For everyone who feels like speaking English....

So now that we all agree on these nice and beautiful accents of ours.....

Something totally different, What I'd like to know is how do you see the first  Year after you have arrived in Oz. In other words what do you expect to happen. What hopes do you have???

Really curious about your responses  :)

I guess I expect the first weeks to be exciting, sad and nerve-recking all at the same time....but then, after that first period, I hope to have found a job ...which will be a big relief, 'cause that's my biggest fear right now....not finding a job
Just enjoying simple things...going bushwalking for the first time....buying my brumbies, riding towards the sunset....stuff like that!
Getting used to a new life and new surroundings is never easy...I hope to find lots of friends there!
Let's just say that I hope to find things that I can't find all aspects of life: a nice job, nature, great new people around you, new adventures,...

Work hard, play hard. I see myself working my ass off during the week, and buy a kite and board to build my feelble kitesurfing skills during the weekend. Or get up early to do some rock climbing while the temperature is still bearable, then set off to work (if they allow me to have flexible hours). And I see all of the people who promised to come over keeping their promises, crash at our place, enjoy themselves during the week and getting out with us during the weekend.
That really sounds good for the both of you.  :up:

I know the first couple of months will be hell for me, because I'll be living with my mother inlaw, ans she is the most ....... Person I know. but that will be ok as long as my brother in law won't do anything I might regret later.. if you catch my drift.
I don't have a particular job in mind so I will do what ever is neccesary. Am looking very much forward to seeing my Ozzie friends again and having a bear and horseride with them. Then there is our wedding..... I just hope it will go the way Katrina & I want, no hassels no problems just a good time. And then hopefully there will be our own place whether it is in Melbourne or in Brisbane... I really don't care as long as it is Katrina and mine where we can do what we want. As Sara said I'm looking forward to it with mixed feelings, maybe also because I know my mum won't be on the wedding, and it will take a couple of years before we will be back in holland for a holiday.... I don't know. I do know that it will be better there then here, because home is where Katrina is.... :-D

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg48195#msg48195 date=1140002678]...because home is where Katrina is.... :-D[/quote]
Owww, that's sooow soeweeeet!!!

But I also do think it's really cool to ride bears. Unless they'd be koala bears, then it's kind of silly.
(just ignoring the last two remarks) I was talking about Chinese language - most of y'all know that you can pronounce a word in different tones. For example, the word "ma" can have four different meanings, among others "Mother" and "Horse"... if you want to ask a man if you can ride his horse you'd better be careful!
Well isn't that equall to what we wrote before??? we don't think Bear would like you to ride him !!!!!

if you want to ask a man if you can ride his horse you'd better be careful
if you want to ask a Bear if you can ride him you'd better be careful  :evil:  :evil:

Hey Miranda, can you tell us what your expectations are for the first year after you arive in Australia?

Gr. Koen

P.S. Now what is that like
aaahmm.....  I fok horses!
is it as good for you as it is for them?  :-( :lol:
If I have some expectations? Well... Maluka and I are starting in Sydney probably, because he has some old collegue's (is this written correctly?) over there. We'll buy ourselves a car and arrange some things like medicare and stuff. And than...... Explore Australia! Don't know where we are going yet, but we will see. Probalby end up somewhere around Brisbane, but first a few months driving from coast to coast maybe?
Annemiek, that sounds very good  :up:
And yes you wrote collegue's correct.  :up: :wink:

Any idea in what kind of time span you & Maluka are going there, or is that still open for debate?

Gr.Koen  :up:
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg48335#msg48335 date=1140070217]
Annemiek, that sounds very good  :up:
And yes you wrote collegue's correct.  :up: :wink:

Gr.Koen  :up:

Zoeteken,  shouldn't it be 'colleagues' ?  :-D
Precious, I looked it up and I found that both words are english words. The both sound good to me, I know what she means. I have to admid that 'colleagues' is used more often. Lets say it is the common word for it.

We should ask our native speaker Rene, but I haven't seen him posting anything for a while now.  :|
I guess he is working on his forum addiction  :-D

Yeah, I don't know where Rene has disappeared to ...  :|  Let's hope he shows up one of these days!  :up:

Well... Maluka had heard that a payed internship can be seen as workexperience. If that is true we could start all over again in april instead of september... BUT... Marks boss still doens't know about our plans. Mark has got a contract for one year that'll be extended at the end of july. After that we can ask him the...  euhh... declaration you need for the skills assessment. How do you call the declaration of prove that you've worked for your boss? Marks is afraid that his contract won't be extended if he asks his boss for it before the end of july... We can't use an unemployed Mark, because of the workexperience he still needs to get the six years...

So.... ;) We expect to start all over again in september. We still have al the papers we need, so we can send it all al lot quicker to the ASC I think. Hope to leave Holland somewhere at the end of 2006, maybe sooner?