For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Wow 4 days, I'll go for that :lol:. Our neighbours (we live in a
semi-detached home) have their house on the market for
about 6 months now. They have had 2 days where people
could come and have a look, but not sold yet. So you can
imagine when our house will be put on the market there
are 2 similar (on the outside that is) houses. I know that their
house is regarded as dark (lots of wood upstairs and dark
colours), not nicely finished (nice materials but the finishing
is a bit sloppy). Ours is perceived as better than this by the
people I know that went for a viewing of our neighbours house.
So, we'll see, let's get the visa first :up: :up:
Hi Rob & Jolanda,

It's good to hear some people love their job... :up:
Most people I know hate their job or rather be somewhere else than at their current jobs.
Me I like to work but at this moment I still haven't found a job, maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Next week I'll start looking for casual work like working in a nursery or as a farmhand.
In the IT where I normally work they are quite specific about who and what they want. So far I have been shortlisted a couple of times but have not been choosen yet. This was because I either had to much experience or had to little, or didn't have enough Australien experience.

So anyway, I hope you will enjoy your work because there will be plenty of others who would like to be in the possition to have your job.... :wink:

A little tip (or  lets say something to think about) for anyone that is in the process of selling their house in Holland, are in a more expensive part of the market and would like to be quick about:

Generally when you ask a real estate agent what kind of amount you can ask, they tend to name a figure a bit below your expectations (which was the case for us anyway). If you are serious about selling quick, than do not try to start with a higher asking price than reasonable. After having our house for sale for about a year (note: we took a year and a half to sell our house) our real estate agent told us that he had been to a seminar and one of the things that was mentioned there was that research had shown that there are some house that sell quick, and some that take a long time. The reason for it appeared to be that houses put on the market with a bit higher price (which everyone normally tries anyway) tend not to sell for a long time, even after reducing the prices later on. The houses that have a 'scherpe prijs' straight from the beginning seem to be sold pretty quick. Usually they end up being sold for a better price than the ones starting with a higher price...

Sounds like the housing market is as much of a gamble as dealing in shares...
Funny the difference once more: the house we've bought had been on the market for 8 weeks, and nobody wanted to buy it, because it was 'damaged goods', as it had been on the market for so long... :-o
So we could put an offer in at the bottom end of the asking price, and get it! :up:

I think that if you get a few nice pics up on the net of the inside (flowers, neat and tidy living areas), and have a well organised home-open (bake a cake, have some coffee brewing, air the place out beforehand, clean sheets that smell of washing powder, I know it sounds tacky, but it does work), you've got a better chance, maybe??

Good luck!
We had a neighbour with a house on the sale so we put our 20.000 les on the sale.
I did the flowers, the cleaning,... everything that helped to sell our house.
Ah ah, didn't work for us.
The people who came for a look did like it, but.......
There is always a but.....
It's on the sale since januari.

There are two persons interested, so we have to wait. One of them is on holiday, and one of them is working on a ship and away for a couple of weeks.

But we are not in a hurry yet, so we'll see.

Jolanda  :wink:
Hi Jolanda,

As you can read in our topic
I have found a job, and I'm mighty happy to have one  :up:
I have had a holiday for 3 months now and it feels so good to ineract with new people again and knowing you can help people out so they can continue their work.  :-D

So yeah.... big smilieface here!!!!

And how are you going? Thanks for supporting us, I hope our stories are not to boring.

Hi Koen, not boring at all. I enjoy all the story's.

I'm doing fine, we're still waiting for our visa but we now it will take some time. We're not the only one.

But with the terrible weather here in Holland I hope we can say goodbye to it verry soon.

Hi everybody.

Just thought I would drop in and see how everybody is getting on.

I haven't been on for a while, because the visa process was driving me mad, and the more time I spent on different migration sites, the worse it got.

I see a few new faces around, and I see a few are the lucky ones that are now on the other side.

I'm off to do a bit of reading, and catch up on what i've missed in the last couple of months.

b.t.w. I still haven't got my bloody visa !!!!  :cry:
Hi Gringo, yes waiting for the visa is the worst. Can't do a thing, just have to wait...wait...wait.

But I think its worth waiting afterall.

I'm sure it is worth it, thats why we are all going down this same road, but it still doesn't make the wait any easier.

Never mind, just have to have another drink while i'm waiting  :cheers:

Hi there Gringo,

Yep still in the waiting game, which lot are you in?
I'm in the april lot (ack 28 april) and yes waiting,
growing a beard  :wheelchair:, more waiting,
eating my nails (I would if I had any  :wink: ),
tedious, month after month etc. etc.
So, chin up, do the hokey pokey and
yes YES [size=20pt]YES[/size]
drink some more beer, wine, ouzo, goldstrike, untill
we all hit the jackpot.

Anyway, we'll get there and the sooner the better.

I would send you some K for your hardship  :wink: :-D
but I'll come round to that some other time on BE.

Take care,

Miranda  :)
Last week my hubby came home with a vew VB's ( Victoria Bitter).
And we've got tipsy, the aussie way, what a nice feeling, we have to do it more often.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Jolanda  :wink:
Hi Jolanda,

Did you enjoy the grog?? Anyway, I hope you don't mind but I think you ment : view instead of vew??
with a vew VB's ( Victoria Bitter).

Hope you will enjoy a couple more when you're down here in Oz. :cheers:

Hi Koen, yes indeed I ment view, sorry for my bad english  :lol:

We sure do take some more when we are there  :drinking: :drinking:

Yous take some for us in the mean time.

Jolanda  :cheers:
Hi Jolanda and Koen,

I hope you guys don´t mind but...

I don´t think she ment view either, but few.... (view = zicht, few = paar)...

Lela :up:

Drinking beer hey? You'd definitely fit on this side of the world!!
But VB?? Visitor's Beer???
Have a Little creatures, or a Carlton Cold instead!

Good luck with the waiting game, anyways.  :up:

Inacar :drive: