For everyone who feels like speaking English....

We have 8 months to tidy up all the loose ends, and already i'm getting fed up with the incompetence of some companies. Just over 2 weeks ago I phoned my agent for Aegon about a life insurance policy. I want simply to know, can I cash it in, or is it better to keep paying it, and let it mature in 14 years ?

Three phone calls & 2 weeks later, I am still waiting for my agent to call back. I haven't even had him on the phone yet !!!!

I'm sure if I had phoned to ask about taking out some insurance, he would have been on my doorstep in 30 minutes.
Aha, just came up with a brainwave before bedtime, I think "to be passed from pillar to post" is the closest to 'kastje naar de muur'  :)

@Paul:  Exactly, if they can smell a possible sale they'll be on to you like flies, but if you want your money back........... 
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg56515#msg56515 date=1145381502]

BLLLEEEEEEH I hate those 'kastje naar de muur' stories, is there an explanation
for this saying in English by the way?

What about: "Getting stuffed around" ?  :-D :-D
[quote author=Syl link=topic=2886.msg56543#msg56543 date=1145403249]
"van het kastje naar de muur" kan je vertalen met"from pillar to post" maar ik vind de Stuffed Around versie ook heel user friendly! :-D


not really user/forum friendly, but the Brits would normally use " being f###ed around"  :-D
@syl: this is a English topic not dutch ..... sorry to say ( as i don't speak and or read dutch , that's why i made this topic  :up: :up: :) :)
Swear words do count... So you know some dutch ;)
I've pimped my english last weekend ;) Spent a long weekend with a danish couple, an english couple and an ozzie woman who married a danish man and now lives in Denmark. There we're a lot of dutchies too, but spent most of the time with foreigners. It really helps and I also improved my danish a bit ;)
  :-o :-oi know abit of dutch , but not much
Swear words yes ... Well there not to hard now are they .....

please speak english on this site... if you don't know a word in english , then just ask someone :up: :up:
if you don't kow a word in english , then just ask someone

Now Sheila, I always have wondered what you ment by kow??? Your a native english speaker, so do you mean cow? or know????  :-D

No just kidding, As part of the duo Katrina & Koen I know how much of dutch you know and let us tell the rest that it is not enough to read and understand a full dutch sentence.  :wink:

Well Annemiek, I'm happy to hear that you have "pimped" your english although it wasn't bad before you "pimped" it... :)
I just wonder how much you are going to use your danish when your plans are to move to Oz.....  :wink:

Well I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine outside while some of us are working very hard..... :-D

so are you saying koen that you want everyone to go back in dutch on  the koen and katrina topic  :cry2: :cry2: ?????

as i like to know too
What do you all think: :| :|

I just read Msn news in Australia

in melbounre they are going to put in pre paid petrol - means you have to pay for petrol be for you put the gas, pertol in the car .
because  there have been some people that fill up and drive off

it's shit , i hate that new law
Gosh, that's pretty un-customer friendly!  :-(

I thought that petrol was quite cheap there, but I guess to us it seems cheap, but to an Australian expensive.  Dutch petrol prices are amongst the dearest in Europe (if not the world?) so I would expect such a rule being introduced here before anywhere like Australia!
2 years ago the petrol was like  between 58cents a liter-89 cents lter

now it's like $1:30 , but  the reason why they want to put in pre- paid is cos there are saome wankers that think they can get away  with out paying for the petrol they put into there car
Just a question; what happens when your tank is full before you've used up your pre-paid amount?
it probably works the same as the tinq stations or 24 hour pumps here. You buy a specific anount, pay for it, and then that amount is dispenced. Been using the system in Holland for years.

as for over buying, I don't know, maybe its debited off the card when the amount is know. (after the transaction) thats probably how the ones here work as well..
I'm a tinq user also, saves loads of money  :up:. At the moment it is
about 8 cents cheaper than fe Shell, Texaco, BP.
[quote author=tum link=topic=2886.msg56685#msg56685 date=1145453710]
I'm a tinq user also, saves loads of money  :up:. At the moment it is
about 8 cents cheaper than fe Shell, Texaco, BP.

I have a company car with company petrol, so I go to where the benefits are the best.  :-D
Yep that's the way it works and I guess it saves companies
lots of money especially when you have a big
sales department.

Makes you wonder, why don't they give you a discount
when flying tinq fuel  :wink:

Miran  :)
or better yet, just give us a portable dvd player
when flying overseas.........we deserve
it. MMMhhhhh domestic...ok they can get a
portable plastic bag made out of the oil
saved from flying tinq......

If this doesn't work the only thing you can do
is making the utmost use
of the bar. But even there no gain for me,
:cry2: :cry2: I tried and tried, but no use,
I've got a confession to make, I don't like
wine etc. etc. Just the occasional (maybe
newyear) baileys or beer (mixed with
coke of sprite  :lol: :lol:). For the Belgian
people over here the well known
'Mazoutje' which means so much as
petrol/diesel named after the colour the
drink gets I guess  :lol: :lol:

Ok this is really getting nowhere

Off to work !!!

Miran  :)