For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Hadn't seen that one yet Fol, thanks, very entertaining! :-D

(and my alter ego wants you to know it's "I didn't GET it")

Sigh...I knew I knew... Anyway, has more nice video's...allthough it contains some 18+ (probably) material and violence as well.
[quote author=Annemiek link=topic=2886.msg50658#msg50658 date=1141658601]
hahahahahaa! okee dan :) En dan vooral dat liedje! Een stekkie van de fuch fuch fuchsia!
Dat zou je eens moeten laten horen aan vrienden joh! :) gegarandeerd lol :)

What was I thinking! Talking dutch in the english topic!! I'm very sorry....  :) Just found out.....

So... how's the weather in Oz?
[quote author=Annemiek link=topic=2886.msg50759#msg50759 date=1141730470]
So... how's the weather in Oz?

:-D Nice change of subject! :up:

[size=8pt]It's hot again![/size]
uhu ;)

Hot again huh.... that's nice :) Like hot, hate cold ;) Although I've made some pretty pictures in the snow last weekend ;)
(Hey Annemiek; it's to take a picture, not to make.)

Oh, what a about another subject change..... I had a car accident yesterday. A guy thought the light was green for him and subsequently crossed the street without checking. I could do nothing but just brake, but no way I could avoid a collision. My car had to be towed away (estimated damage... $12.000 +!!), and although there was no bloody mess, I feel bloody sore and sick today!

Now I have to drive Steve's car (he left for Europe last night), I bet he's fretting!  :-D
Far out  :-o  $12000 worth of damage. I hope you're ok.
I've only been involved in one serious accident and that was when I was 4, so I can't remember much of it.
Will your insurance cover all the repairs?

The picture taking thing is a funny one. I recon every Dutch person ( including me ) makes that mistake.  :wink:
Hi Brigitte,

THANK God on my little bare knees :)-) - making myself smile here) that it wasn't my fault, so the guy's insurance (actually, his work's insurance, it was a company care) will have to pay.

Despite not being a happy chappy I can only say, I'm bloody thankful I drive a decent car, and not a cookie jar!
Aw, that sucks... Well, at least you got out relatively unharmed :)
12000$ damage?! My car isn't even worth that much  :x

(then again, I don't even have a car  :-D)
Hi Irene,

That really sucks, your muscles must be really sore indead because you saw it coming. I'm glad you're ok though, could have been worse indead!!! So, by the way, what does 'fretting' mean, something like: worrying about you driving his precious car????

Take care,

Miranda  :)
Hi Miranda!

Thanks for your support :) You're right, I completely froze. Feeling slightly better today, after sleeping till almost 2pm!  Will just keep taking it easy, that's the only way to go.

Fretting, yes, something like biting his nails and worrying. But your pet can fret when you're away from home. Have never found the right Dutch word for it. Syl, maybe you know?
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg51472#msg51472 date=1142155376]
Fretting, yes, something like biting his nails and worrying. But your pet can fret when you're away from home. Have never found the right Dutch word for it. Syl, maybe you know?

To fret: zich ergeren, zich opvreten, kniezen, piekeren.

Hihi Tum........
could have been worse indead!!!
That was a pretty scary spello!!! :-D....indead......let's make it indeed seeing that Irene is alive and kicking.......thank goodness!!! :up: :up: :up:

Fretting, I'm with AJ on that one I would think...opvreten...covers it pretty well

p.s. Tum, how did your IELTS go?????
indead,.... :lmao: :lmao:.....I'm glad this is just a slip of the pen and not real life.....good one

Miranda (still grinning  :-D)

@Syl, the IELTS went fine, no worries there, still I was a bit nervous and even more so when the 'speaking part' came up. Stupid maybe,
but it really felt like an exam although the IELTS-lady was a normal person and just followed the rules regarding the exam (just as I expected). Afterwards she told (if I remember correctly) me everything was fine and that I had a good vocabulary and nice (pleasant) accent. Thanks for asking  :up:
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg51499#msg51499 date=1142172524]
... although the IELTS-lady was a normal person ...[/quote]

Hey Miranda,

Did you expect someone ore something else :-D. (just kidding)

Mel :)
[quote author=Syl link=topic=2886.msg51480#msg51480 date=1142161766]
Irene is alive and kicking.......thank goodness!!! :up: :up: :up:

:-D :-D I was waiting for that to come!!  :-D  :-D
although the IELTS-lady was a normal person
Hihi...I had a good chuckle about that one too!!!

What??? She did not look like a kangaroo??? :-D :p

Lucky it is all over Mir. :up:
Syl :)