For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Hi Marina,

Yes, you're right that it shouldn't be a problem.
And I don't really believe it is.

But I think it's still a valid point. Because, you see, sometimes people are
rather advanced and know what kind of mistakes they make. Or they
simply have a different way of learning which is more based one seing
what others do rather than going back to what they have done. Or they
have other reasons we don't know. I find it good to respect that.
Why not.

And you see, you've given all of us something to talk about and practice
our English with. So no worries, and actually: Thanks  :wink:

[quote author=jassian link=topic=2886.msg37817#msg37817 date=1132827545]

@ Jean

... the beautiful land Down Under?
Is that the answer? :)


YEAH!!!!!!!!!! SURE!!!!!!  :)  :lol:  :roll:
[quote author=Jean76 link=topic=2886.msg37838#msg37838 date=1132830032]

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! SURE!!!!!!  :)  :lol:  :roll:

I knew it! I knew it!  :-D

To everyone:

So, if you don't mind , could you guys tell me a bit about yourselves?
I'm not really following most of the other topics at the moment, and I just love this
one! And it could be good practice for all of us. I know some of you a little bit already.
But about most of you I know very little.
So how are your plans coming along?
Are you just as excited as I am about going to Australia?
Do you also have this strange sensation that it feels more like going home than going away
(for those who aren't from Australia)?

G'day jassian ,

Hello I'm Katrina (Koengaroo partner )
when koen first went to Australia , he felt like he was going home .And the funniest thing is , is that he feels more at home when his is Oz then here ... We all understand that .... :evil:

WE go to Immigration 6th Jan 2006 ... get VISA  :happy:
then few months off back home  :flipper: :beach:
Man i hate the cold ... and it's going to get even more cold ...... yeap what can i say i'm a chicken.... :lol1: :loldevil: :rotflmao:

Have a Good one
Hey Katrina!

We actually met, in Amsterdam at the "Melbourne dinner", remember?
I got a little lost inside that restaurant before Koen  :fishing2: fished me out.  :roll:

6th january? Whooohooo!! You're really closing in. NIIIIICE.
You're going to Melbourne first, right?

I understand you perfectly, I hate the cold, too.
The only good side is there's no mosquitos and I get to wear my nice winter jacket, heheh.
My boyfriend has this idea of keeping the bedroom cold. Brrr.
Although, he's probably right about it.

In any case you'll have some summer right away when you're
back to make up for it. I hope I can make it to Australia some time in January too.
School starts in February and I'd like some time off.  :-D

Hey all
  i'm so sorry  that i havin't been on much .... Please forgive me  :cry:

just been real busy looking for second job .... didn't know it was so hard over here  ....Man

But i hope you all are doing fine
( hey Ineke and Ton when do you leave , as koen and i would like to see you and your call you be for you go  :)

feel free to ask me anything  and yeap ..... i for got .... :-D
Hey Annemarie,

Unfurtunately we are ariving in winter in Melbourne. We won't leave untill the 26th of may 2006. :cry:
So we are going from spring in Holland to winter in Oz.

Ah well what the hack, it's not as bad as it is over here.
I'm still at work and have to drive back through rain :cloud: and snow, and I'll bet there are lots of trafficjams on my way home.... have to drive from Eindhoven to Zeist ..... :cry:

But you will be able to enjoy a bit of :sunny: summer :happysun:  by the time you arrive in Oz.  :stupid2:
[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg37998#msg37998 date=1132937514]
Ah well what the hack, it's not as bad as it is over here.

If you will allow me to suggest;

"Hack" is to cut (wood, in example). I think you meant "Heck"??

Hi Koen,

Oh boy, so you'll go from the dutch cold-wet spring to Australian autumn/winter.
Eek!  :?
Will you be arriving in Melbourne first, was that the plan?
You're still heading for the gold coast ?

But I guess you're right. It's better than here anyhow.
Brr, poor you. I used to drive all the way from Capelle to
Nieuwegein for work. The traffic jams were so bad that i got up at 5:30 to 6:00 am
just to avoid them. And that for 3 years! I still can't believe I did that.  :hang:

I'm so much looking forward to an Australian summer.
If only those schools would hurry up. This is the most difficult part, ey?
Waiting for results. I'm starting to go crazy here, running up the walls,
checking mail and email 100 times per day !!   :wall: :baby: :crazy: :dunno:
The australian autumn/winter isn't never so cold and wet as it could be in Holland I guess.
The average temparatures in Tasmania will be close to temperatures in Holland and offcourse there will be a lot of snow in the mountains, but the rest of Australia will have very mild temperatures in winter........or am I wrong?

Well, it can still be pretty cold, when I visited Canberra last year in July and August it was cold!
We even had one day where it started snowing in Canberra !!
Everybody was really excited about the snow (everybody, but me)

But we're only gonna live in Canberra for the next 2 years, then we move to Perth, no snow there, yiehaaaaaaaa  :cool:


As far as I know Lin´s absolutely right. The average minimum night temperature for winter in Perth is about 3 or 4 degrees, the average minimum day temperature something like 17. Of course with the short twilight period between day and night, the temperature tends to drop pretty rapidly. The temperature sometimes drops from 18 to 3 between 5 pm and 6pm. So it´s still neccesary to be prepared and alsways have at least a nice sweater with you if you´re going out in winter .. ;-)

By the way I think I onderstood there has been snow in Perth! But something like once in the last 200 years or so ;-).


