For everyone who feels like speaking English....

to all , well i will only be doing some split shifts, but not as much as i am now  :up: :up:

Koen  will find a job , i know he will  :p :) :)( he deserves it , his be looking so hard )

My hotel/ put is call the Middle in ferntree gully  on Burwood HWY  and yes thats in melbounre ( south eastern side )
:p :lol:
Hello everyone,

Just a simple question:
Can anyone tell me the difference between  English ( US), English (UK) and English (AUS)??

I ask this question because I as an beginner in the English language need to use the spelling control many times.
And which one is the correct one?
For Australia I assume the Australian spelling?

Or is this just about a tiny way of  expressions??

see ya
Sampai jumpa okay my wifes home language.
APala karn arnkulunku nyunjarl( Warumungu language)
Akkil arnkuluku nyanjarl(Warumungu language)
Jakuru(Warlpiri language)

Australia using many languages and the queen elisabeth language is the leading one ( I guess)
Is this also reality??

Mamak (Wagiman laguage)

Jee Jan, met Amerikaans engels en Britisch Engels kom je hier overal, daar hoef je je geen zorgen over te maken.
Er zijn typisch Australische uitdrukkingen, maar even vragen wat het betekent, en opgelost is het.

Aborigal talen worden door de gewone Austrlaliër niet gebruikt (ja, er zal best die ene uitzondering rondlopen). Dus doe maar lekker gewoon Engels zoals je het geleerd hebt, en bouw daarop voort.


Jee Jan, met Amerikaans engels en Britisch Engels kom je hier overal, daar hoef je je geen zorgen over te maken.
Er zijn typisch Australische uitdrukkingen, maar even vragen wat het betekent, en opgelost is het.

Aborigal talen worden door de gewone Austrlaliër niet gebruikt (ja, er zal best die ene uitzondering rondlopen). Dus doe maar lekker gewoon Engels zoals je het geleerd hebt, en bouw daarop voort.



:x :x

This is an ENGLISH site , as i don't speak ducth. so if you want to talk ducth  go to another topic please  :up: :)

Thankyou Katrina
Well, no need for angry faces or wrapping on the knuckles, I just forgot!

So what I said to Jan, I'll now say in perfect English and have my spelling checked on top of it as well........

Gee John (eh, Jan), American and British English will both get you anywhere overhere, you don't need to worry about that. There are typical Australian expressions, but just ask what they mean, and there you go.

Aboriginal languages are not spoken by the Australians in general (well, there are always exceptions). So use the English you've learned, and go from there.



Sorry , but i didn't mean anything about what you wrote.
It's just in General, as i don't speak Dutch. All i ask if everyone can try to speak English so i can follow...... :up: :up:

Sorry if you though i was getting angry about it , i wasn't just abit p***ed , sorry i just like to read it and every now and then relpy


katrina :) :)
Aaah, back from Holidays, had to do some 'massive' English conversating again by going to the Czech Republique. Too bad they are so undereducated (concerning english), that they coudn't even ask for a lighter. Thank God there were at least a dozen of Danish people who were educated excelent. 14 year olds speaking english fine was refreshing after trying to communicate with hands and feet to a 40 year old grupy Czech waiter :p

2 days back in holland, and it's raining cats and dogs again. Where is animal control when you need them  :| It fuelled my wish to leave Holland once again.
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg66786#msg66786 date=1154328107]

No problem :)


Hihihi, I guess Eerainuh is a perfect example of a very integrated Dutchie: doesn't even realise whether she's writing Dutch or in English!!

Keep talkin', peoples!

:-D LOL... I think you hit the nail right on the head Inacar!

The other day I was vacuum cleaning and I was reprimanding the vacuum cleaner in English ("oh, come on, bloody follow me!"). I thought 'what the heck is going on???'. The next moment I call myself 'Stomme Koe' because I bumped into a table.

Oh, and for anybody who wants to know if the vacuum cleaner listened to me; it's more into body language....


G'day Jolanda,

This is the best topic t practise your english ... Don't worry if you make a mistake , as we are all here to help you out and make you improve your english .

enjoy reading everything and if you want to write, be free to do it , as we love to hear what you have to say and how you are. :up: :up: :wink: :wink:

Katrina :lol: :cool: :)
Hello again, we hope to be in Oz with xmas, but we have to wait for the visa.
We is myself, my husband Rob and two children.
We are going to Marcoola, Qld. We've been there last year to visit a friend and for holliday.
Can't wait, but have to be patience.

Good day all!!!  :wink:
Hi Jolanda,

That's only a short time, I mean if you want to be in Oz before X-mas. But
it is nice to have a 'plan' and something to focus on. I read that your children
are looking forward to the move also. O and just so you know who we are,
(otherwise you have to read all those posts  :-D  :wink:) we are a family
of three, me 37, husband 39 and our son Joe is almost 5 (same age approx.
as your daughter). Our application has been acknowledged April 28th, so we
are in 'the waiting game'  :roll:. O, and about everyone's English skills etc., don't
worry we all try to do our best and have fun in this topic  :up: :up:.

Take care,

Hi there,

We are planning to go to Cairns. And after (hopefully) getting our
visa we will put our house on the market. After selling the house
(the market is pretty slow where we live) we want to go. So with
a quick sale we are going pretty soon and if not.............



I hope you will sell your house soon. Our house is on the market since januari, and not sold yet. But we have time. When we sell the house before we have the visa we're going to rent a place.
Friends of us sold there house in 4 days, so they are more lucky than we are, but i'm happy for them.
Hope you're lucky too.  :up:

Regards Jolanda