For everyone who feels like speaking English....

live for a while now *g*, but I still ain't used to it

Hey FOL, am happy to hear that you are living for a while now, am just sorry that you are not used to living yet... :rotflmao: :loldevil:

I guessed that you were talking about the weather but it just doesn't get there... No worries.... :wink:

I'm happy to hear there are more people with the same opinion regarding Valentine as me...  :up:

The weather this winter isn't to bad, I know we have had worse, I know I hate the rain when I'm living here but I guess I will start to miss it when we live in Oz, because sometimes it doesn't rain at all... :|

A well we'll see when we're there.  :up:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg49215#msg49215 date=1140601365]
live for a while now *g*, but I still ain't used to it

Hey FOL, am happy to hear that you are living for a while now, am just sorry that you are not used to living yet... :rotflmao: :loldevil:

:-D  :-D

Damn, I'll reread everything twice after that error.  :lol:

reread once: check
reread twice: check
hello scutch

nah there are alot of people that watch Neighbours!!!
i watch them  and lots of other ppl do to

if you like the show then watch it ( in Australia there is a show called home and away and thats much better then Neighbours)

:up: :up:
i like that in Koen eyes it is Valentines day everyday .  thats much btter then having such a day once a year :-D :-D
@Sheila:  I'm glad to have found another Neighbours fan!  When I was in the UK they had Home & Away on ITV but of course no ITV here. 

And lucky you having found such a romantic guy as Koen!  Much, much better having a guy who makes the effort not just on one day of the year!

What's it like in the rest of the Netherlands today?  I'm sitting in my office in Leeuwarden and the snow is falling slightly outside, very pretty!
It is funny isn't it, only 300 km south the sun is shining, no snow in sight, but it is pretty cold though, only 2 degrees.  :up:

Here @ Haarlem it's just grey, as always. About 4 degrees centigrade. Upon arrival here I saw a bit of recently fallen snow, but that's gone now.

I hear a bit of disappointment here... [quote author=Scutch link=topic=2886.msg49350#msg49350 date=1140685191]Much, much better having a guy who makes the effort not just on one day of the year! [/quote] but hey, you can't expect every guy around here to be as hopelessly romantic as Koengaroo!!
but hey, you can't expect every guy around here to be as hopelessly romantic as Koengaroo!!

The good thing is that Sheila says I think it is valentines day every day, unfortunately this is not what I said and explained before.... :evil: I said : it can be any day of the year, not by definition the 14th of feb.

So basicaly :
And lucky you having found such a romantic guy as Koen!  Much, much better having a guy who makes the effort (not) to just on one day of the year!

She is not better of than any other girl.... I stick to the mans type.... So Landmiles... sorry mate... I'm just like you....  :evil: ... even I am not as hopelessly romantic as Koengaroo.... :rotflmao:

See ya
Today was a amazing day, for one it was very nice outsite, not to cold + the sun was shining  :up:

But the amazing part was that when I got outsite this morning (06:15 AM) I heard the birds singing.... it made me so happy because that means that the spring is comming again  :-D

Even tonight when I was driving home I noticed that it wasn't dark yet at 18:00 pm, which is pretty good for februari... :up:

Well thats all I had to say,

See y'all later.
You're right it was a great day!  I had the day off and met some friends this afternoon in Oranjewoud (by Heerenveen) and we went for a walk in the woods, a very slow walk due to small children, but everyone was so happy, the children smiling, sun shining...............spring is definitely in the air!
Yep, I guess from now on there will be more  :-D happy faces instead of grumpy ones... Yeahhh I love spring... :up:
Today is a beautiful day as well, but be prepared for some winterdays in the next week/2 weeks :( snow, freezing cold and mucho raino
Well what can I say, It's typical dutch weather, a couple of days nice and then..... :cloud: :freezing: :depressed: when it rains it poors.... :cry:

But guess what... this will only last till may and then we are out of this climate..... :-D :up:

Hi Koen,

Just came back from sunny Florida  :-D :-D, soaked up some sun (25/28 degrees) :beach: :sunny:, have a bad time getting used to this weather  :freezing: again. But, you will only have to wait untill May before you can get the REAL sunshine Down Under, so ...........keep it up......stay focused......and you'll get there soon.... :up: :up:

Miran  :)
Yes, Koen you are the lucky one, escaping in a few months! 

Spoke to my brother in Perth yesterday, it was 37 degrees  :happysun: there, bit hot though. 

Let's wish for a really nice summer here this year!  :up:
It is 38 degrees in Alice today .... I'm looking outside now and it is snowing here! I'm longing for the summer again ....

@Tum, Good to hear you're back, I really hope you enjoyed your stay in the US  :-D
I can understand it was a bit of a shock comming back to this weather :|

@Scutch, Well what can I say.... yes I'm one of the lucky ones going in may, but may I remind you that we arrive in autum almost winter in Oz, still that is better then over here, but I'm really looking forward to November/December... let the sunshine come upon us and rejoyce the fact summer/spring is there again... :-D :up:

@Sara, mmm.... 38 degrees, I'm dreaming with you girl.... I just hope you get used to that kind of heat pretty quick... otherwise you'll have to move to cooler area's... :rotflmao:

Koen, sorry I don't really feel much sympathy for you arriving in winter over there!  :roll: Like you say it'll be better than being here!

Don't you think you'd miss the snow and ice?  I can't help thinking it'll be a shame that my little girl will not get to experience building snowmen and throwing snowballs.  But you can ski in Australia in the mountains between Melbourne & Sydney right?  So we'll just have to go on a trip to the mountains.
But you can ski in Australia in the mountains between Melbourne & Sydney right?

Yes, the Snowy Mountains  :freezing: , so if you want to give your little girl (how old is she?, couldn't find it that quick) this experience you just go up there. Although I have no idea what prices are over there in wintertime. I saw they have a thing they call in Germany a 'rodelbahn???' for fun and it was a lovely scenery over there. The way the town was built reminded me a bit of Austria.

And yes we enjoyed ourselves in Florida, going to Magic Kingdom, Seaworld  :fish: (great shows/worth the money), Gatorland (Joe did some rookiewrestling with a 6/7 foot gator,....whose snout?? was ducktaped by the way, swimming/snorkling with manatees and a great airboatride down the swamps looking for more......gators. People were friendly  :hi: and the weather was great.

But back to normal...almost...because we don't have to go to work this week. Next week, the REAL LIFE will start again :-o :-o

Take care,

Miranda  :)
Hi Miranda,

Thanks for the info on the Snowy Mountains  :up:  Our little girl is 10 months old (today), so she's not quite up to building snowmen yet!  I hope next winter there will be snow here so we can at least have some fun in the snow before we leave for Oz.

Your holiday sounded great, Joe must have been so excited seeing the alligators!

Good  luck acclimatising back here.  I remember coming back from Sydney in December a few years ago, it's such a shock to the system!