For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Sorry Sara, we still have that under discusion ... but we will let you know asap... :-D

And Bring it on... as lontg as it is not Kl**tjes.. :| :-D

Well... we can't wacht Macleod's, McLeods, Mclead's daughter's (saw 3 ways to wright it down, so I sopied all three of them ;) ), because it's almost at the same time as JAG and we like to watch that ;)

Thank God it's Friday!!!
Indeed, I am véry happy that it is Friday .... I am bored here at work, I'm longing for the weekend to begin!
Still have to wait until 16h though  :|

I had to entertain the daughter of a colleague.... They didn't have a teacher today and they're too young to stay at home alone, so she took them with her. We were watching doggy's on animalshelter sites in the region, because they want a dog ;) That's nice to do on a Friday. My boss said it was okay, because I didn't have much to do.
Think I'm going home a bit earlier than usual, cause I'm not feeling too well... caughing en sore throat..... headache... stuff like that :'(
It sounds like flu to me!!  Better go home and have some tea with citroenjenever (how do you translate that????  :-o  :-o  :-o ) !!  :coffee:  :cold:

Forgot to say.... I'm a bit proud of myslef, because my English is getting better and better all the time. It wasn't too bad at all, but the last two years it's getting so much better, because of the foreign friends we've made :) And... because of this topic!

and... today is our two year aniversary (how do you write this again?) :) Just have to let that out :) Actually I want to scream it off the rooftops, but it's rainig too hard ;) And I don't think security will like that, cause I work in a six story building ;)

Well. Sara... I'm not feeling that sick, but it's just euhm... inconventient? not really  euhm.. handig to have it right now. Don't want to be sick ;)
Hey Annemiek, Hope your feeling better soon  :eat: eat plenty of vitamins and youl'll be fine within notime... :-D

Further monre you have every right to be proud of yourself  :up: your doing a real good job.
I can tell you have much more confidence in writing here then in the first few pages of this topic.  :up:
:congrats: with your two year anniversary, are you guys gonna celebrate??

Ok enjoy your night :up: :up:
Well Mark is lying on the couch now and I'm behind the laptop ;) Noo... it was funny. I've made little papers with red hearts on them. On every paper was the word of a sentence. All together it spelled "Hallo Lieverd Jij Bent En Blijft Mijn Lieve Schat"  sorry for the dutch words ;) I put one in his bag, in his left and right shoe, in his wallet, in his PalmTop case, in his coat, in the apple drawer of the fridge, on the front door and in his car. I leave for work earlier than he, so he found them when I was already gone.. Didn't expect that at all and he thought is was very funny! :) I really like surprising him ;)

That is so sweet!  I hope he secretly loved it as well as thinking it was funny  :)

We have just passed two years together too. 

Have a nice night celebrating  :wink:

That's good, most men love the attention really!  It's taken you a while to reply, must have been a good night......... :wink:
Would be pretty shitty if you are almost going to immigrate en he only found three hearts which create:
"Hallo Jij Blijft"  :-D
well... Mark is our head applicant, so if there would be, in any case, someone who'd have to stay here it would be me ;)
I have one opinion about Valentines day..... IT IS THE MOST COMMERCE DAY IN THE YEAR !!!!!!! :x

I told Katrina from the start that I don't do anything about that shit, I think you don't have to have a particular day (14th feb) to show your love for your friends, famely or partner.
I believe in the show your feelings whenever you want day.... in other words you can make it valentines day each day of the year, and I make it every year annother day....! So it will always be a suprise what you get, but most of all when you get it. :-D :up:

Hey Landmiles Dude, I know that it wasn't a valentines day thing.  But I am talking a bout that, as you know we can talk about anything as long as it is in english.... :wink:

By the way, you have no idea how relaxed I am at the momen, I have trouble keeping awake at the moment, eventhough I'm at work.....  :-(

Better stay away from the funny cigarettes than, man.

But if we start talking about Valentine's Day, I'm with you. I consider myself lucky with YaLiShanDa, no need to bother her with any heart shaped sh#t during that day unless you want some physical damage to be inflicted onto yourself... :whip:
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg48868#msg48868 date=1140401619]

LOL, funny Fol. (By the way, it's emigrate or migrate. Not immigrate, in this case).


Eeeehhhh true, although it always goes hand in hand, but you're completely right  :cool:

Aaah...I reaaaallly dislike the dutch weather for today and the next week...freezing in the night, rain, a cold wind killing your ears and hands... I need summer, I really really do, I'm coldblooded I need heat from an external source...grr dangit. Let's sell the dutch weather  :cool:
We're anti-valentinesday as well... weird note: we had a cremation on valentinesday.

dutch weather..... used to it by now, but I hate it!
I live HERE for a while now *g*, but I still ain't used to it... Like I said, they can buy the dutch weather, a real bargain... I'll even pay for it if you take it.