For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Bert :
*L* I charge $5 per word!
Now that you've pinched one of my sentences.

I'm not sure about the copyright. It's a quite common sentence.
If you were to snatch a whole page from me,  I'd be suspicious. :wink:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg37708#msg37708 date=1132753719]
:-D You see it's working.... :-D :up:


:-D Yaaay!

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg37708#msg37708 date=1132753719]

i must admit though that I wouldn't mind making funnier



You still have a little typo, Koen. It's you can achieve anything.

I'm not sure if I should use the tag line, too. I also make mistakes sometimes,
but a lot of them happen because I 'm not paying attention so I usually know
what I'm doing wrong... most of the time. Well, let's see.

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg37665#msg37665 date=1132747579]
That is not a bad idea, I'll put it my post and see what whether a lot of people are going to better my mistakes.  :up:

Okay, just to put in my pennies worth.
The quoted sentence is not very clear to me. I am dying to correct it for you, but I'll leave it up to you to find the correction.

Give it a try, and see if you can rephrase it.

Gr.  Rene

i guess you're missing the word " in" right?  :-D and "what whether"

Of cource it should have been: 

That is not a bad idea, I'll put it in my post and see what whether a lot of people are going to better correct my spelling mistakes

So did I pass your test???? (just bare in mind that I'm dyslectic (probably didn't even spell that word right... :-( )


Koen  :up:
Hi Koen,

A brave effort was made!!! :up: :up: :up:

I will not hold it against you that you are dyslectic, whole tribes are. I appreciate the fact that you are open for corrections.

I would like to suggest one thing, in order to get the idea;
Instead of using "whether" I would use "if". The rest is GOOD.

And I would also suggest "bear in mind" instead of "bare in mind". The word "bare" is something like naked or unclothed.
"Bear" meaning "dragen" and "bare" meaning "kaal". (Excuse the Dutch).

Any help to you??

[quote author=Rene-L link=topic=2886.msg37724#msg37724 date=1132758780]
Any help to you??

I learned a lot today, while reading this topic.
(past simple, is that right?)
If this sentence above is wrong, you may correct it. And if this one is also wrong, you may correct it too :-D

Thanks again, how ever you should know.... A DIRTY MIND IS A JOY FOR EVER

:lol1: :loldevil: :nana: :naughty2: :lmao: :happy: :lol1: :loldevil: :nana: :naughty2: :lmao: :happy:

We men are known for our thoughts.... we supposedly think of sex every three seconds...... or was it minutes.... lol

:lol1: :loldevil: :nana: :naughty2: :lmao: :happy: :lol1: :loldevil: :nana: :naughty2: :lmao: :happy:
@ Mel

I can't find anything wrong with the sentence. Which part did you think was wrong??

@ Koen,

If we men think of sex every three seconds, is that on an average?? Because if that's so, I think I've got the part Cliff Richards doesn't use.

:loldevil: :loldevil: :loldevil:
I doubted about the first part, because I wasn't sur if it was:
I learned or I have learned...

And now I'm not sur if "doubted" is right :-D.
"I learned a lot" or "I have learned a lot" is practically the same. You can use both.

As an afterthought, the correct word is "sure" (I'm sure). And "doubted" is a word you can use without any problems!!

[quote author=Bawurra link=topic=2886.msg37738#msg37738 date=1132759927]
I doubted about the first part, because I wasn't sur if it was:
I learned or I have learned...

And now I'm not sur if "doubted" is right :-D.

No problems with the rest!! :up: :up:

Bawurra, a tiny thing:

It's "I doubted the first part",

or "I had doubts about the first part " (might be a little better in this case)

watch the about *G*

Actually Koen, you can use 'whether' too, it's a little neater, but perhaps a little too
neat under the circumstances, but it's really up to you. It depends on how eloquently you
want to express yourself.
And you can be a little more precise by saying I'll put it into my post
(or actually, you're putting it into your tag line).
But 'in' is fine, too.
Anyway you're doing really well!

hey, this is pretty cool. Rene's doing the big bits and I'm doing the tiny parts .
:evil: Looks like I've got the easier job, heheh.

As far as I'm concerned, (almost) everyone who's had the guts to write here, should be commendated. It's not difficult to put something on paper, but it's harder to leave yourselves in a position where you might be criticized. Loads of people hate that.

On the whole, I find that the English used is good to excellent!! Some grammatical errors, but what the hell!! At least they're trying!!
As I've mentioned before, I've seen the English on some other fora, and that was abominable(!!) to say the least.

So, people, keep up the good works, and if one member doesn't correct you (and mind you, it is only as a help, and not te belittle you) some other member will, just to help you and themselves.

Good Luck

[quote author=jassian link=topic=2886.msg37716#msg37716 date=1132757002]
Bert :
*L* I charge $5 per word!
Now that you've pinched one of my sentences.

I'm not sure about the copyright. It's a quite common sentence.
If you were to snatch a whole page from me,  I'd be suspicious. :wink:

5 aussie dollar per word?
You are not cheap.
Now I have less money to spend for my migration  :wink:

@Annemarie  :up:
may i ask you something?
Yes of course
Do you have any kind of psychology background?
No I don't but I do like the subject and people in general tend to talk to me easily which is fine. So what you said
But I realize you have a very good understanding of people. I'm really impressed by that.
goes for you also  :up:. If you would like to send me the essays, that would be great, I'll send you a PM with my emailaddress.

Nothing to worry about, you're doing great Jean.

The thing I find most difficult, I think Rene said that, is putting my thoughts onto paper the way I would do in Dutch. But my vocabulary has to improve before I can easily do this. I just lack the nuances to do this the way I want to. But it will come so that's ok.

And yes, correcting is fine with me/by me?

take care

Miranda :)
Thanx for your compliments as well, Tum  :up:
And I've to learn also a lot, Mel  :roll:
Sometimes is difficult to make correct sentences and to find to correct words. I need to practise more and where can I do that more than in....... (what will be the answer...  :roll: ).

No I don't but I do like the subject and people in general tend to talk to me easily which is fine. So what you said

Ah, a good listener.  :-D I'm actually a terrible listener. But I'm trying to work on it. :cool:

"And yes, correcting is fine with me/by me?"

honestly, I'm not 100% sure, but they both sound alright.
There something about the feel of it, though. Something really subtle that
I can't really express without writing an essay, which tempts me to suggest a different
sentence structure. But it's really fine. This is just me going over the top.  :-D

The essays are on their way.


5 aussie dollar per word?
You are not cheap.
Now I have less money to spend for my migration 

OK, OK. 5 Egyptian Pounds.
Special price. Just for you.

And then you have to come into my shop to sign my guestbook
and buy perfumes. (That's the trick they used in Egypt when I
was on vacation! Terrible, those sales people were so obtrusive = pushy)

@ Jean

... the beautiful land Down Under?
Is that the answer? :)

And Rene is right. It's very brave to dare to make mistakes.
And that's the best way to learn, too.

Dear People,

My post wasnt ment to start a disscusion about correcting each other and how people might not like that. Everyone makes mistakes, even in Dutch!!!!!!

I assume that if people correct you it is only ment as positive critisism. We all want the best for each other on this site dont we, thats what XPDITE is there for????. People who do not mean it that way shouldnt be in this topic, or even on this site
