Het licht is aan het doven en we voelen ons echt genaaid....
Van morgen een mail gehad van de werkgever van Kathleen en daaruit blijkt duidelijk dat het emigratiebureau vanalles fout gedaan heeft.
Ze doen ten opzichte van de werkgever alsof wij in gebreke blijven terwijl ze tov ons doen alsof de werkgever in gebreke blijft.
Wij zijn al sinds oktober 2012 vertrekkensklaar verdomme!!!
Nu de brokken lijmen, want het is duidelijk dat de werkgever erover denkt zich terug te trekken.
We zijn woedend!
Mail werkgever:
"Hi Kathleen,
My frustration with the continued delay of your arrival is immeasurable. I have waited for 12 months for you to be here and take up a position and today, 7/1/2013, I feel that we are not removed from our original position.
The guy from Australian Migration Services, Steve Allan Rungassamy, says he is waiting on information from you. Can you please enlighten me?
Are you approved by ACECQA as yet? If so, what status have they given you e.g. 4 year teacher trained degree Step 1. It is only when we know such information that I can actually determine your pay rate as per the award you will be working under.
I need to know exactly when you will be here now. I am placing staff for the start of our new pre-school year which commences from the start of February. I cannot afford to have our parents, staff and children mucked around any longer. Please give me something to work with.
The ongoing hold ups seem really ridiculous. This should have been a pretty straight forward exercise as the needs and processes of our industry are pretty clearly defined and visible as are wages and conditions.
I am anxiously awaiting some sort of positive action and confirmation from your end. Out of time."
Onze reactie (TIA is ons bureau met medewerkers Mathew (baas), Steve en Tracy en Jenny (baas) en Sylvia (secretaresse) de werkgevers en ACECQA de instantie die het diploma van Kathleen moet valideren):
Hello Jenny,
I have no idea what went wrong in the communication.
From the moment we knew that you were waiting for me to arrive (our first contact was the end of June 2012), we did nothing than push through, we immediately sold our house, and sold almost all our stuff (we're living in a small one-bedroom studio now), Jordy left his job already in August 2012 to prepare, we packed our things, we were medically tested and the results were send to DIAC in August 2012 , our son Seppe started English lessons,...
I want to point out that we were/are ready to leave.
Then Sylvia told me about ACECQA in October 2012 after 4 months in the procedure, we had no idea something like that existed and how could we? But I immediately took my responsibility to find out what was needed and to provide that as soon as I could. No one of TIA knew of ACECQA and they couldn't give me proper information, so I had to figure it out all by myself (TIA had no idea either that ACECQA was needed for my position and when we said that they should have told us in June they said that the responsibility was totally for us and the employer, which we didn't really agree with)
We knew this extra step was going to take up extra time and I communicated that with Sylvia.
Mathew from TIA even suggested a way to let the procedure of ACECQA and the visa run together so that we wouldn't lose time, because he also thought that the assesment of ACECQA was only a formality and we could take care of of that later. He was then told by the you to get the assesment of ACECQA first.
Also we have mailed back and forth with Sylvia a lot to express our desire to arrive very soon (surely she must be able to confirm that), in June we expected to be in Australia by October 2012.
We also wanted to be there long before February because we know that school starts and for our sons best interest he could start his first grade at the right age, we often called Tracy Cook from TIA to express our concern because of the delay and she mostly put responsibility on your side which we didn't really believe but that's how she told us. We can't even argue with Tracy Cook now because she took time of from work for personal reasons....
I also had the email from Steve with "all the things TIA still needed" from us. Well, from that list we already sent everything besides the ACECQA assessment to Tracy Cook ages ago and now Steve has taken over this case and apparently Tracy didn't provide him with all these things. The first thing TIA ever asked of me obviously was my CV and now they ask it again? (Another example, now they ask a military certificate of Jordy, this was the very first time they mentionned that and there isn't even a compulsary military duty in Belgium since 1995).
We just called TIA because we are very concerned now but like to point out that we want the very same thing as you Jenny, we want to be there asap and as stated before we were ready in October 2012 to leave Belgium.
Somebody of TIA is going to contact you asap and after that I would like a personal conversation with you by phone or Skype.
Because believe me it was very upsetting this morning to read that you hold me responsible for this delay and I would like to tell you again in person how things happened because I have the impression we are both on the same page and we both wanted me to arrive in Australia much sooner!
I have also a lot of emails to TIA that I have no problem with showing you, these emails prove how many times we urged them for a fast procedure.
We often got a reply that they were still waiting for documents of The Lighthouse, apparently you are/were told the same about us.
Once again, we always provided everything extremely fast to TIA and the only thing that we are still dealing with is the ACECQA assessment and even that we are doing as fast as possible but we don't have a hand in that.
If we had known about ACECQA from the start this would have been taken care of immediately.
I really want to talk to you soon and straighten things out because I always was and I'm still very keen to work for you and I understand your frustration because I share it.
Kind regards,
Kathleen, Jordy and Seppe."
Om ziek van te worden. Ik veronderstel dat het weinig zin heeft om een proces aan te spannen tegen ons bureau als alles helemaal misloopt?