ment didn't you???

Some words are a bit hard for me since I am dislexic, so I have a excuse, do you have one????
No without kidding, I know most words of by heart just by reading the dictionary when I was attending school, but during the leap of time I have forgotten some of them, so every now and then I stuff up on the spelling, but who cares ... all the other emails that I write every single day for work (all in english) are being checked before sending off.

I have never tried to speak scottish although I love the sound of it. I'm sure that when I ever go there I will pick it up easily if I stay longer than a week.  :-D

@Scutch Thank you for the complement, now I have to watch out not to walk next to my shoes... :-D
@Annemiek, It's good to have found a kindred soul....  :up:

[quote author=Scutch link=topic=2886.msg47946#msg47946 date=1139905166]

@Koen  :  no worries, you still write/spell a lot better than some Brits I know  :)    Looking forward to hearing your accent in Antwerp.  I'm a bit the same, I have a Welsh friend and after I've been round her for a while I sound Welsh too.........mind you that's usually after a few glasses  :drink:

Koen's accent is definitely an Aussie one! I guess it's from living there and spending so much time with a Sheila!  :-D
Should be a fun night with all those various English/Flemish/Dutch accents!  :)

Maybe a fun idea in the evening if everyone speaks English for a while, we can all make fun of our accents :roll:
[quote author=Scutch link=topic=2886.msg47969#msg47969 date=1139907985]

Maybe a fun idea in the evening if everyone speaks English for a while, we can all make fun of our accents :roll:

An Xpdite-night is always fun, especially after a few glasses/bottles of wine! But what all that wine will do to our accents ...  :|
An Xpdite-night is always fun, especially after a few glasses/bottles of wine! But what all that wine will do to our accents

I can't speak for you Sara, but I know my accent won't change at all since I don't drink alcohol at all.... :-D
So the good part is that I'll be enjoying your speach when you are sober and tipsy.... :rotflmao:  :up:

But it would be a very good idea Scutch since Katrina doesn't understand dutch let alone Flemish that much, and she enjoys following the conversations  :-D :up:

Scutch: I can do a rrrrroling rrrrrrrr, so that's a part I already manage ;) Last year we had a guided tour in Edinburgh Castle and I couldn't understand our Scottish guidde that wel ;) Was a bit noisy too up that hill...
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg47986#msg47986 date=1139909805]
But it would be a very good idea Scutch since Katrina doesn't understand dutch let alone Flemish that much, and she enjoys following the conversations  :-D :up:

I don't think the others (not that I've met any of them) would mind, great practise for Oz!  I know how it is for Katrina, took me years to get to the stage I could understand a group of Dutchies!  

Maybe a couple of seat rotations during the evening would be a good idea too so that people can mix more.

Bit  :eek:fftopic: now, maybe better to put these ideas into the Antwerp Ozzie night topic!
@Annemiek : if you've mastered the 'rrrrrrrrrr' you're halfway there!  :)

But why was is so noisy?  Drunken Scotsmen singing?  :-D
That is always a good excuse to huddle up to eachother and make it cosy...  :up:

Any way the roling Rrrrrr is a problem for Katrina as well, as soon as she says a dutch word with a rrr in it she says an LLL just like white lise.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :lol1:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg47741#msg47741 date=1139811442]
I don't think that matters, what they look at is the way you have build your sentences and how the words are spelled, I don't think they really care about what you write unless it is of cource offencive and discriminating.  :|

Heh, I was just kidding mate, hence the '  :lol: '.

You can try but it would be really great if you just use the words you know in the right way at the right time. Now this can be difficult, but it is easy to learn. Just participate in this topic as much as you can and you will learn how to write english and new words all the time. You can even make a print out of this topic and write all these messages down as a practice. There are plenty of difficult words to be found in this topic.  :-D

A positive side-effect of the computer-generation, which I'm part of, is that we (in general) have a lot of contact with foreign people. And there aren't that many countries that have dutch as their native language, so english is _the_ way to communicate.
Besides hearing, reading and talking English at school, I know from alot of people that they read and Write alot of English a day (some articles are solely in English) and with msn.

Groentje: Yeah, I have a so called doctor's handwriting...or

Scutch (and soda...heh, lame joke, oh well): Yeah, writing or speaking, doesn't really matter, you can use diffcult words in both cases. What did they ask specifically after he started using those difficult words? If he studied it and why? Allthough such tests are waaaay ahead of time for now, I really wonder what the difficulty of the tests are, or formulated in a better way 'what kind of grammar/word usage/etc' gives you what kind of grade....
By the way, I can't scroll with page up/page down and the arrow keys on this forum. But I only have it on this forum, on no other one, so it's very odd...Is it a known bug or is it just me?
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg47953#msg47953 date=1139906202]
@Landmiles : Pronunciation, easily, interested, Yugoslavia .... whats in the word... You knew what I ment didn't you???[/quote]
Sure did, I can usually understand people in spite of any accents :lol:

Some words are a bit hard for me since I am dislexic, so I have a excuse, do you have one????
Nope. So, if I make any spellling errrors, you can just flame me unto my socks (tot op mijn sokken toe afbranden, that is) :up:

@Annemiek, It's good to have found a kindred soul....  :up:
What about me?!? :lol:
What about me?!?

Yeah tell me, what about you.... how come, besides the fact you went through a higher form of education then me, that your English is so good? Does it has anything to do with the fact you have traveled a lot, or are you just a natural talent with a gift for speaking and learning foreign languages? :?  :?

Don't worry Landmiles your one of the gang, you have been ever since we have started  :sword: I thought you knew that..... next time I will be more specific .... does that make you happy?  :p :lol:  :up:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg48125#msg48125 date=1139985042]how come, besides the fact you went through a higher form of education then me, that your English is so good? Does it has anything to do with the fact you have traveled a lot, or are you just a natural talent with a gift for speaking and learning foreign languages? :? :? [/quote]
A bit of all. Travelling to Southern America learnt me a few words in Spanish, I can make myself understood over there but not in Spain. I speak French better than English, I started at 9 years old and spent a lot of vacations there. I even used to date a girl in Paris, she was Danish but learning that is pure horror. So we spoke a lot of French. I can manage in German, I used to work for a German contractor. I speak a few words Chinese, too. Dui bu xi, wo bu hui tiang zhong guo hua (sorry, I don't speak Chinese) and consequently Wo bu hui tiang zhong guo zi (I don't understand Chinese characters either), 'coz they are used to people who can't understand them speaking but do understand their writing - Mandarin and Cantonese and Korean are completely different when spoken but identical in writing.

Don't worry Landmiles your one of the gang, you have been ever since we have started :sword: I thought you knew that..... next time I will be more specific .... does that make you happy? :p :lol: :up:

Happy!  :lol: Happy!  :lol: Happy!  :lol: Happy!  :lol: Happy!  :lol: