For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Thank's :) but... I'm here on 'temporary money' so they can't give me a....  euhmm... contract for undetermined time (?), so there's a big chance that I'll be without work from the first of May next year.... And then it's still a few months 'till we can leave...
My boss said "Well... If you'll leave at the end of next year, then you can just as well leave when your contract ends" He said it with a smile, so I don't know what he means of it.
he basically saying , if you leave for Australia  end of next year .. and your contract will will end what may .
his saying no point working for me if you are leaving .... been an arsehole

doesn't want you  :evil:
Damnit, I overlooked something...or I read it wrong...
I was doing the point test on and I thought having 12 (out of the last 18) months work experience was enough if you have 120 (or more) points, but apparently, you need 3 (out of 4) years experience!
That would mean, if I choose for australie, I'll have a delay of another 2 years! That's...2.5 years when I'm done with school. 4 years experience, not until then I can get that fixed...which takes like another year... sigh, I better get back to the forum in 6 years  :cry:
We had the same thing FOL... We need 6 years experience insteda of the 4 we had in mind. All because of a Bachelor's degree......

What kind of visa do you want?
I was typing and readin on dimia and ACS site...and started to type dutch...heh..
Anyway, I'm probably going for a skilled independent (136), alltough there are other opportunities...My  'study' is on SOL/SSAssl and ENSOL (a shame it's not on MODL). And I got a master degree (in 2 years). But I lack working experience  :x The visums (at this moment) are no problem, the problem is the assessing authority (ACS)...

My misunderstanding was because for the visum I need "(...) you must provide evidence that you have been in paid employment in any occupation on the Skilled Occupation List for at least 12 out of the 18 months immediately before applying. "

that much experience....but for the assessing authority I need:
"Applicants in Group A must have at least four (4) equivalent years of full-time relevant IT
professional experience prior to the date of their application for Pre Application Skills Assessment

This much working experience... a shame the maximum of those 2 count....
bah bah bah :(

This means, I won't have a chance until ..2012  :-o
Time to check out some other countries...I can't stay in holland for 6 more years...

edit; just found out about a sponsorship that case you have nothing to do with the assessing authroity 9as someone stated)..hmm, let me do some research on that possibility.
Have a really really good luck at the ACS requirements..................I seem to remember that, when you are studying a true IT program, proven by syllabus texts etc., you can get through without workexperience. Otherwise NO graduate at all can migrate to Australia based on his/her skills!

But I guess you ARE looking very it again! You might find a way...! Otherwise I don't understand how some "friends"  of mine have obtained a positive skills assessment from ACS as graduates!

Good luck!

Thanks, I'll do my best. No work experience needed? Interesting....
but it's getting to personal for such a general topic.

Sooo ehm different subject ;)
Anyway, the message stays:

never give up!  :up:

But that's something people on this forum don't do very often!
:cry: :cry: :cry: Why doesn't anyone what to chat  on this topic no more  :cry: :cry: :-( :-(

Just think of something , for us all to join in and have a laugh or two

you all can't be sick of this topic now can you .....
How was everyone's Easter ????

did you have it with family and your just on your own ????

Me and koen we went up to Swizerland  for eatser , had a great time ( man i just love Swizerland, such a beautiful country )  we walk and walk and did some site seeing  and yeah had a good time

I went to Church on friday , wanted to experience the the dutch  way of life in church ( even though i couldn't understand i enjoy the experience
Hi Katrina,

Nice to hear from you!  Sounds like you and Koen had a great time in Switzerland  :up:  We saw some Dutch friends yesterday who also spent Easter weekend in Switzerland and loved it.

We had a very nice Easter  :), Easter Sunday was also my 40th Birthday  :cake2:, too many years for 40 candles, so had 4 candles on my cake!  We had an Easter Brunch with friends and actually sat outside, yeah, sun at last  :happysun: 

Yesterday, Easter Monday, we went to Amsterdam, it was gorgeous weather  :sunny: so sat on a terasje for the first time this year, everyone was happy, it really felt great to be outside.

I'm glad the weather is getting better, next week my brother who lives in Perth (and who I haven't seen in 3 years) is arriving with his wife and 8 month old daughter.  I have 2 weeks off so hope the sun shines a lot. 

Susan  :)
well  happy belated b'day to you .. 40 not to bad ( you are only say old as you feel )

yes  the weather was beautiful in swizerland too

this weekend is surpose to get up to the 20's , so i'm so so happy the sun is coming back , i have miss it so much

thats great that your brother is coming over with his wife and your neice  ... you  must be over the moon  about them coming over
hope you all have a good time and that thoughs 2 weeks go slow for you , so that you can spend more time with them .

Katrina    :up: :up: :up: :lol: :lol: :p

We have to find a new topic  to talk about on hear , as ppl are slowly going off this English topic  ( i will be talking englaigh on the other topic's  :cry: :cry:
:-D :-D
I think Katrina that as the weather is getting better  :up: that people are spending less time on the forum, I'm sure it's really quiet in the summer if the weather is really nice.

Well I have a question which hopefully will get a few responses:  What is customer service like in Australia?

Lately it's going to the pits here in the Netherlands.  At the moment we are in dispute with my boyfriends old health insurance company.  He cancelled by letter in January and signed on to the health insurance company through my work.  But now his old insurance company say they never received his letter, and because it's past March the 1st he can't cancel anymore.  He has already paid hundreds of Euros to my health insurance company and now his old one is demanding 700Euros from him too.  They are so unfriendly and are refusing to recognise his cancellation  :-(

Also Mees has an empty apartment in Rotterdam.  We've now been trying to cancel his UPC cable TV subscription there for 6 months there.  Eneco (the utility company) does the billing for UPC.  We cancel UPC, but they don't tell Eneco, so they still charge us.  Eneco says it's UPC's responsibility, UPC say's it's Eneco's, etc.  No-one takes responsibility to accept the problem and help the customer.  If they want to get your money they are of course very friendly, but try to cancel or get money back!

Is it just us having bad luck, or are things really so bad?  :-o
i'm not sure what it's like back home ( as it changes every time i come back)

but that shit  whats been happening with with you guys

Anyone else  got anything to say  this this topic
Hang in there with that insurance thing!
I heard? the date you have to decide changed to 1st of Juli, but I could be wrong.
Otherwise you can only change again at the end of the year.

@ Katrina; don't worry people will come to this topic! Don't panic when there's no response for 2 weeks :-D :-D
The Australians let you wait much longer sometimes :-D
@ Sheila, don't be sad  :cry:, here we are again  :wink: :wink:

@ Scutch
I beleive there has been a lot said about UPC and Eneco at 'Kassa'  maybe you can find
something over there. And about them, who do you have a contract with, that's the
one you have an agreement with. That UPC and Eneco have some sort of agreement
about billing is their problem, not yours. Can't you just revoke (if that's the word for it) your
automatic 'incasso'?? So that from that moment on Eneco can't take money out of
your account? Somebody else got any ideas?

Ok, I don't know how long it will take before you (if you ever will) have your money
back, but I would try it like I just said:
- go to your bank revoke the automatic 'incasso';
- write a letter (sorry in Dutch 'aangetekend') to UPC, which is very nice of you
regarding their behaviour, tell them what you've done and that you expect
them as the organization you have the agreement with to undertake action
about getting your money back;
- give them a date before you want them to arrange this (let's say 2/4 weeks)
- ask them for a written receipt of your letter;
- if you really want to make it complete, FAX the letter you're sending to them;
- then call them and tell them you've faxed them a letter of complaint that needs
to be addressed, that you've set a date in the letter and ASK the name of the
person you called with (include date and time of calling).

BLLLEEEEEEH I hate those 'kastje naar de muur' stories, is there an explanation
for this saying in English by the way?

Take care,

I have heard similar stories about health insurance, and because there where so many changes at the end of last year, it seems that there have been a lot of mistakes made. Just stand firm, and tell them it's their administrative mistake. Why didn't they inform you earlier that the payments hadn't come through ? Why did they contact you after 1st of May and not before ? Because their systems are still in a shambles. Stick to your guns, and you'll get it sorted.

As for the Eneco/UPC, again heard similar stories about KPN/Tele 2 and internet connections. Everybody seems to be blaming everybody else, but doing nothing about getting the problem sorted. If you block the automatic transfers, and as said report this in a letter (signed for on receipt) i'm sure you'll get arapid responce.

"kastje naar de muur" i'm not quite sure, but "sent on a wild goose chase" is close, but not quite the same. I've been out of the Uk too long  :oops: my English is getting worse......
Thanks for the advice everyone  :up:  @Miranda, yes we have now learned about "aangetekende" letters and following up to check if they have arrived, it's a pity that it is necessary but if it solves the problem, well worth it!  :)

We're not going to let these big companies bully us.  After reading the forums on the Consumentenbond website I know we are not alone............after reading the topics on utility companies I am so glad we never changed to Oxxio who have been trying for months over the phone/at the door/by mail to persuade us to transfer to them.

Been racking my brain trying to think of an English equivalent for "kastje naar de muur", Paul is close I think, I'll sleep on it  :sleep: and see if I can come up with something tomorrow.
