Hi Y'all,
Thank you again for all the reactions given, we really enjoy the sympathy.
Well what can I say, we had a bit of a rocky start, we went to Schiphol and ofcourse I packed to much stuff in Katrina's bag, so ofcourse there was this sh*t of a guy that had keep strictlye to the rules and charged us €240,-- for 5 kilo's extra.... :x
While in fact I had 7 kilo's to much and they (singapore Airlines) didn't charge me anything extra..... :-D
So then it was time to say our goodbyes, this is the part I alwys hate...!
It went pretty well until I had to say goodbye to my mum.... she started crying and well it was just heartbreaking to me... so I cryed with her and then ofcourse my sisters joined in as well.... :cry:
After that I just turned arround and we went through custums where Trina and myself had a last sigarette and went our own way to see eachother here in Melbourne again...
Once in Melbourne I had to go through custums and since I brought this servival knife I had to go through a special row.... 45 minutes later I found my way out where I waited with Katrina's mum and stephdad for Katrina to arrive....
I have to keep this one short and I will Update you as soon as possible more extensively.
Thanks again and see ya soon.
Greetz, Koen & Katrina