[quote author=jassian link=topic=2886.msg37840#msg37840 date=1132830608]
[quote author=Jean76 link=topic=2886.msg37838#msg37838 date=1132830032]

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! SURE!!!!!!  :)  :lol:  :roll:

I knew it! I knew it!  :-D

To everyone:

So, if you don't mind , could you guys tell me a bit about yourselves?
I'm not really following most of the other topics at the moment, and I just love this
one! And it could be good practice for all of us. I know some of you a little bit already.
But about most of you I know very little.
So how are your plans coming along?
Are you just as excited as I am about going to Australia?
Do you also have this strange sensation that it feels more like going home than going away
(for those who aren't from Australia)?



Well... at the moment I'm not as exited as you are ;) Just becaude it will take a while before we can start all over again with the procedure. September 2006 it will begin (again) for us. Till that time, nothing is really happening for us.

I don't know if it feels like going home actually. Not busy with that right now. Maybe it will come when we start again. We also have to do the IELTS again!! We both had an average of 7 so it will be okay, but still....

For the rest... I'm Annemiek, but that will be clear by now ;) I'm 24 years old and I live together with Maluka. When we arrive in Australie (hopefully somewhere at the end of 2007) we wat to travel around for a few months before settling down somewhere around Brisbane.
Hey all,

I'm Wilbert, married to Margo. At the moment we are living in the south of the Netherlands but we hope to immigrate to Australia somewhere during 2006. Our goal is Victoria but we are still flexible, also depending on where my wife is able to get a job.
My English is far from perfect but i'm confident that I can make myself understandable?
Until I'm as good as an native English speaker :-D I keep on practising on this topic :wink:

@ Bert, I saw you wrote The australian autumn/winter isn't never so cold".
    I would say that is double so I think it should be " is never"  :wink:

You are right , we head of from spring in Hollnad to winter in Australia, but I've done that before and have no plroblem with it. :)
We will start of in Melbourne because our dog is there and the mum of Katrina, we will stay there for about 2 months and hopefully if we are able to organize it we will then leave for Brisbane.
As soon as we are setteled we have to go up to Airlie beach to finalize our wedding, nothing big just a few friends and famely.
But what ever happens we will make the best of it.

I hope for you that you will get the results back as soon as possible so you can start your new adventure in Oz.

@ Wilbert, I think you are doing a great job, and trust me when I say that as soon as you are in Oz your speech and grammer will improve heaps. I only spend a year in Oz and people always ask me if I'm from down under. (of cource it helps that I speak english every single day with my girlfriend (she's an Ozzie) and also at work becuse I am a global administrator for Philips.) I bet Katrina(Sheila) is happy that the topic she started is doing so well. :up:

Thank you for the compliment Koen :up:

At least I am lucky to understand en read English very well, but I am not in a fortunate situation where I speak english everyday :|
That is also the reason we are not speaking English to our children yet, I think they better learn the language in Australia then here in Holland from us. Another reason is that they are only 3 and 5 years old and still not speaking Dutch fluently, wich I think is important for them to learn so that they will have no trouble in communication with our dutch relatives when we are in Australia.
:-D @ Wilbert:

Just a little note about the languages. Don't worry about it, you'd be surprised at how
easily kids pick up languages even if they don't use them right away.
I was brought up with a mix of two languages as well and it wasn't
a problem, on the contrary, I speak both of them intuitively, (one only almost)
as a native language and that fact made it easier for me to learn new languages.
And I wasn't even supposed to learn both. So even if you two talk Dutch
to each other only sometimes, I'm sure it's gonna be fine.
But it's up to you of course.

:-D @ Koen:

I caaaaaaaaaaaan't wait! I might have to drink some calming tea or so , for my nerves.  :evil: :-D
What does it actually mean to formalize a wedding? Do you have a second wedding?
Or is it just the final step?
I'd love to have a dog, too. If we can stay in Australia it's definitely pet time.

And yes, this topic was really a stroke of brilliance from Katrina, make sure to tell her that!  :up:

:-D @ Annemiek:

Ah, yes. I remember. You guys needed another year for the ACS.
Well, look at the bright side. At least when you're through wth the formalities
you'll have a full skilled independent visa, right?
We were trying to get accepted too, but we don't have the right kind of diploma
for the ACS. And honeslty I find the requirements exaggerated. It's the kind of
skill you'd need for an analyst programmer over here... :x .. OK,  :) I better stop,
or I'll be ranting on all night.

Hi Annemarie,

What does it mean to formalize the wedding: In our case it means 2 things,
  • 1. To make the appointment with the celebrant and make the final arrangements for the party we are having
  • 2. Getting married and enjoy our day on the beach and the party.

Katrina is very happy you all enjoy this topic, she is sorry that she hasn't much time to spent on the internet and thus the forum.

Ok, I'm off for my meds now, see us later.....  :up: