For everyone who feels like speaking English....

[quote author=FOL link=topic=2886.msg69925#msg69925 date=1157269596]
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg69914#msg69914 date=1157252690]
But one great example of mistakes is: "Who did you send the letter to?", or "Who did you tell this", etc etc...  And I tell you, it's ME who corrects the natives! LOL...

Now that seems like something I could have said... What's wrong with it? (and what's the right sentence/grammar of course).


I'm curious too  :)
I still have to do the Enlish test and I think I'm not gonna pass the academic test, because I'm not very good in English... Everybody does understand what I say, but my Dutch is already very poor (espesially writing), so it's hard to learn something else. But if I don't pass the test, I can't gop to Australia (while I've already worked there with my working holiday visum)... It's very, very bad!!!! Ow by the way, I do love to speak english...
it would be nice if people either let us know whether they are happy to be corrected on their spelling mistakes or not.

Alrighty, my few cents :) ...this topic is a great opportunity for people to write and improve their English writing skills... I feel that we should all try to gently help each other out here.....the worst thing is to just let things "go" out of some sort of strange courtesy......My biggest frustration in my first job here was that people initially did not correct me...even though I asked them specifically to do so  "please tell me when I say or write something weird" :-D :-D anyway... I can still be quite creative....feel free to correct me  :cool:

As long as we all use our manners :-D :-D I can't see anything wrong with correcting is the only way we all learn and improve.  Why would anyone not want to be corrected???

And the secret is: Whom........ :wink:
To whom or not to whom... :)

The interrogative pronoun "who" is subjective; "whom" is objective".

In other words, "WHO dit it?" asks for the subject; "WHOM did you see?" tries to find the OBJECT of th visit.

Usually, your friends in English speaking countries are likely to ask:

Who did you go out with - Who is she married to? - Who do you think we ought to invite?

You were taught that it should really be WHOM in these kind of questions. Why when the subjective WHO when it should be WHOM? this is perhaps the principle example of how wrong usage can eventually erode the rule. Today, all authorities on good English agree that is is a waset of time to insist on WHOM in other than very form writing and speech.

Note: WHOM continus to be used when preceded  by a preposition: "To whom did you apply"
Soooo, it seems that it is widely accepted to make this mistake - although not in formal language, so you will have to know.
Well I think I will come here more often and you're welcome to correct all my mistakes. I'm not very good in any language and with the english test coming up, I can use some help. So from now, I will be here more often and hope to pass my test someday...
Hello Catkin, you said you would have to do the ACADEMIC IELTS?
I did it too, without having the ability to practise. I found it very difficult, main thing was to STAY focussed, but I had an overall band score of 7, so very happy! (when I wanted to do the IELTS in Australia it was very hard to plan it, and the date that I choose, turned out to be the ACADEMIC ielts test, so they told me later. But I got it! Why do you need to do the Academic and not the general training?
Today or tomorrow I will send you some more info on my course outlines (vakkenbeschrijving) from the education SPH if you still need this! Please let me know! And you also need to know that my course outlines might be different dionce I graduated in 1999.
Goodbye you bloody galah! haha
Hey Marieke,

Thank you very much (in front) for the course outlines).  I don't know wich test I need to do (general or academic), but there where some people on this internetsite who said they thought I had to do the academic test. Does anybody here knows when you need to do the general test en when the academic test (what's the difference??)? I just want to move to australia and become a social or welfare worker. If a general test is good enough for a visa as well, I'll do the general test of, but if i need to do the academic test, well I don't have a choice... Of course I rather do the genaral test...
You will need to do the General Training!!! The Academic is on Academic level, so on a higher level. As a social or welfare worker u need to do the General training! I think for people that studied PABO habe to do the academic. But I did the academic since there was no general on the date that I was available. Hope that is not a problem for my application...
Hi Catkin,

I would say ".. thanks in advance.." or ".. thanks (beforehand).." in stead of ".. in front.." Knowing that it might not be the correct way either (;-) ), but 'in front' is (as far as I know) more a geographical saying: He stood right in front of me..

Anyway, besides all that, the academic test only has to be done for some professions. If you would want to be registered as a nurse, then you would have to do the academic. I do not know for which professions this rule goes, but I think it is only for some. Other people probably will have some more information ..


PS: While reading what I typed above, I think I am trying to be a bit too carefull stating that I think it is this or that. In future I will simply state my remark, and if anyone thinks it has to be corrected, please feel free to do so ;-)
[quote author=mariekske link=topic=2886.msg69941#msg69941 date=1157277467]
Goodbye you bloody galah! haha

Isn't it "silly galah"?  :-D :-D
Thank you. I hope I will remember this.

At Marieke: I don't think doing the academic test will ever be a problem. Doing the general while you needed to do an academic test will be a problem, but not the other way around (I guess).
As long as you are sure you will pass the academic test of course ;-) Otherwise you'ld better stick to the general test.
You're right. If I don't need to do the academic test, I ll do the general, just to be sure. I'm going to write an email to DIMIA to ask wich test I'll need to do (just to be sure, because i've heard different things about this...).
Well Catkin, I can tell you for sure that u can do the general test! If u have to wait for DIM(I)A's (proper) response it might be christmas, haha!
Well Mariekske

You've made my day a little better hihi. I'm not that good in English and I've been reading the academic practise pages and I'm very glad to hear I only have to do the general test.. That's much better!!! I keep on thanking you today hihi.
Hey all,

I have offered before; if you want to practise your English AND you trust me :), feel free to send your try-outs to me by email (


[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg69933#msg69933 date=1157273646]
To whom or not to whom... :)



Funny...Initially I asked also "when to use whom again?", till I decided to get of my lazy bum and look it up at google, I editted my post first and deleted the "whom" question. I found the explanation eventually (first link), but I didn't relate it to my first question  :-D
Does anyone knows what my MBO is in English. HBO is bachlor, but what is MAVO, HAVO and MBO????