For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Hi there,

it has been a while since I have joined in a conversation, so I thought why not ask a question... :?

My question for today is to gether some information from the dutchies already living in Oz, I would really like to know how you have experienced the first month after arriving in Oz, what can we (the people still in Holland) expect when we arrive in Oz, not just at the airport but also in the first month?????

Really looking forward to your replies..... :-D :up:

Yep Koen, that's a good question...I've been wondering about that myself! I arrive in Alice on the day the big Desert festival starts there, so I'll probably end up at a bar somewhere on my first day!  :wink:

Well Sara what can I say.... I didn't expect anything else from you.... :loldevil:

No, just kidding, but I am very curious about what to expect, I know everybody experiences it in a different state or way, but there will always be some simularities... So don't hold back and just tell us your story..... :up:

Indeed a nice question :up:

But in my case :lol: :-D It is 10 years ago.........and the first month....can't remember a thing :-D. Everything went so quick, it was one big blur. Organising bits & pieces, living arrangements, buying a reliable ( :-o) car, etc. etc.

Let's just say hip-hip-hooray for the "automatic pilot" that kicked in on arrival!! :)


p.s. I am pretty certain that you will get a more constructive answer to your question!
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg52018#msg52018 date=1142492843]
I have joint in a conversation[/quote]
You've got a joint brother?  :cool: (nah just kidding, should be 'joined' I guess(?)).

Yeah I'm interested in the first months experience as well...must be over in a second...With everything you have to arrange....
I don't live in Australia yet, but sometimes I think about the first days, weeks, month. About how it will be. When everything goes according our plan we'll fly to Sydney, stay a few days with a former colleague of Maluka to arrange some things. And when everything is okay, we go on our way to explore Australia!
Sometimes I'm just a little kid when something exciting is about to happen. Can't wait untill that moment and getting all nervous then.... So I think, that when we arrive in Sydney, I would like to see everything right away! Especially the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House :)
But off course it won't happen I guess...
It's pretty quiet in here...
Certainly after such a nice question has been asked. Oh well...

How is the nightlife in Oz? Wildddd? ;)
Say FOL!! I'm not going to tell you about my nightlife!! Goodness!


Steve and I are not really pub-people. We're more dinner people. And so are our friends. So hanging around in pubs we don't do (anymore). Plus, living in a suburb we just don't pop in to the City that easily. We love where we live, but the only pub nearby is Gilhooley's and thanks-but-no-thanks. Fine for a birthday drink, but rather have dinner with friends. Which, by the way, we do frequently. And to be honest, being over 40 we don't really feel pubs with mainly late teenagers is our thing.

But tell us, how is YOUR nightlife?  :)

It's a shame that not many people have responded on the question asked on the previous page.... maybe I should open a topic under Australia general...... :?

Night life.... well it just depends what you like, me for instance like to sit arround a bonfire with some friends and have a drink and a BB, while others prefere to go out on the towns and drink theirselves silly.... :drinking:

Anyway, I guess we all like different things.... isn't that just great ..????  :up:

:cheers: Koen
Lol Eerainuh  :-D Let's not swing the discussion into that direction  :wink: (I have to copy/paste your name every time...  :-D)
I'm not really a 'drink till you drop' person, but I like to be around some loud music, dancing sometimes (alltough I can't dance at all!), hang around in a bar... I guess that's comparable with Europe/Holland, isn't it?

One advantage is the weather, which creates the possibility for Koen's idea of a nice night life, with the bonfire and such...Something I'm keen on as well   :up:

just a little update. I'm at college for a couple of weeks arleady and starting to get used to it.
I even passed my first assessment. YES!

In two weeks we might finally have internet at home... it took only what?
Three months? :-o :evil:

Hi Annemarie,

YEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! She's ALIVE  :cheer: :cheer:, hi there stranger,
glad to hear from you. Congrats with passing your first
assessment........................ (of what by the way??).

Miranda  :) :)
See if i go out on the town with mates i like to have a good drink.

but i agree with Koen ( that's a first  :-D :|) to sit watching T.V well the open fire is on , and or sitting around the bon fire with mates ( that way it's much much cheaper )

going into town cost alot , then when you have a bon fire at home with mates

Hee FOL, you don't need to bother to copy/paste my name, it's just IRENE, but for the natives and the Kiwi's I spell it as Eerainuh, just so they know how to pronounce my real name :)

As far as the bonfire goes, yes, we have a pot belly stove in the garden, around which we sometimes gather... sometimes. With a glass of something. Best was last New Year's eve, when we had a bbq on the beach (Palm Beach, Gold Coast). Friends of ours have a house at the beach there. To have a beach as backyard is pretty darn good, especially in Gold Coast!

But to have a real bonfire in our garden at home... uhmm... first will have to lop some trees! :)
Hi everybody.

Hope you don't mind butting in to join the party.

I've just introduced myself on the forum, but as Miranda know's (Hi  :wink:) i'm English born, so it's easier for me to post on this thread than on the rest of the site. My spoken Dutch is almost perfect (it should be after 19 years) but unfortunately I have never needed to write much in dutch, so my written is grammatically awful.

I haven't got much to say at the moment, but i'm sure that as soon as I get the chance to read a few posts, I have got plenty of waffle  :-D

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Hi there Paul,

Katrina started this topic, she is Australian who hardly speaks/reads/writes dutch so to have a bit of fun she opened this topic so she can see what is going on and participate on the forum.
The great thing about this topic is that you can talk (write) about anything you want as long as it is in english.  :up:

Hope to read more from ya.

Catch ya later.  :up:
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg53611#msg53611 date=1143611182]
Hi Annemarie,

YEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! She's ALIVE  :cheer: :cheer:, hi there stranger,
glad to hear from you. Congrats with passing your first
assessment........................ (of what by the way??).

Miranda  :) :)

Hello!  :) Thanks for noticing me, TUM!

Voice class, we had to find learn and research a poem then
present it in a creative manner. Also research the poet.

Then we had to present a self written Haiku.
The Haiku went well, but I
was really nervous at the rest of it. It's so hard to find a poem,
if you really don't like poetry.

Sounds easy?
Well, it's not and it's scary to do, plus she
was stopwatching us to
under 5 minutes. I was way over, but passed anyway.

I did Tolkien and as usually made it far too hard on myself.
Anyway , I did it. Next a free movement presentation and a paper on a style of movement.
And in two weeks I have to have written a 10 minute screenplay!  :-o :-D

So much from TV land.
I'll give you updates!   :cool:
Haiku, poetry.........presenting  :lol: :lol:, of course it is not easy,
especially when the consequenses are NOT PASSING if you fail.
By the way, you are talking to someone who did her first
presentation 2 months ago and who was scared sh*tless!!!
My greatest PLUS at that moment is that no one notices
because it's all inside  :-o :-o

Good on ya for passing Annemarie !!

Take care,
Welcome back Annemarie!  :hi: Great to hear you are doing well, and congratulations on your assignment.  English was never my strong point (even though it's my Mother Tongue) so I'm impressed at what you're achieving.

And welcome to Paul, another Brit on the block!  Of course the pressure is on us to write perfect English!  After 13 years here my English gets worse and worse, especially spelling, so it's good to practise here.  :up:
In about a few weeks my english will be tested! We're going to an eastercamp in Belgium and we'll meet some foreign friends there. So the main language will be English I guess...
I can already say that my english has really improved compared to last year :) And this topic has helped me with that ;) So... Thank you Katrina!! :up: