For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Euhm. What I do:
The urban planner makes a plan and I have to make a digital drawing of it. There's another problem... Don't know what the english names are of the plans that we make. bestemmingsplan is destination plan according to babelfish. Don't know if that's true...
If I translate my function literally then it would be employee urban planning, but I don't know if that's the correct translation...
ok every one , if you want a laugh then all you have to do, is go to this  site below 

Have a good one  :up: :up: :-D :lol: :wink: :up:
it did to me too

Lets see what everyone things of it
if it's scarey or  funny 
good luck
:-D :-D I was really trying hard to focus ......and
at first I had to re-ajust  my eyes. but after
that....only one word...hilarious  :-D :-D
:-D :-D :-D ahhhhh.............Gotta lie down after that....sore neck, nearly jumped with my head through the ceiling...:-D :-D
Do you need some plyers (spelling?) to peel you off the ceiling?

I'll put down a matrass first so you don't hurt yourself  :lol:

By the way, it looked a bit like jelly didn't it? Can't tell

what it was cause it spoils the fun for others  :wink:
Hey Katrina, I'm a bit suprised you showed that picture of your mum on the internet.... :evil:

I thought she told you not to use it....  :-D
Sorry, I was meant to speak English... ! Anyway Sheila, IRENE2 is slim as, and she is lying when she says she has cellulitis! ;-) I will check this Monday and report back... :-D
Now this is getting pretty personal isn't it?

So lets change subject again to something more save than cellulitis cells....... HOW was the Queensday for you??
Was it what you expected or a total new experience?

Mine was ok, didn't do very much and didn't sell any of my stuff because if I wanted to sell anything I had to hire a stand and pay €32,50 for the stand and then 10% of everything I sold.... :x So I told them to get stuffed, instead I sorted out some of the boxes and went for a bike ride with Katrina who had a sore...butt from the sadle... :-D

Hope your day was more interesting then mine... :up: ... come on and tell me your story...

Well me i work  and work .... fun hey

i was buggered by saturday night

interesting though how many ppl there are they have stores and has so much stuff/ junk they want to get rid off
I had to sing with the (couldn't find the translation... sorry) popkoor. Luckily we had to sing in a tent, so could keep it dry. In the evening we went out to eat with my parents.

So... nothing special ;)
felt sorry for those poor kids who had to play the fiddle...........and the parents who had to listen :serenade:
payd 5 euro to stop them kids from playing (was really horrible)
Hey Annemiek, that would be a (pop) choir. I have sung in many choirs, and I would definately HATE to sing in a tent, because of the total lack of resonance. Mind you, I agree it's still better than out in the rain... :)
The only place I'm aloud to sing is in Church and the shouwer and if Katrina is not in the car there as well... :lol:

Then again, I'm not a real singer since I have this off tone voice.... :-D

gr.Koen  :up: