For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Mmmm Beer.......


:lol: :) :-D
Jolanda, please allow me;

shore = de kust
sure = zeker
I mend = ik repareer
I meant = Ik bedoelde.

"We sure do take some more when we are there" zou moeten zijn: We'll surely have some more (beers) when we will be there".


Irene :)
Excuse me Irene, but My English is not good, I now.
That's wy I'm trying to do it better.

But I won't give up

Cheers, Jolanda  :wink:

Just keep on going! Everybody is just trying to help. A tip I'ld like to give: If you are a reader, then start reading English books only from now on. It will help even if you don't notice it at once..

Thank you Peter,

Reading and speaking are not the problem, I'm reading my third english book ( from John Grisham).

Writing is bad, I know.

But no wurries, in a year I'm the best hahahaha  :lol:


All right then, no worries ;-)

Which book of John Grisham is it that you are currently reading?
It sounds like (looks like) you are a bit of a reader then, because his books are not too thin usually.

Which John Grisham book is it that are you currently reading?
It sounds like (looks like) you are a bit of a reader then, because his books are usually not that thin usually.
Anyone else having problems reading a book in the bright sun? I can't red because the pages light up too much....
[quote author=rob en jolanda link=topic=2886.msg69809#msg69809 date=1157115279]
Thank you Peter,

Reading and speaking are not the problem, I'm reading my third english book ( from John Grisham).

Writing is bad, I know.

But no wurries, in a year I'm the best hahahaha  :lol:



Don't worry about your written English. It will come soon enough.

I have noticed that because I have never really read Dutch books or newspapers, I have always had more problems with my written Dutch. I spoke almost perfect Dutch with almost no accent after 4 years of living here, and still after 19 years my written Dutch is terrible !!!

dont let it worry you, read plenty of English books (they are normally better because they are the original version and not the translated versions) and just practise on here.

My wife still corrects me after all this time, it really annoys me because of my pride, but she is right to correct me as well.

chin up, and keep practising.

Anyone else having problems reading a book in the bright sun? I can't red because the pages light up too much....

I know! Same problem here....well actually, it is more when you look up from your pages and everything is fuzzy around you and you can see this bright fluorescent blue square in front of your eyes.... In the shape of your book :) 

Solution...only read inside or in the shade :up:

Bye for now
@ Suske; which book is it that you are reading is géén fout Engels, maar wordt wel meer gebruikt wanneer iemand het al over z'n boek heeft. Het is een beetje als 'welk boek ben je ook al weer aan het lezen?'

En 'usually' kan in de spreektaal ook aan het eind van de zin, gesproken met een klein kommaatje (kommaatje, wat is dát nou voor woord??? :-D)

Toch? Of lig ik hier al jaren te zeveren? ( [sub]oh ja.... [/sub] )
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg69845#msg69845 date=1157152459]
@ Suske; which book is it that you are reading is géén fout Engels, maar wordt wel meer gebruikt wanneer iemand het al over z'n boek heeft. Het is een beetje als 'welk boek ben je ook al weer aan het lezen?'

En 'usually' kan in de spreektaal ook aan het eind van de zin, gesproken met een klein kommaatje (kommaatje, wat is dát nou voor woord??? :-D)

Toch? Of lig ik hier al jaren te zeveren? ( [sub]oh ja.... [/sub] )


@Irene: It was my understanding that the point of this thread was to improve our English skills. That is why I corrected the grammar, keeping the intention of the sentence in mind, much like an editor would.  I didn't do it to be nasty, just to make it sound a little less like a Dutch person speaking English.  I double checked with my wife, who in her profession writes copy and proof reads. She agrees with the corrections.
Ohhhhhhhh, I did it again!!! Sorry! :-(

Hey Suske, I know you didn't mean to be nasty, of course not! :)

I must admit that 'which book are you reading' is the most correct wording, but  let me paint you a picture (Golden Girls); you're arriving a bit late at your book club and join the conversion. People have been telling which book they are reading, and then say to you; and which book is it that YOU are reading? (Or: and which detour did YOU take? :-D)

Oh well, let's leave it at that :) There's always 'okay, good, and better' :)

But one great example of mistakes is: "Who did you send the letter to?", or "Who did you tell this", etc etc...  And I tell you, it's ME who corrects the natives! LOL...
Ok, let us all just go out from the starting point which was improving our English writing skills, now we all have agreed to do this in English. This means we all try to help each other out as much as we can. Now I realize that there are many levels of using the English language. Most of us only have the English we have been taught in high school. So as we have suggested in the past, it would be nice if people either let us know whether they are happy to be corrected on their spelling mistakes or not.

Further we all would appreciate it if we can keep this a nice topic and as PerthPete said: keep the lock of this popular topic.

I thank you all and you're more than welcome to better my mistakes any time.

Greets, :bye:

[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg69914#msg69914 date=1157252690]
But one great example of mistakes is: "Who did you send the letter to?", or "Who did you tell this", etc etc...  And I tell you, it's ME who corrects the natives! LOL...

Now that seems like something I could have said... What's wrong with it? (and what's the right sentence/grammar of course).