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I wrote and asked why there was no notice about what was now happening in regards to the proposed changes as a result of the election being called. I mean, you'd think the Minister and DIAC would want to keep people informed.
Apparently not.
For some, this will be good news as the existing State lists should continue unless notofied otherwise (George?). For others, you might need to wait until early next year if the Government changes as these changes will be reviewed again. if Labour get back in, it should be this year.
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your email of 21 July 2010 to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, concerning changes to the Skilled Migration Program, including the implementation of State and Territory Migration Plans. Your email has been referred to me for reply.
As you are aware, on 8 February 2010, the Minister announced the development of individual State and Territory Migration Plans to allow jurisdictions to prioritise skilled migrants of their own choosing. This recognises that each state and territory has different skills requirements. The Department is currently working with state and territory governments to develop the Plans, which will be subject to Ministerial approval prior to implementation.
On 17 July 2010, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Julia Gillard MP, announced that a federal election would be conducted on 21 August 2010, and as such, the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role. Under caretaker guidelines, it is convention for the government to avoid making major policy decisions that are likely to commit an incoming government. Implementation of State and Territory Migration Plans, therefore, will be a matter for the incoming government to consider at a time after the election.
Similarly, other proposed changes to the Skilled Migration Program will be a matter for the incoming government. This would include the possible implementation of any outcomes from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's review of the General Skilled Migration Points Test.
Thank you for writing on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Peter Speldewinde Assistant Secretary Labour Market Branch
Regards, Jamie Smith
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