For everyone who feels like speaking English....

I'm too lazy to read the previous 60 something pages but as I fly to Oz twice a year I can share my experience  :cool:

Although it's tempting, stay off the booze in the plane. Get earplugs & sleep as much as possible. When you've reached your destination adapt to the time schedule straight away! The first day will be tough but after that you'll not have to worry about jet lag.....
I disagree completely with fletch...

Drink as much alcohol as possible.... your headahce of the alcohol will overrule the jetlag, which is exactly what you wanted....well...almost exactly.
i really had a jetlag when i did go to australia, but when i arrived in the netherlands i hardly had no problems!

go back to your normal things, normal bedtime and NO sleeping in daytime!!

my fiance told me not to sleep on my way to Oz so i didnt and it was bad!! i slept my whole way back to NL and i had no problems!
G'day all  :p,

Well we have been in Airle beach  since yesterday , and I tell you what .The weather is just beautiful :flipper: :fishing: :surfer: :happysun: :bike:, Yes it has a bit of a breeze and a shower or two But other then that it's quite nice , I wouldn't mind living up here :beach:.It's my type of weather and the fact that it doesn't get that cold , like melbounre   :-D :-D.

We just rented a car , to get us around and all .Which is very handy to have from time to time ... :up: :up:

Well I hope to hear from you soon ( all of you )

Ok well i will talk online soon

Best Regards

Hi Katrina,

Good to hear you are enjoying yourselves, great car you bought by the way  :up:

Well it's a heatwave here in Holland, the last few days now, yesterday was over 30!  :happysun:

We bought a swimming pool for our little girl last week and she loves it  :flipper: splashing around.  We're enjoying it while we can, it will get cooler again the next couple of days, but warm up again.  Hope the summer is a long one!

Enjoy the rest of your trip  :)

Susan  :)
The first thing that happens when you step outside is that you start to sweat ;) The clouds are already comming in, so I wonder hoe long it takes for the first thunderstorm to come. I like thunder and lightning :)
airlie beach! the best place to be!!! i love it!! especially the lagoon!!!  beautifull!!!!!!
Airlie Beach... Maluka wanted to get his PADI open water licence there I think. Or was is somewhere else? Can't remember...
Must be very nice there... Was looking on to see where it is. Didn't know the exact location. I saw the word 'whitsunday' so it must be very beautiful there. Just saw a beautiful picture of Hardy Reef. Must be somewhere over there.

It's defenately on our 'to do list' for Australia ;) Well.... on my list it sure is ;)
Jup he got it in 2000. But I don't know if it was in Airlie beach or somewhere else. Because he wanted to get it, but the boat broke down, so he got his money back and did the course somewhere else. I thought it was mission beach where he got his PADI...

I'm going to make an introduction dive in about 2 weeks ;) and then maybe get my PADI also :) Then we can go diving together in Australia :)
Are you going to try to get your Open Water in Holland??? I did my Open Water and Advanced in 'the Oosterschelde' (1996).
In general people think there's not much to see over here, but there is. Visibility ranges from poor (where you can't
see your hands in front of you) to good (about 10 meters). The advantage is, if you learn diving here, you can do
it anywhere! So, good on ya. And don't worry, if I can do it, anyone can  :) :) :).

A good tip:: if you have to do the 'take your mask of thing' remember to breathe in through your mouth ( :-D ) and
breathe out through your nose. You won't get water in your nose that way. For your information I did get water
in my nose because I did it wrong. Because I couldn't get used to it I practised at home in the bath  :-D :-D with
only the snorkel in my mouth (practicaly drowned in my bathtub a couple of times  :lol:).

So...if you need any advice.......just let me know!!

My husband has his PADI Open Water, Advanced and his NOB 3 stars certificate. He also is an experienced
North Sea diver and has a lot of (legal) artifacts like bombshells, cristal and brass objects to show for it.

So GOOD LUCK on your introduction dive!!!
Yes, good luck and a lot of fun with your introduction dive! I think it's one of the most important dives in your life. Either it's great or you HATE IT. That's why I think your instructor has a big part in this. If he does a good job, you're all into diving, if not, he can spoil the fun for the rest of your life.

I did my PADI in Thailand off the coast near Krabi and Ko Phi Phi and had an excellent English instructor (introduction dive in Dahab, Sinai). My advanced I did on North Stradbroke Island, which was a lot more difficult because of the watertemparature, visibility, strong current etc. But it was magical to dive with manta rays!

Also one of my most interesting dives was in Milford Sound, New Zealand. Brrrrrrr, 14 degrees water, thick double wet suit so you can imagine me walking like a penguin! And a fresh water layer on top of the salt water one, with a mixed one in between that is very blur!!!!!!!!! It was quite hard.

Anyway, I loooooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee diving and hope to do a lot more of it...


I got my open water in Holland BUT I'm NEVER diving in Holland again! Apart from being bloody cold it's like diving in mud  :|

My last dive I couldn't even see my buddy swimming 2 feet next to me....that was the bloody limit  :x

My greatest dives were in the North Sea diving beyond what I was allowed to, to the three cruisers....we all went into deco but all the other guys were dive masters  :evil:

I also loved diving around the Medes Islands in Spain. My next dives will be in Oz.....Great Barrier Reef of course  :up:
I always heard my husband raving over the 3 cruisers and how great they are  :)
I've never been there myself though as I don't particularly like wrecks. I saw some
wrecks in Holland and in Egypt but besides the coral and sealife it didn't do it for me.
Must be a man thing (excuse me to all the girls who do like them  :-D).
wrecks could be interesting ;) but just to swim around I guess. Won't go inside them... Th esame with cavediving. I would like to stay a bit more in the open for when something happens... But that's just me ;) almost always calculating the risk of things ;)
Oh, but the Yongala wreck of the Townsville coast is really amazing! You feel like seeing the Titanic with the toilets etc. all very recognizable. It's the story behind it that makes it interesting (for me).
Also seen Snappers Tug off the Eden coast, was also great fun. Sunken deliberately (as for a lot of wrecks) and interesting to see the artificial reef grow!

The Yongala is one of the things on my husband's list.
We did a 5 days boat trip from Cairns and did a lot of dives.
We wanted to go to Townsville too for the Yongala, but
you can only do so much in 2 weeks time  :-D.
True. And it's a hell of a boattrip on a small rocky boat to the Yongala (2 hours at least). With everybody being very sick on a rough ocean! There is no protection from reefs or anything, so it's not a pleasure boattrip as from Cairns.
Now it is also possible to do it from Ayr in a Zodiac. Cuts traveltime considerably because it is closer. This boattrip is bookable from Airlie Beach/Proserpine a few times a week. It is very popular this way, so book well in advance if you want to take this option.

Hi Katrina,

My name is Rory. I like to practice my English, but I am not sure if you are still online. Because I saw that
your message's are from 2005. But if you are then may be I can help you with your Dutch if you are still interestet.

greetings Rory
Hi Katrina,

I am new on this forum and now I saw the new messenge's.  Sorry, but if you still want to chat with me, I like
to hear from you. Perhaps you can read and write perfectly Dutch now but are you able to help me. And is it nice to
get to now one an other.

greetings Rory